Tinkerbell is Furious

Republicans do not care if Kavenaugh is a rapist or not

As long as they get another conservative appointed to the bench
Democrats don't care either.
The facts show he is not.
Democrats found him guilty before hearing a single minute of testimony.
Some of them know he isn't guilty, but Democrats have checked their conscience at the door.
No one has ever gone so far as to accuse Kavanaugh of rape.
Fools on the left have.
ANYONE that thinks Kavenaugh is the best we have for a SCOTUS seat is a raging ignorant redneck! I can't believe anyone in the moral right, GOP, would really take a stance on anything if they aren't willing to even have the FBI investigate it. As old as Chuck Grassley is, I really hope he has prepared is righteous soul to spend eternity in hell!!! I'm sure he has been sucking satan's tit for some time!!!

He's mad because Republicans are having a hard time getting their angry rapist confirmed on the Supreme Court. Says Republicans will make the process harder on Democrats when they have control of Congress. Does he mean like they already did with Merrick Garland?

BTW, why do Republicans hate women so much?

Tinkerbell kicked some demoquacks ass. But who couldn't?
ANYONE that thinks Kavenaugh is the best we have for a SCOTUS seat is a raging ignorant redneck! I can't believe anyone in the moral right, GOP, would really take a stance on anything if they aren't willing to even have the FBI investigate it. As old as Chuck Grassley is, I really hope he has prepared is righteous soul to spend eternity in hell!!! I'm sure he has been sucking satan's tit for some time!!!

Lol whats to investigate? She cant remember shit
ANYONE that thinks Kavenaugh is the best we have for a SCOTUS seat is a raging ignorant redneck! I can't believe anyone in the moral right, GOP, would really take a stance on anything if they aren't willing to even have the FBI investigate it. As old as Chuck Grassley is, I really hope he has prepared is righteous soul to spend eternity in hell!!! I'm sure he has been sucking satan's tit for some time!!!

Oh and just what would you have the FBI investigate?

BK has been investigated by them six times.

You surely don't think they will investigate a supposed crime that's 30+ years old??

No witnesses. No proof. No DA in the land would take this on as a case.

But you go ahead with your pie in the sky thoughts.

There is ALWAYS evidence to investigate. There are several witness and at least 3 accusers, I hope you are at least pretending to pay attention to the evidence. Sounds like a piss poor, lazy DA that wouldn't be interested in the evidence, wait, that may very well explain our legal system, BROKEN!!! No pie in the sky just a basic premise that we live in a decent country, where "professionals" use to do their jobs in stead of making excuses. If there is no evidence, then that will come out. Great to see the political fabric of the "greatest" country in the world. Lazy, no integrity ignorant whores, sycophant to the rich and wanna be!! I really hope all their moral convictions protects them in the afterlife!! WWJD?
There is ALWAYS evidence to investigate. There are several witness and at least 3 accusers, I hope you are at least pretending to pay attention to the evidence. Sounds like a piss poor, lazy DA that wouldn't be interested in the evidence, wait, that may very well explain our legal system, BROKEN!!! No pie in the sky just a basic premise that we live in a decent country, where "professionals" use to do their jobs in stead of making excuses. If there is no evidence, then that will come out. Great to see the political fabric of the "greatest" country in the world. Lazy, no integrity ignorant whores, sycophant to the rich and wanna be!! I really hope all their moral convictions protects them in the afterlife!! WWJD?

Well where were those witnesses yesterday?? They should have been there to testify.

Two of Fords friends she named as witnesses have already said they weren't there.

Judge has already said he was so drunk he doesn't remember anything.

No witnesses. No proof. He said. She said.
Sounds like all of yesterday was choreographed but by the congressional idiots!! Kind of like saying why can't a president get anything done, when congress is all the other party? As for me, fed up with the entire lot of miscreants, liars and corporate whores. Fed up with 535 lazy, greedy corporate stooges. This system is officially broken!!

He's mad because Republicans are having a hard time getting their angry rapist confirmed on the Supreme Court. Says Republicans will make the process harder on Democrats when they have control of Congress. Does he mean like they already did with Merrick Garland?

BTW, why do Republicans hate women so much?

Although I am not a republican I don't think they do. I do think that they hate women is your opinion and opinions are like assholes everyone has one and they all stink.
By the way provide the date of trial and conviction of rape for Mr. Kavanaugh or
be caught out as the lying fool you are.

You have to be really stupid to not realize Kavanaugh is a rapist. I can tell just by looking at him. And the way he acted yesterday, as if he was the victim.
You can tell by just looking at him? And what "tells" did he transmit that prove he's a rapist? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Republicans do not care if Kavenaugh is a rapist or not

As long as they get another conservative appointed to the bench
Provide credible date of conviction and sentence for rape for Mr. Kavanaugh.
Oh you're just "blowing off at the kisser again" because you can't? Your opinions
really are like assholes because they all stink,
Let me ask you something......what investigator of such allegations REFUSE to hear from stated witnesses?
I suppose their sworn statements are insufficient?
I think it is funny how these goofy fuck tards, really believe this is a conservative versus a liberal argument. This is pure and simple, money "trumps" all! Pardon the pun!! This has nothing to do with integrity or honesty or being a decent human!! The other funny thing is all these same assholes think they are somehow protected from the universe, because they play christian!! These ass clowns, may fuck over the planet and the poor, but they will indeed spend the rest of their afterlife burning in hell!!
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I think it is funny how these goofy fuck tards, really believe this is a conservative versus a liberal argument. This is pure and simple, money "trumps" all! Pardon the pun!! This has nothing to do with integrity or honesty or being a decent human!! The other funny thing is all these same assholes think they are somehow protected from the universe, because these play christian!! These ass clowns, may fuck over the planet and the poor, but they will indeed spend the rest of their afterlife burning in hell!!

There is an afterlife? You got proof?

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