Tired of hearing about Trump's tax returns?...Just wait...

What would be hilarious, and may very well be true, that Trump is having fun with this. Putting it off while the left foam at the mouth...and in the end..another big nothing burger like Madcow's hilarious embarrassment on his 2005 return.
If I was Trump, this is exactly what I would do.

I'm sure he's just f'n with the moonbats. It is fun to watch. The Maddow meltdown over his taxes was epic.
What would be hilarious, and may very well be true, that Trump is having fun with this. Putting it off while the left foam at the mouth...and in the end..another big nothing burger like Madcow's hilarious embarrassment on his 2005 return.
If I was Trump, this is exactly what I would do.

....and NO ONE would ever "accuse' you of having too many brain cells.

You may have noticed that the orange clown was pretty pissed at the thousands of people who marched last Saturday demanding his returns....LOL
What would be hilarious, and may very well be true, that Trump is having fun with this. Putting it off while the left foam at the mouth...and in the end..another big nothing burger like Madcow's hilarious embarrassment on his 2005 return.
If I was Trump, this is exactly what I would do.

Guess you need some catching up. Would you have said Hillary Clinton would have been clever to pull this stunt, too? Or do you give Trump a pass because he's enjoyed 30 years of being a private citizen and not in the public scrutiny as the Clintons have been? Oh, I see, the latter explanation is correct.
I bet a dollar to a donut that the bulk of these nitwits whining about Trump and taxes don't pay a nickel in taxes.

Moronic (as expected) retort...you'd be losing a lot of doughnuts given that half brain of yours.

Funny, he presented just as much evidence as you.


OK, here's evidence. What would you have said if Obama had refused to release his returns?
(You would have said, Every president since Nixon has released them. And, He won't release them because he has financial ties to Kenya and the Muslim brotherhood)

The only ties that broke dick had was to contributors, I'd be more interested in knowing who's footing the bill for the lavish vacations he's been on since leaving office.
If the GOP can't get it's act together on Health Care, you can bet they would be able to get it together on Tax reform.

The fact is, on most issues, most GOP congress people know that Democrat's policies are the best for the country. They don't want them changed, they just wanted to bitch about them enough to get elected.

If you look at the most wealthy, the top 1 percent would get about half of the benefits of Trump's proposed tax cuts, and a millionaire, for example, would get an average tax cut of $317,000,
You know, I'm starting to feel sorry, or at least genuine empathy for her. Think about it: Trump pursues and marries naive women he can control. Preferably foreign-born who are new to the country and come from countries where they were subservient. Notice how he only stayed married to Maples for a few years. She turned out to be his nightmare, an AMERICAN woman!
She's been living the life of a billionaire's wife and is now first lady. I'm sure she values the approval of some dimwitted hate filled internet forum spammer.

Guess you can't read...so like a rightie. I said empathy. Look it up, goon.
By the by, Trump stranded her at the Egg Roll yesterday too. He's a douchebag of the lowest order.
Looks like she had a great time there and the media was all over it. But empathizing with someone is feeling for them so you obviously could not grasp my words.
Why are you concerned about him doing things legally? Talk about some ass backward thinking.

Look up the difference between "legal" and "ethical"....and you'll be twice as smart....(for you, that bar is very low....LOL)
Yes, it is highly unlikely that the Trumpster will ever release his tax returns and, ultimately, that will be a "good" thing....but not for the Trump acolytes.

Never mind that those "loyal" advisers in the WH like to bullshit us in stating over and over again, "promises made, promises kept" by the orange clown...somewhere along the memory trail, even Trump backers remember what he said about releasing those damning tax returns.

However, Trump's stubborn stance on those returns tell us TWO important facts:

First, the charlatan may well know that he will NOT run in 2020, given his record of lies and false promises, and

Second, that his proposed tax "reform" plan stands little chance of ever becoming a reality backed by even his own right-leaning congress since all indications of such tax reform policies seem to back the reality that these reforms will benefit the very rich.....like him.

Looks like a rant to me generated by the feeling of sure failure, and the butt-hurt that lingers post election.
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were
still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....

I'd agree IF the tax returns' issue were the ONLY one of the orange charlatan's flip-flops....but, this is NOT the only one, is it?

It's the only one in the thread you created. lol.
The call by The Left for this is just the next strategy they switched to once their Russian Collusion Lie was exposed.

Let's see Hillary Clinton's 33,000 emails.

Release the FBI tapes of Clinton's confessions, and her staff's "interviews".

Let's see Lois Lerner's emails.

Let's see Eric Holder's emails.

In the interest of National Security, and because of the Violent Nature of The Left's "Overthrow Democracy" Subversive Movement, The President should not release his tax returns.

It would just make his assets a target for Leftist Terrorists.

Doesn't seem like any of them hold office

Lets see all of Trump's emails while we are at it
I bet a dollar to a donut that the bulk of these nitwits whining about Trump and taxes don't pay a nickel in taxes.

Moronic (as expected) retort...you'd be losing a lot of doughnuts given that half brain of yours.

Funny, he presented just as much evidence as you.


OK, here's evidence. What would you have said if Obama had refused to release his returns?

Nothing... it doesn't matter to me since it isn't a requirement. Honestly, I don't give 2 shits about somebody else's tax returns.

Sooooo easy to say that now, isn't it? Why you righties are falling right into line with your Dear Leader. You know, the other fat fuck with a bad hairdo.
Why are you concerned about him doing things legally? Talk about some ass backward thinking.

Look up the difference between "legal" and "ethical"....and you'll be twice as smart....(for you, that bar is very low....LOL)

Child your OP proves you wouldn't know an ethic if it bitch slapped you in time square.
Can you provide an example of something that's legal but not ethical?

There are tons of examples.....

At one time it was perfectly legal to own slaves...but ethical?

Cheating on your spouse is perfectly legal....but ethical?

Breaking one's promises (as trump has done on his promise to reveal his tax returns) is perfectly legal....but ethical?
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Can you provide an example of something that's legal but not ethical?

There are tons of examples.....

At one time it was perfectly legal to own slaves...but ethical?

Cheating on your spouse is perfectly legal....but ethical?

Breaking one's promises (as trump has done on his tax returns) is perfectly legal....but ethical?
I meant with respect to income taxes, moron.
Yes, it is highly unlikely that the Trumpster will ever release his tax returns and, ultimately, that will be a "good" thing....but not for the Trump acolytes.

Never mind that those "loyal" advisers in the WH like to bullshit us in stating over and over again, "promises made, promises kept" by the orange clown...somewhere along the memory trail, even Trump backers remember what he said about releasing those damning tax returns.

However, Trump's stubborn stance on those returns tell us TWO important facts:

First, the charlatan may well know that he will NOT run in 2020, given his record of lies and false promises, and

Second, that his proposed tax "reform" plan stands little chance of ever becoming a reality backed by even his own right-leaning congress since all indications of such tax reform policies seem to back the reality that these reforms will benefit the very rich.....like him.
Jake, nobody who matters gives a single fuck about Trumps taxes or Hillary would be in the White House and we'd be at war with Russia
I meant with respect to income taxes, moron.

Hey, middle-finger-baby........is the tax code an ethical or legal requirement?

Is there a grown up around to help you get your head out of your ass?
Can you provide an example of something that's legal but not ethical?

There are tons of examples.....

At one time it was perfectly legal to own slaves...but ethical?

Cheating on your spouse is perfectly legal....but ethical?

Breaking one's promises (as trump has done on his tax returns) is perfectly legal....but ethical?

I'll take your lack of an answer to mean you can't produce an example.


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