Tired of not-winning? ... Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter

Trumpland is crumbling at the edges as the cement of lies dissolves when exposed to truth.

Only the most deluded and gullible Deplorables are sticking to Trumpery.
So, you actually like handing the feds hundreds (thousands?) of dollars of your money, interest free, to play with for a year as they see fit?

Man, are you one got-damned soopit sumbitch.
The low and middle class don't pay enough as it is.They use more of the government services.Raise their taxes.
If big business doesn’t provide wages that people can live off of then you can go fuck your self with that.
They also raised taxes on people who are not rich and live in blue states. The rich got the vast majority of the tax cuts.
The only people who paid more taxes are upper income homeowners who live in states with high property taxes. What is sad is that the tax reform along with deregulation has energized the economy so it is now growing at a robust rate and creating new jobs at an astonishing rate, including the largest number of manufacturing jobs since the boom years of the 1990's and the Democrats are opposed to everything that is benefiting all Americans.

That is not true. The economy was improving under Obama.. It had nothing to do with Obama or Trump. Manufacturing jobs started coming back under Obama because companies found advantages to manufacturing in the US such as cheap natural gas and maintaining netter control over their manufacturing. These areas with high local taxes are not just found in blue states. Some suburban areas in red states could see taxpayers paying higher taxes because of local taxes as well. Americans largely oppose what Trump has done in regards to taxes and deregulation.
What planet do you live on?

I guess you are on drugs because you cannot accept the truth. The economy is generally too dynamic for any politician to turn on a dime. Manufacturing started coming back to the US under Obama because the advantages started outweighing the disadvantages. When Trump took office, the unemployment rate was 4.7%. That is undeniable except to Trump supporters.
You keep making up these stupid lies because you have no idea why you are opposed to President Trump. Everyone with a functioning brain knows manufacturing jobs did not come back under Obama. In fact, that was a constant criticism of our anemic recovery from the recession. Throughout the 2016 campaign, Obama assured Americans manufacturing jobs were never coming back. The truth is, you seem to be opposed to everything that is making life better for Americans just because there is a Republican in the WH. It might be better if you were a loyal American rather than just a loyal Democrat.
Life is better than it was after Bush yet not as good as it was under Clinton.
Trumpland is crumbling at the edges as the cement of lies dissolves when exposed to truth.

Only the most deluded and gullible Deplorables are sticking to Trumpery.
So, you actually like handing the feds hundreds (thousands?) of dollars of your money, interest free, to play with for a year as they see fit?

Man, are you one got-damned soopit sumbitch.

That's the nicest thing you have ever said about me. Please don't thank me.
Only a fucking moron depends on their tax return

You're missing the point. People aren't counting on their tax returns.

People are upset because Trump promised them middle class tax cuts, and delivered increases instead.
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.

As a Canadian, you haven't the vagues clue what you're talking about. Canadians pay far less in taxes American pay for health care and taxes, and we get to keep more of what we make.

Our taxes provide us with one of the best education systems in the world, higher quality health care than the US, infrastructure, and programs for our people. We don't pay for a bloated military, or give massive tax breaks to corporations. Our country is run efficiently, at a much lower cost that the prolifigate waste and abuses of American public policies.

No, we pay for your criminally small military.

No you don't. Americans have this myth that the rest of us NEED you to defend us. From who? Nobody is attacking Canada. Nobody has EVER attacked Canada except Americans!!

Canada enter WWI in 2014. WWII in 1939. We did that WITHOUT YOU.

Trump is selling this lie that the rest of the world is relying on US military might to defend us, but we're NOT UNDER MILITARY ATTACK, and we haven't been since the War of 1812. The USA has built this massive military force because YOU WANT to, not because you need it.

You're bankrupting your country with this massive military, just like the Roman Republic did before you, and Trump's latest ploy it to act like the rest of the world made you do this. Bullshit. Since WWII, the United States has created enemies for itself throughout the world, propping up right-wing dictators, facists and despots the world over, so long as they renounced the Soviet Union and Russia. You armed the world to the teeth and profitted from the wars.

Now you complain we made you do this and the rest of us have to spend more. How about YOU SPEND LESS!

WWI was only 5 years ago? I always knew you were a dumbass, but not even that bad!

Why is it that your ass has never been attacked? Your Big Brother to the south protects your ass from everything. Even your military members whom I know tell me that the first thing they want to do when they get out is move to the US.

Also, that big military we have costs less than the welfare programs we also pay for!

BTW, learn to spell "fascists" and "profited".

