Tired of not-winning? ... Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter

The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...

They voted for a guy who had a $30M lawsuit against him for fraud (Trump University).
A presidential candidate who refused to release his tax returns.
A "businessman" who dumped his debt onto U.S. taxpayers six times through six separate bankruptcies.

And they're surprised that his "tax cuts" were nothing but a bait-and-switch game?
the new tax tables and code changes were put in place by congress, Trump did not write any of it, he signed the bill. If you want to blame someone, start with Paul Ryan.

The withholding tables were not put in place by Congress. That was the Treasury Department.
In conformance with the tax reforms passed by Congress.

They could have left the original tables in place and made the new table optional. Apparently the Treasury Department wanted to reduce tax refunds when they put the withholding tables in place.
No, Congress passed legislation that made the old tables irrelevant, and Treasury updated the tables to conform with the law. The reason the tax refunds are lower is because less withholding was drawn from their paychecks because of the tax cut they enjoyed, but how can people stupid enough to make interest free loans to the federal government all year be expected to understand that?

Again, the reason the tax refunds are lower is that the people paid less in taxes during the year.

They were not irrelevant. It was a strictly political decision so voters would see the supposed tax cuts in their checks. People have not been impressed. The Treasury could have left the old tables in place and people could have gotten bigger refunds. Then people could have chosen whether they want less or the same amount withheld next year. Instead some people are going to be owing money instead of getting refunds. Again interest rates are still so low that the interest taxpayers are foregoing might not even buy chewing gum.
I try o get state and federal to cancel each other out o that I pay very little. Rather have the extra $100 or so in my check every week.
They could have left the original tables in place and made the new table optional. Apparently the Treasury Department wanted to reduce tax refunds when they put the withholding tables in place.
No, Congress passed legislation that made the old tables irrelevant, and Treasury updated the tables to conform with the law. The reason the tax refunds are lower is because less withholding was drawn from their paychecks because of the tax cut they enjoyed, but how can people stupid enough to make interest free loans to the federal government all year be expected to understand that?

Again, the reason the tax refunds are lower is that the people paid less in taxes during the year.

They were not irrelevant. It was a strictly political decision so voters would see the supposed tax cuts in their checks. People have not been impressed. The Treasury could have left the old tables in place and people could have gotten bigger refunds. Then people could have chosen whether they want less or the same amount withheld next year. Instead some people are going to be owing money instead of getting refunds. Again interest rates are still so low that the interest taxpayers are foregoing might not even buy chewing gum.
I'm sure you can find the old tax tables online if you really want to see them, but what you will find is that under the old tables you would have paid more in taxes and therefore would have gotten back more in refunds.

I don't need to look them up as I know that is exactly what would have happened. It might also have been better politics for people to see larger refunds.
If they want to they can see the tax tables online, and they will see they paid less in taxes so their refunds were smaller. I understand you are hard pressed to find some fault with the tax reform that has energized the economy and benefited all Americans, but you do realize you are trying to convince people to feel bad about paying less in taxes, don't you?

President Reagan showed us how to do tax reform. He compromised with Democrats and got a much better tax reform passed. It closed down tax loopholes unlike the Republican tax plan which kept and established new tax shelters for the rich. Also the personal exemption and tax brackets were not indexed to inflation. That went to lowering the tax rate for businesses. If you have a family larger than 4 then the standard deduction is less than the combined standard deduction and personal exemption under the old tax code. The fact is that taxpayers largely disapprove of the tax cuts.
You're missing the point. People aren't counting on their tax returns.

People are upset because Trump promised them middle class tax cuts, and delivered increases instead.
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.
No we don't have to move any place asshole so go fuck yerself. We will stay here and demand change...

You already demanded change. They raised taxes on the rich who live in states with high state and local taxes. Why are you now pissed off at yourself?

They also raised taxes on people who are not rich and live in blue states. The rich got the vast majority of the tax cuts.
The only people who paid more taxes are upper income homeowners who live in states with high property taxes. What is sad is that the tax reform along with deregulation has energized the economy so it is now growing at a robust rate and creating new jobs at an astonishing rate, including the largest number of manufacturing jobs since the boom years of the 1990's and the Democrats are opposed to everything that is benefiting all Americans.

