Tired of hearing about Trump's tax returns?...Just wait...

The call by The Left for this is just the next strategy they switched to once their Russian Collusion Lie was exposed.

Let's see Hillary Clinton's 33,000 emails.

Release the FBI tapes of Clinton's confessions, and her staff's "interviews".

Let's see Lois Lerner's emails.

Let's see Eric Holder's emails.

In the interest of National Security, and because of the Violent Nature of The Left's "Overthrow Democracy" Subversive Movement, The President should not release his tax returns.

It would just make his assets a target for Leftist Terrorists.
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If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college.

As it has been handed to all presidents.
No, some presidents actually win the hearts of the people as well.

Who cares? The states elect the president. That's just how it is. So, he won enough hearts.
republicans have hearts? Is there evidence of such an outrageous claim??
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

yet another failed talking point.

Trump won the contest he was in. No debate on the subject whatsoever.
but not by winning the people. No mandate. He should be walking on eggshells.

yet another worn out soundbyte. No president has a 'mandate' in a country this divided. this is only something they trumpet to justify ramrodding policy.

What he does have, however, is both houses of congress and the supreme court. I'll take that reality over some fictitious 'mandate' any day of the week.
"reality" won't get his agenda passed. Seems as though he's struggling even though he has both houses. How can one be so inefficient?
The right has been sobbing about obamacare for a decade, he ran on repeal and replace, he has both houses... and he still can't manage? It was handed to him on a silver platter with a bow on it.......

preventing hillary from continuing on the liberal path started on by Obama and turning the supreme court conservative for a generation are massive blows to the left and that was accomplished on Nov 8. and that's reality too.

elections have consequences and all that jazz.
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

yet another failed talking point.

Trump won the contest he was in. No debate on the subject whatsoever.
but not by winning the people. No mandate. He should be walking on eggshells.

yet another worn out soundbyte. No president has a 'mandate' in a country this divided. this is only something they trumpet to justify ramrodding policy.

What he does have, however, is both houses of congress and the supreme court. I'll take that reality over some fictitious 'mandate' any day of the week.
"reality" won't get his agenda passed. Seems as though he's struggling even though he has both houses. How can one be so inefficient?
The right has been sobbing about obamacare for a decade, he ran on repeal and replace, he has both houses... and he still can't manage? It was handed to him on a silver platter with a bow on it.......

preventing hillary from continuing on the liberal path started on by Obama and turning the supreme court conservative for a generation are massive blows to the left and that was accomplished on Nov 8. and that's reality too.

elections have consequences and all that jazz.
blows in which donnie was just a pawn.
yet another failed talking point.

Trump won the contest he was in. No debate on the subject whatsoever.
but not by winning the people. No mandate. He should be walking on eggshells.

yet another worn out soundbyte. No president has a 'mandate' in a country this divided. this is only something they trumpet to justify ramrodding policy.

What he does have, however, is both houses of congress and the supreme court. I'll take that reality over some fictitious 'mandate' any day of the week.
"reality" won't get his agenda passed. Seems as though he's struggling even though he has both houses. How can one be so inefficient?
The right has been sobbing about obamacare for a decade, he ran on repeal and replace, he has both houses... and he still can't manage? It was handed to him on a silver platter with a bow on it.......

preventing hillary from continuing on the liberal path started on by Obama and turning the supreme court conservative for a generation are massive blows to the left and that was accomplished on Nov 8. and that's reality too.

elections have consequences and all that jazz.
blows in which donnie was just a pawn.

which changes nothing. the people voted. Trump won. His taxes weren't an issue then and they won't be going forward.

but not by winning the people. No mandate. He should be walking on eggshells.

yet another worn out soundbyte. No president has a 'mandate' in a country this divided. this is only something they trumpet to justify ramrodding policy.

What he does have, however, is both houses of congress and the supreme court. I'll take that reality over some fictitious 'mandate' any day of the week.
"reality" won't get his agenda passed. Seems as though he's struggling even though he has both houses. How can one be so inefficient?
The right has been sobbing about obamacare for a decade, he ran on repeal and replace, he has both houses... and he still can't manage? It was handed to him on a silver platter with a bow on it.......

preventing hillary from continuing on the liberal path started on by Obama and turning the supreme court conservative for a generation are massive blows to the left and that was accomplished on Nov 8. and that's reality too.

elections have consequences and all that jazz.
blows in which donnie was just a pawn.

which changes nothing. the people voted. Trump won. His taxes weren't an issue then and they won't be going forward.


