Time to Whack North Korea With Military Intervention

We will all perish miserably if let people like airplanemechanic and Bush92's type thinking dominant government.
Disagreed. OTOH, I readily agree we should work smarter, not harder. In the case of the DPRK, there are better ways of handling the situation than a nuclear first strike, but we also need to convince the Chinese to shit or get off the pot.
Sure. Will you?
Why serve alongside brain dead conservative red state Amerika!!!!!! Why waste your life for 19th Century Red State Amerika?????
So we can go after your little Third World Shithole next?
Red State Amerika is a 3rd World Shit Hole.
You jes' keep smokin' dat ganja, Rastaman. ;)
The real Rastaman. Middle aged white guy that smokes medical marijania.

Why does Red State Amerika have a death wish????
"He hasn't demonstrated that he could even hit Japan!

His missiles would likely kill more fish than people, and that just because of the impact of the wreckage.!"

Well if that's the case, then there's no need for all the talk about America bombing North Korea then is there? If that's the case North Korea is of no actual threat to America.

Which brings me back to my original point in this thread, let China deal with Kim Jong-Un and North Korea, China is right on the border, North Korea cannot survive domestically without China, so China cracks the whip, they have already banned coal imports from North Korea and also put a ban on air flights from Beijing to Pyongyang.

If anything America needs to work in a diplomatic capacity with President Xi Jinping to reach a non-military intervention solution to the North Korea problem.
Lucy gets it. Admiral does not, bush92 does not, I bet westwall does not.

Let the Chinese remove or kill him for us. They do not want 25mm NKs sprinting over the Yalu in case of war.
The Chinese are not going to do shit with this asshole. Just another game of words and no action.
Only someone who does not understand the relationship of China and NK would write what you just did, Bush92.
I understand completly. Nothing every gets done to stop North Korea.
North Korea's Military-Diplomatic Campaigns, 1966-2008
You Red neck Hill Billies had better leave North Korea alone......you bunch of dumb fucks!!!!

Go away you low IQ idiot, you have contributed nothing to this thread only deranged babbling and bigotry.
The United States needs to hit Great Roly Poly leader with missle strikes and take out his nukes. I'm sick of being held hostage by "Daddy's Little Fatty."
North Korea: 'Super-mighty pre-emptive strike' will reduce US to ashes
Awesome! I've been looking forward to WWIII since the 1960s. I really miss those "Duck and Cover" days!

Farnham's Freehold, here we come!!!
So you want to wait until Portland has a mushroom cloud over it. This no time for chickenshit foreign policy.
Really? That's all you've got?
Red States for the most part are a 3rd World Shithole.
Fly over for a very good reason.
....annnnnnd now y'all now should understand why no one in those "fly over" states trusts Democrats and why, as long as you keep shitting on and hating your fellow Americans, they'll continue to vote against you.

The United States needs to hit Great Roly Poly leader with missle strikes and take out his nukes. I'm sick of being held hostage by "Daddy's Little Fatty."
North Korea: 'Super-mighty pre-emptive strike' will reduce US to ashes

So, when do you sign up to go?
Real easy to send others to war for no reason, isn't it.

No, its not time to start a nuclear war but its very likely that no-balls drumpf will do it.

While he plays golf.
Trump has already shown more guts on foreign policy then Obama did in 8 years.
"shown more guts"....is that what you call it?
The Chinese are not going to do shit with this asshole. Just another game of words and no action.
Only someone who does not understand the relationship of China and NK would write what you just did, Bush92.
I understand completly. Nothing every gets done to stop North Korea.
North Korea's Military-Diplomatic Campaigns, 1966-2008
You Red neck Hill Billies had better leave North Korea alone......you bunch of dumb fucks!!!!

Go away you low IQ idiot, you have contributed nothing to this thread only deranged babbling and bigotry.
All you and your ilk have contributed is Red State Trumpeteer Propaganda. Besides Trump got elected because biggots from Red States voted for him.
Hey middle aged white guy, when you get done smoking your medical refer see if your unemployed ass can go to the beach and pound sand up your anus. You can even pretend it's like your old surfer days dude.

So we can go after your little Third World Shithole next?

Trump is going to invade Compton? :eek:
Wouldn't hurt!
These folks are hurtin!
Those are blue counties. Mostly Black.
Red state whites constantly vote against their own best interest!!!!
Not at all. Employment is great in my community.
Red State Amerika is a 3rd World Shit Hole.
You jes' keep smokin' dat ganja, Rastaman. ;)
What's wrong you mad?
Not at all. Why? Was I wrong? Are you smoking crack not ganja? Even the fucking Russians know the United States is a First World power, not a Third World Shithole that needs foreign subsidies to avoid collapse.
Red States for the most part are a 3rd World Shithole.
Fly over for a very good reason.
Because you are condescending, narcisistic liberals. That's why you keep losing elections.
the Pueblo is still there. make a great target

Target all the critical command and control centers in the country. North Korean military cannot think for themselves. Must be told what to do.
The United States needs to hit Great Roly Poly leader with missle strikes and take out his nukes. I'm sick of being held hostage by "Daddy's Little Fatty."
North Korea: 'Super-mighty pre-emptive strike' will reduce US to ashes
Awesome! I've been looking forward to WWIII since the 1960s. I really miss those "Duck and Cover" days!

Farnham's Freehold, here we come!!!
So you want to wait until Portland has a mushroom cloud over it. This no time for chickenshit foreign policy.

Why do I feel like I just woke up in 1956 and we have to practice hiding under our desks when the nuclear blast hits?

Even as a kid, I knew if the nuclear blast hit, hiding under my school desk would do shit in protecting me.

The number of delusional idiots here who think that someone like Kim Jong Un will ever have rockets capable of hitting the US, is mind boggling.

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