Dumb Canuck!
They also raised taxes on people who are not rich and live in blue states. The rich got the vast majority of the tax cuts.
The only people who paid more taxes are upper income homeowners who live in states with high property taxes. What is sad is that the tax reform along with deregulation has energized the economy so it is now growing at a robust rate and creating new jobs at an astonishing rate, including the largest number of manufacturing jobs since the boom years of the 1990's and the Democrats are opposed to everything that is benefiting all Americans.

That is not true. The economy was improving under Obama.. It had nothing to do with Obama or Trump. Manufacturing jobs started coming back under Obama because companies found advantages to manufacturing in the US such as cheap natural gas and maintaining netter control over their manufacturing. These areas with high local taxes are not just found in blue states. Some suburban areas in red states could see taxpayers paying higher taxes because of local taxes as well. Americans largely oppose what Trump has done in regards to taxes and deregulation.
What planet do you live on?

I guess you are on drugs because you cannot accept the truth. The economy is generally too dynamic for any politician to turn on a dime. Manufacturing started coming back to the US under Obama because the advantages started outweighing the disadvantages. When Trump took office, the unemployment rate was 4.7%. That is undeniable except to Trump supporters.
You keep making up these stupid lies because you have no idea why you are opposed to President Trump. Everyone with a functioning brain knows manufacturing jobs did not come back under Obama. In fact, that was a constant criticism of our anemic recovery from the recession. Throughout the 2016 campaign, Obama assured Americans manufacturing jobs were never coming back. The truth is, you seem to be opposed to everything that is making life better for Americans just because there is a Republican in the WH. It might be better if you were a loyal American rather than just a loyal Democrat.

This is the way they think.

Leftist propaganda is pathetic. They recieved more than that during the year in the increased paychecks. What sort of tard wants the government to hold their money with no interest?

Sadly, most people do. 80% of the country on average receives a refund on their taxes. Most people do not know how much they are paying, they base it all on the size of their refund, they actually brag about how big of a refund they get.

This is not limited to a single party, to pretend it is just shows your own bias.
Are you an idiot? Well, that was a stupid question on my part. Of course they know how much they pay. It's on your tax return. It the difference between what you paid in and what you get back. The portion the government keeps of your income. Why would each citizen NOT know how much they paid?

Because people do not pay that close of attention, you give them way too much credit. Most people judge their taxes by how much they get back, they could not tell you how much they paid.

I always thought a good idea would to be to ban employer withholding. Because yes there are people so stupid as to judge how much they paid by the size of their refund. (source: reading this thread)
If Americans had to write a check for the full amount every year then maybe it would sink in.
Leftist propaganda is pathetic. They recieved more than that during the year in the increased paychecks. What sort of tard wants the government to hold their money with no interest?

Sadly, most people do. 80% of the country on average receives a refund on their taxes. Most people do not know how much they are paying, they base it all on the size of their refund, they actually brag about how big of a refund they get.

This is not limited to a single party, to pretend it is just shows your own bias.
Are you an idiot? Well, that was a stupid question on my part. Of course they know how much they pay. It's on your tax return. It the difference between what you paid in and what you get back. The portion the government keeps of your income. Why would each citizen NOT know how much they paid?

Because people do not pay that close of attention, you give them way too much credit. Most people judge their taxes by how much they get back, they could not tell you how much they paid.

I always thought a good idea would to be to ban employer withholding. Because yes there are people so stupid as to judge how much they paid by the size of their refund. (source: reading this thread)
If Americans had to write a check for the full amount every year then maybe it would sink in.
So true!
Leftist propaganda is pathetic. They recieved more than that during the year in the increased paychecks. What sort of tard wants the government to hold their money with no interest?

Sadly, most people do. 80% of the country on average receives a refund on their taxes. Most people do not know how much they are paying, they base it all on the size of their refund, they actually brag about how big of a refund they get.

This is not limited to a single party, to pretend it is just shows your own bias.
Are you an idiot? Well, that was a stupid question on my part. Of course they know how much they pay. It's on your tax return. It the difference between what you paid in and what you get back. The portion the government keeps of your income. Why would each citizen NOT know how much they paid?

Because people do not pay that close of attention, you give them way too much credit. Most people judge their taxes by how much they get back, they could not tell you how much they paid.

I always thought a good idea would to be to ban employer withholding. Because yes there are people so stupid as to judge how much they paid by the size of their refund. (source: reading this thread)
If Americans had to write a check for the full amount every year then maybe it would sink in.