I bet a dollar to a donut that the bulk of these nitwits whining about Trump and taxes don't pay a nickel in taxes.
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....

I'd agree IF the tax returns' issue were the ONLY one of the orange charlatan's flip-flops....but, this is NOT the only one, is it?
I bet a dollar to a donut that the bulk of these nitwits whining about Trump and taxes don't pay a nickel in taxes.

Moronic (as expected) retort...you'd be losing a lot of doughnuts given that half brain of yours.
Yes, it is highly unlikely that the Trumpster will ever release his tax returns and, ultimately, that will be a "good" thing....but not for the Trump acolytes.

Never mind that those "loyal" advisers in the WH like to bullshit us in stating over and over again, "promises made, promises kept" by the orange clown...somewhere along the memory trail, even Trump backers remember what he said about releasing those damning tax returns.

However, Trump's stubborn stance on those returns tell us TWO important facts:

First, the charlatan may well know that he will NOT run in 2020, given his record of lies and false promises, and

Second, that his proposed tax "reform" plan stands little chance of ever becoming a reality backed by even his own right-leaning congress since all indications of such tax reform policies seem to back the reality that these reforms will benefit the very rich.....like him.

It will inevitably be his undoing. If he had released the returns he would not have been elected, that's why he didn't. Simple logic. But the blowback will be that it will snowball into the emoluments clause, which he has already violated. Enough for Pence, the Dems and a dozen Republicans to remove Trump via the 25th Amendment. You DID see how presidential Pence is posturing in South Korea? He really knows how to grab a camera angle and his overly polished, calm demeanor is intentional.

He knows Trump is a liar and he also knows Gallup ain't lyin':
Majority in US No Longer Thinks Trump Keeps His Promises
Why are folks so obsessed with the dude's taxes? Is it really that important? Personally, i don't care at all about how much taxes he did or didn't pay. That's his business. I don't obsess over others' personal finances. I'm only concerned about him getting tax cuts done for the People. Hopefully, he'll be successful on that.

Are you at all interested to learn IF Trump has huge loans from overseas' banks? Yes or No?

Are you at all interested to learn IF trump's tax reform proposals would mean his abolishing the tax loop holes that have made him avoid much of his own tax burden? Yes or No?
but not by winning the people. No mandate. He should be walking on eggshells.

Given trump's heft, those eggshells don't stand a chance....LOL

I never knew he was so damn fat. He has a good custom tailor when he's not on the golf course. I wonder how many women find that ass attractive? No, I mean his ASS.
Why are folks so obsessed with the dude's taxes? Is it really that important? Personally, i don't care at all about how much taxes he did or didn't pay. That's his business. I don't obsess over others' personal finances. I'm only concerned about him getting tax cuts done for the People. Hopefully, he'll be successful on that.

Are you at all interested to learn IF Trump has huge loans from overseas' banks? Yes or No?

Are you at all interested to learn IF trump's tax reform proposals would mean his abolishing the tax loop holes that have made him avoid much of his own tax burden? Yes or No?

You won't get a straight answer. A friend of mine who was an atty for the IRS said his returns would answer those questions exactly.
Unfortunately that isn't how it works, never has been. Every single POTUS in U.S. history has been elected by the EC.

Fact. Check it out!!

You want something to check out?

Take a look at how many presidents have won the EC and NOT have won the popular vote......That should sober you up.
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....

These petulant snowflakes make the mistake of believing average normal Americans are psychotic Trump haters just like them.
Why are folks so obsessed with the dude's taxes? Is it really that important? Personally, i don't care at all about how much taxes he did or didn't pay. That's his business. I don't obsess over others' personal finances. I'm only concerned about him getting tax cuts done for the People. Hopefully, he'll be successful on that.

Are you at all interested to learn IF Trump has huge loans from overseas' banks? Yes or No?

Are you at all interested to learn IF trump's tax reform proposals would mean his abolishing the tax loop holes that have made him avoid much of his own tax burden? Yes or No?

Not interested at all in the dude's taxes. Just like i'm not interested in yours. It's irrelevant. I just want him to do his job. That's all i'm interested in.

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