Time to Whack North Korea With Military Intervention

...I'm not a crybaby snowflake so I don't March in street and whine.
Yet isn't that exactly what you are doing on this thread? Isn't that what you are doing whenever someone disagrees with you or doesn't agree 100% with you?
...I'm not a crybaby snowflake so I don't March in street and whine.
Yet isn't that exactly what you are doing on this thread? Isn't that what you are doing whenever someone disagrees with you or doesn't agree 100% with you?
Nope. Defending my position.
That's what the snowflake whiners keep saying! ;)

As for the DPRK, the problem isn't them as much as it is the Kim regime. Our needs would be better served if President Trump convinced the Chinese that it's better for them to take Kim out than for us to do it. That was President Trump's main election platform wasn't it? Getting things done through negotiation? The art of the deal?
...I'm not a crybaby snowflake so I don't March in street and whine.
Yet isn't that exactly what you are doing on this thread? Isn't that what you are doing whenever someone disagrees with you or doesn't agree 100% with you?
Meh.....Protest Putin's Puppet for the next 4 years!!!! Trump is the Red State Dictator Republican't.
Smoke more dope and post even more goofy comments. Then pick the lint out of your bed head dreds.
...I'm not a crybaby snowflake so I don't March in street and whine.
Yet isn't that exactly what you are doing on this thread? Isn't that what you are doing whenever someone disagrees with you or doesn't agree 100% with you?
Meh.....Protest Putin's Puppet for the next 4 years!!!! Trump is the Red State Dictator Republican't.
Nice lie. Small wonder few Americans trust Democrats; too many fucking liars pushing the DNC agenda.
The United States needs to hit Great Roly Poly leader with missle strikes and take out his nukes. I'm sick of being held hostage by "Daddy's Little Fatty."
North Korea: 'Super-mighty pre-emptive strike' will reduce US to ashes
Very cool....you are volunteering for the front lines on the DMZ, right?
Sure. Will you?
Didn't you post how you've already done your time and are too old?
I already have...and I'm too old. But we have a nation to defend. Tough calls must be made.
Response first...none, it's too fucking stupid. Response to second...I have already served in combat as an infantry Marine. I have done my part. Third...I'm not a crybaby snowflake so I don't March in street and whine.
The United States needs to hit Great Roly Poly leader with missle strikes and take out his nukes. I'm sick of being held hostage by "Daddy's Little Fatty."
North Korea: 'Super-mighty pre-emptive strike' will reduce US to ashes
Very cool....you are volunteering for the front lines on the DMZ, right?
Sure. Will you?
Why serve alongside brain dead conservative red state Amerika!!!!!! Why waste your life for 19th Century Red State Amerika?????
So we can go after your little Third World Shithole next?
...I'm not a crybaby snowflake so I don't March in street and whine.
Yet isn't that exactly what you are doing on this thread? Isn't that what you are doing whenever someone disagrees with you or doesn't agree 100% with you?
Meh.....Protest Putin's Puppet for the next 4 years!!!! Trump is the Red State Dictator Republican't.
Nice lie. Small wonder few Americans trust Democrats; too many fucking liars pushing the DNC agenda.
Wait until the Trump caused military coffins begin to come home!
Which is why Bush92 is recommending a nuke. As for your country, we could take it with a Boy Scout Troop and pocket knives.
The United States needs to hit Great Roly Poly leader with missle strikes and take out his nukes. I'm sick of being held hostage by "Daddy's Little Fatty."
North Korea: 'Super-mighty pre-emptive strike' will reduce US to ashes
Very cool....you are volunteering for the front lines on the DMZ, right?
Sure. Will you?
Didn't you post how you've already done your time and are too old?
I already have...and I'm too old. But we have a nation to defend. Tough calls must be made.
Response first...none, it's too fucking stupid. Response to second...I have already served in combat as an infantry Marine. I have done my part. Third...I'm not a crybaby snowflake so I don't March in street and whine.
Oh well you should be cheerleading for more Red State conservative boys and girls to step up and do thier part by giving lives for Trump's wars of choice.
Most are. Very few liberals volunteer to serve their country except in politics. I think it's because they are spineless cowards.
The United States needs to hit Great Roly Poly leader with missle strikes and take out his nukes. I'm sick of being held hostage by "Daddy's Little Fatty."
North Korea: 'Super-mighty pre-emptive strike' will reduce US to ashes
Very cool....you are volunteering for the front lines on the DMZ, right?
Sure. Will you?
Why serve alongside brain dead conservative red state Amerika!!!!!! Why waste your life for 19th Century Red State Amerika?????
Nasta dred mon needs to smoke more ganja and become mah delusional.
The United States needs to hit Great Roly Poly leader with missle strikes and take out his nukes. I'm sick of being held hostage by "Daddy's Little Fatty."
North Korea: 'Super-mighty pre-emptive strike' will reduce US to ashes
Very cool....you are volunteering for the front lines on the DMZ, right?
Sure. Will you?
Why serve alongside brain dead conservative red state Amerika!!!!!! Why waste your life for 19th Century Red State Amerika?????
So we can go after your little Third World Shithole next?
Red State Amerika is a 3rd World Shit Hole.
You jes' keep smokin' dat ganja, Rastaman. ;)
The United States needs to hit Great Roly Poly leader with missle strikes and take out his nukes. I'm sick of being held hostage by "Daddy's Little Fatty."
North Korea: 'Super-mighty pre-emptive strike' will reduce US to ashes
Very cool....you are volunteering for the front lines on the DMZ, right?
Sure. Will you?
Why serve alongside brain dead conservative red state Amerika!!!!!! Why waste your life for 19th Century Red State Amerika?????
So we can go after your little Third World Shithole next?
Red State Amerika is a 3rd World Shit Hole.
Don't you want to be a Buffalo Soldja?
Oh well you should be cheerleading for more Red State conservative boys and girls to step up and do thier part by giving lives for Trump's wars of choice.

Nah, we need to stay here to keep you violent Nazicrats in check.


You Brownshirt thugs are the biggest danger to America.
Very cool....you are volunteering for the front lines on the DMZ, right?
Sure. Will you?
Why serve alongside brain dead conservative red state Amerika!!!!!! Why waste your life for 19th Century Red State Amerika?????
So we can go after your little Third World Shithole next?
Red State Amerika is a 3rd World Shit Hole.
You jes' keep smokin' dat ganja, Rastaman. ;)
In his parents basement.
Very cool....you are volunteering for the front lines on the DMZ, right?
Sure. Will you?
Why serve alongside brain dead conservative red state Amerika!!!!!! Why waste your life for 19th Century Red State Amerika?????
So we can go after your little Third World Shithole next?
Red State Amerika is a 3rd World Shit Hole.
You jes' keep smokin' dat ganja, Rastaman. ;)
The real Rastaman. Middle aged white guy that smokes medical marijania.

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