The people that make these rules are not stupid, they count on the ignorance and laziness of the average American...and so far the the populous has not let them down.
In order for every policy to work, the middle class must take it on the chin
It's always been this way. The class that works the hardest, produces the most, and makes the nation go has to keep things going. It picks up the slack so to speak.
A tax refund is not a gift from the government!

If you’re getting a sizable refund, get your ass down to payroll tomorrow and change your withholding.
Yep, You really should not be getting a refund at all because the government is using your money for most of the year for nothing.

It’s a fucking joke

You're a fucking joke. Trump promised the middle class a tax cut, and delivered a tax cut for the wealthy.
A tax refund is not a gift from the government!

If you’re getting a sizable refund, get your ass down to payroll tomorrow and change your withholding.
Yep, You really should not be getting a refund at all because the government is using your money for most of the year for nothing.

It’s a fucking joke

You're a fucking joke. Trump promised the middle class a tax cut, and delivered a tax cut for the wealthy.

Pretty much everyone got a tax cut, people are just stupid and think their refund is an indication of how much they paid in total.
It's the duty of an employer to let their employees know of the changes.....but since there are alot of bad employers this probably doesn't happen since employees aren't looked upon favorably by employers.
A tax refund is not a gift from the government!

If you’re getting a sizable refund, get your ass down to payroll tomorrow and change your withholding.
Yep, You really should not be getting a refund at all because the government is using your money for most of the year for nothing.

It’s a fucking joke

You're a fucking joke. Trump promised the middle class a tax cut, and delivered a tax cut for the wealthy.

Pretty much everyone got a tax cut, people are just stupid and think their refund is an indication of how much they paid in total.

These are people who made about the same amount as 2017, and had the same withholding. When they complained that they saw no change in their take-home pay when the cuts became effective, Trump told them not to worry, they'd get a big refund when they filed. Now they're finding out they're getting NO refund and are in fact, paying more than they paid last year.

The IRS has said they're sending out fewer refunds, and the refunds are smalller.
A tax refund is not a gift from the government!

If you’re getting a sizable refund, get your ass down to payroll tomorrow and change your withholding.
Yep, You really should not be getting a refund at all because the government is using your money for most of the year for nothing.

It’s a fucking joke

You're a fucking joke. Trump promised the middle class a tax cut, and delivered a tax cut for the wealthy.

Pretty much everyone got a tax cut, people are just stupid and think their refund is an indication of how much they paid in total.

These are people who made about the same amount as 2017, and had the same withholding. When they complained that they saw no change in their take-home pay when the cuts became effective, Trump told them not to worry, they'd get a big refund when they filed. Now they're finding out they're getting NO refund and are in fact, paying more than they paid last year.

The IRS has said they're sending out fewer refunds, and the refunds are smalller.

That is because people paid less each month.
In order for every policy to work, the middle class must take it on the chin
It's always been this way. The class that works the hardest, produces the most, and makes the nation go has to keep things going. It picks up the slack so to speak.
The class that works the hardest, produces the most, and makes the nation go has to keep things going.
My question to you is "why arent they mega millionaires?" If they work and produce the most, they should be uber wealthy as hell, but a 40 hour work week, isnt really working that hard and producing just enough to provide for their families. I not only worked more than 40 hours a week, I also learned how to invest in the stock market so later on in life, I would have millions of dollars. Today I have reached that goal, but I want to get to my first billion, and that could happen if Hemp Inc gets to be a 20 billion dollar a year corporation. Shame too many people like you think that just doing enough is a good thing, maybe it is, but then stop fucking bitching at those who want more, produce more, invest more, and live their lives more..
The low and middle class don't pay enough as it is.They use more of the government services.Raise their taxes.

Middle class is over $100,000 in NYC. I pay more than enough you brain dead trumptard.

And because if you and your fellow imbeciles I can no longer deduct my state taxes.

Now be quiet and speak when you know what you’re talking about

Stupid people like you should be seen and not heard. And THAT is the problem with trumpkins. You don’t know how stupid you are
A tax refund is not a gift from the government!

If you’re getting a sizable refund, get your ass down to payroll tomorrow and change your withholding.
Yep, You really should not be getting a refund at all because the government is using your money for most of the year for nothing.

It’s a fucking joke

You're a fucking joke. Trump promised the middle class a tax cut, and delivered a tax cut for the wealthy.
So stop being a fucking welfare bitch and go out and make more wealth...Stupid kunnnnt, you cant because Canada robs you of at least 50% of your income....

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