That is not true. The economy was improving under Obama.. It had nothing to do with Obama or Trump. Manufacturing jobs started coming back under Obama because companies found advantages to manufacturing in the US such as cheap natural gas and maintaining netter control over their manufacturing. These areas with high local taxes are not just found in blue states. Some suburban areas in red states could see taxpayers paying higher taxes because of local taxes as well. Americans largely oppose what Trump has done in regards to taxes and deregulation.
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.
No we don't have to move any place asshole so go fuck yerself. We will stay here and demand change...

You already demanded change. They raised taxes on the rich who live in states with high state and local taxes. Why are you now pissed off at yourself?

They also raised taxes on people who are not rich and live in blue states. The rich got the vast majority of the tax cuts.
The only people who paid more taxes are upper income homeowners who live in states with high property taxes. What is sad is that the tax reform along with deregulation has energized the economy so it is now growing at a robust rate and creating new jobs at an astonishing rate, including the largest number of manufacturing jobs since the boom years of the 1990's and the Democrats are opposed to everything that is benefiting all Americans.

That is not true. The economy was improving under Obama.. It had nothing to do with Obama or Trump. Manufacturing jobs started coming back under Obama because companies found advantages to manufacturing in the US such as cheap natural gas and maintaining netter control over their manufacturing. These areas with high local taxes are not just found in blue states. Some suburban areas in red states could see taxpayers paying higher taxes because of local taxes as well. Americans largely oppose what Trump has done in regards to taxes and deregulation.
What planet do you live on?
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.
No we don't have to move any place asshole so go fuck yerself. We will stay here and demand change...

You already demanded change. They raised taxes on the rich who live in states with high state and local taxes. Why are you now pissed off at yourself?

They also raised taxes on people who are not rich and live in blue states. The rich got the vast majority of the tax cuts.
The only people who paid more taxes are upper income homeowners who live in states with high property taxes. What is sad is that the tax reform along with deregulation has energized the economy so it is now growing at a robust rate and creating new jobs at an astonishing rate, including the largest number of manufacturing jobs since the boom years of the 1990's and the Democrats are opposed to everything that is benefiting all Americans.

That is not true. The economy was improving under Obama.. It had nothing to do with Obama or Trump. Manufacturing jobs started coming back under Obama because companies found advantages to manufacturing in the US such as cheap natural gas and maintaining netter control over their manufacturing. These areas with high local taxes are not just found in blue states. Some suburban areas in red states could see taxpayers paying higher taxes because of local taxes as well. Americans largely oppose what Trump has done in regards to taxes and deregulation.
Fake news begets rewritten history it seems. You're full of shit.
Looks like Trump's ass is on fire on Twitter:

Trumpanzees whining now.

The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...
more evidence that these leftists have no idea how taxes work. They don't get it that for eleven months you received 400 a month more from the tax cut received for use throughout the year, that your end of year refund would be minus the 400 times eleven months of received money you could use to invest and actually make more money. Only on the left. wow, the stupid is so powerful with these leftists.

The reason that the tax withholding tables were revamped was because of politics. Republicans wanted to play politics and show people their tax cuts such as they were. The Treasury apparently wanted to reduce or eliminate tax refunds when they revamped the tax tables. It would have been better to leave the old tables in place and let people get their refunds and see if they wanted to reduce their withholding.
Republicans finally told the blue states that they should pay as much federal tax as the lower taxed red states. Why should the poor have to pick up more of the tab from a liberal blue state? You dimwitocraps, sure did want tax FAIRNESS, until it came to a state near you...
The feces has hit the fan at tax refund time as low and middle-class Americans are finding that Trump has his hand in their pocket and has stolen money from their refunds.

The wealthy are still doing just fine. The lies about the Trump tax cuts is now exposed that the low and middle class are financing the tax cuts for the wealthy people and corporations.

Donald Trump won't be able to spin his way out of the tax cut lie.

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter | HuffPost

Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
Many workers who had always gotten a refund find out they now owe the IRS.
By Mary Papenfuss

Average tax refunds were down last week 8.4 percent for the first week of the tax season over the same time last year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Dipping refunds are inflaming a growing army of taxpayers stunned by the consequences of the Trump administration’s tax law — and the effects of the partial government shutdown.

