TIMELINE: The Trump Administration's Decisive Actions To Combat the Coronavirus Pandemic


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Let's see if Trump haters will finally realize he and his administration has been active from the start.

PJ Media

TIMELINE: The Trump Administration's Decisive Actions To Combat the Coronavirus Pandemic

By Matt Margolis March 19, 2020


It’s hard to imagine that there would be such a concerted effort to undermine the public’s faith in the federal government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, but sadly, this is how things are now. The election is eight months away, and past attempts to doom Trump’s presidency have failed. Without a doubt, Democrats' allies in the media see the coronavirus pandemic as their newest chance to ensure his defeat in November.

The liberal media digs up various “experts” to trash him. Democrats, including presidential candidates, repeat lies about the Trump administration’s response, and you can’t go anywhere on social media without seeing liberal minions regurgitating disinformation or just by default trashing anything the administration does.

But, the truth of the Trump administration's response is far different from the picture they’re trying to paint. When the World Health Organization was first alerted to the virus, Democrats were in the middle of their impeachment witch hunt, but Trump was taking action immediately to protect Americans. Most of these actions probably went unnoticed because of the media's and Democrats' obsession with impeachment. The Trump campaign posted a timeline of events relating to the coronavirus that shows definitively how the Trump administration has been taking charge of the situation from the earliest days through the present, which I will post below:

December 31: China reports the discovery of the coronavirus to the World Health Organization.

January 6: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a travel notice for Wuhan, China due to the spreading coronavirus.

January 7: The CDC established a coronavirus incident management system to better share and respond to information about the virus.

January 11: The CDC issued a Level I travel health notice for Wuhan, China.

January 17: The CDC began implementing public health entry screening at the 3 U.S. airports that received the most travelers from Wuhan – San Francisco, New York JFK, and Los Angeles.

January 20: Dr. Fauci announces the National Institutes of Health is already working on the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus.

January 21: The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to the coronavirus response.

Lot more in the LINK

The CDC has been active since January 6, 2020, while the democrats were deep into their idiotic impeachment drive.
Keep in mind Pres. Trump was tied up dealing with a fake impeachment much of that time.

The filthy marxist Dim shitstains have a lot of Wuhan death on their hands... as if they're not proud of it....

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