The average refund check paid out so far has been $1,865, down from $2,035 at the same point in 2018, according to IRS data. Low-income taxpayers often file early to pocket the money as soon as possible. Many taxpayers count on the refunds to make important payments, or spend the money on things like home repairs, a vacation or a car.

The IRS had estimated it would issue about 2.3 percent fewer refunds this year as a result of the changes in the federal tax law, according to Bloomberg. MSNBC reports that 30 million Americans will owe the IRS money this year — 3 million more than before Trump’s tax law.

“There are going to be a lot of unhappy people over the next month,” Edward Karl of the American Institute of CPAs told Politico. “Taxpayers want a large refund.” Some 71 percent of taxpayers received refunds last year worth about $3,000 on average, according to Karl.

Scads of taxpayers are complaining on Twitter that they have always received a refund — but now owe the IRS instead. ...
more evidence that these leftists have no idea how taxes work. They don't get it that for eleven months you received 400 a month more from the tax cut received for use throughout the year, that your end of year refund would be minus the 400 times eleven months of received money you could use to invest and actually make more money. Only on the left. wow, the stupid is so powerful with these leftists.

The reason that the tax withholding tables were revamped was because of politics. Republicans wanted to play politics and show people their tax cuts such as they were. The Treasury apparently wanted to reduce or eliminate tax refunds when they revamped the tax tables. It would have been better to leave the old tables in place and let people get their refunds and see if they wanted to reduce their withholding.
Republicans finally told the blue states that they should pay as much federal tax as the lower taxed red states. Why should the poor have to pick up more of the tab from a liberal blue state? You dimwitocraps, sure did want tax FAIRNESS, until it came to a state near you...

HUH? Is that an alternative fact?

From the Associated Press: AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states


Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.

California residents paid an average of $10,510.

At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.

Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.

Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.

Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents.""""

Why not just use a Breitbart poll?
Same result. FALSE.
Bwaaaahhhhhaaaaa, when Rasmussen was showing Trump down, this idiot was there touting how great Ras was, now.....Typical fucking hypocrite..

If you are referring to me, you're wrong...again.
I've never touted Rasmussen.
They are to Trump what Fox News and The Enquirer are to Trump.
3 years ago I truly didn’t care about politics... Now it consumes me... And it made me a better person.

Just finished mine, $17K rise in income in 2018 from 2017, federal tax bill $668 less in 2018 than in 2017.

Some people are dumb,
If you dont like the tax cuts, do what the hollyweird elite promised to do, and move to Canada. See how much of YOUR money, if you actually work, goes to the government and you get nothing in return...Stupid liberals, the most redundant statement of all.
No we don't have to move any place asshole so go fuck yerself. We will stay here and demand change...

You already demanded change. They raised taxes on the rich who live in states with high state and local taxes. Why are you now pissed off at yourself?

They also raised taxes on people who are not rich and live in blue states. The rich got the vast majority of the tax cuts.
The only people who paid more taxes are upper income homeowners who live in states with high property taxes. What is sad is that the tax reform along with deregulation has energized the economy so it is now growing at a robust rate and creating new jobs at an astonishing rate, including the largest number of manufacturing jobs since the boom years of the 1990's and the Democrats are opposed to everything that is benefiting all Americans.

That is not true. The economy was improving under Obama.. It had nothing to do with Obama or Trump. Manufacturing jobs started coming back under Obama because companies found advantages to manufacturing in the US such as cheap natural gas and maintaining netter control over their manufacturing. These areas with high local taxes are not just found in blue states. Some suburban areas in red states could see taxpayers paying higher taxes because of local taxes as well. Americans largely oppose what Trump has done in regards to taxes and deregulation.
That's all bullshit. Obama explained several time it was impossible to bring manufacturing jobs back because the US could not compete with lower wages and fewer regulations in developing countries, but President trump has so dramatically changed the economic landscape in America, that we now have not only US manufacturing jobs coming back but we have foreign companies choosing to manufacture in the US rather than in their own countries.

The only people who paid more under the tax reform are upper income homeowners in states with high property taxes; for everyone else their tax cut was deep enough to compensate for the loss of deductions for state and local taxes.

Clearly, you are making up these desperate lies because you have no idea why you are so opposed to President Trump, and you are now trying to convince people to vote against their own best interests.

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