Tit For Tat, Former President Trump Rallies Against "The Extremism of Joe Biden And The Radical Democrat Party... Biden Is An Enemy Of The State."

Trump in Wilkes Barre tonight:

"Our country's going to hell.

This election is a referendum on skyrocketing inflation, rampant crime, soaring murders, crushing gas prices, millions and millions of illegal aliens coming across our border, race and gender indoctrination perverting our schools and above all...

This election is a referendum on the corruption and extremism of Joe Biden and the radical Democrat Party. [crowd boos]

If you want to stop this destruction of America, you must vote Republican....

He's an enemy of the State."

Trump spends the rest of his speech laying out the proof of his claims...

PS: He notes that Barron Trump's room was searched by the FBI during the raid. He sounds rightly ticked off.

Woe is the fat former guy..... everything sucks!
The Hitler fear speech was aimed at you idiot Biden supporters cuz your dementia riddled leader knew it would scare you twits senseless. And it apparently did. See…only brain dead lefties watch CNN and MSNBC. And that’s where it aired. Do your lefty masters know how to manipulate you idiots or what?
I am officially softening my stance on Biden. He just makes so many freaking mistakes...doesnt have anyone to advise him wisely. It is becoming a sad sort of thing... I think Joe is basically a good old dude and I wish he can do something to make the nation stronger and more united but something is horribly wrong with his administration. I wish him luck, lord he needs it
I am officially softening my stance on Biden. He just makes so many freaking mistakes...doesnt have anyone to advise him wisely. It is becoming a sad sort of thing... I think Joe is basically a good old dude and I wish he can do something to make the nation stronger and more united but something is horribly wrong with his administration. I wish him luck, lord he needs it
Screw Biden and those who support the radical traitor. I hope he burns in hell for the fraud and destruction he and the other evil democrats have burdened this nation with.
Normal stuff for him. His words only matter to his rubes.

Let him bleat and sob like a spoiled child.
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Holy shit.

"He rules with an iron fist. Yeah, I'd say that's smart".

And the rubes love it. This is who they are. This is what they want.

Trump in Wilkes Barre tonight:

"Our country's going to hell.

This election is a referendum on skyrocketing inflation, rampant crime, soaring murders, crushing gas prices, millions and millions of illegal aliens coming across our border, race and gender indoctrination perverting our schools and above all...

This election is a referendum on the corruption and extremism of Joe Biden and the radical Democrat Party. [crowd boos]

If you want to stop this destruction of America, you must vote Republican....

He's an enemy of the State."

Trump spends the rest of his speech laying out the proof of his claims...

PS: He notes that Barron Trump's room was searched by the FBI during the raid. He sounds rightly ticked off.

Joe Biden is an enemy of the state because Biden didn't go to Mar al Lago and search for top secret documents that Trump had.

Makes sense...... to Trump at least
You didn't even watch Biden's speech, little fascist.

None of you cult fascists did. The cult told you to scream Biden was Hitler, so you all came up for air and obeyed.

Come on, you thought it wasn't obvious? The fact that your version of the speech bears no resemblance to what was said kind of gives it away.

Now, down again you go. Your masters want another coat of saliva applied.
I watched the full Biden Hitler speech, and then I watched some portions again.

I also read the full transcript and posted it, along side a transcript of a speech by Hitler made in 1922. The similarities were remarkable.
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Joe Biden is an enemy of the state because Biden didn't go to Mar al Lago and search for top secret documents that Trump had.

Makes sense...... to Trump at least
Many spoiled Americans are going to learn the hard way about the loss of easy ways of living. What we see today is a warning and we keep voting for people who are rushing us head on to the abyss. Joe is ph ukn people up the ass and people are asking for more of it because he has a D next to his name. What level of stupidity says we are worth less, but we love you against those hateful Trumpers? An example of frauds are union people who make sure they get theirs with Prog payouts than rally behind Repubs.
Holy shit.

"He rules with an iron fist. Yeah, I'd say that's smart".

And the rubes love it. This is who they are. This is what they want.

I don't find that to be a particularly good example of your point. Trump was comparing the weakness of Biden with the strength of other world leaders. The crowd did not applaud.

I think you can remember that Trump was one of the most vocal critics of China throughout his presidency. And no president in history has praised Xi as much as Biden.

Sometimes, when Biden praises Xi, he gets so excited about it, he can't even speak coherently...


Thanks so much for that. I had attempted to find some pictures of the crowd size at the Trump rally, and was not successful at finding good ones. That video is perfect and the comparison with Biden's rally in Purple territory is indeed striking!
I don't find that to be a particularly good example of your point. Trump was comparing the weakness of Biden with the strength of other world leaders. The crowd did not applaud.

I think you can remember that Trump was one of the most vocal critics of China throughout his presidency. And no president in history has praised Xi as much as Biden.

Sometimes, when Biden praises Xi, he gets so excited about it, he can't even speak coherently...

Another #3, cool.

Trumpf gives a speech, says Fetterman is spoiled, lives off his parents money​

never mind the 430 million pos trump inherited from his daddy

It was nearly 2 hours of complete horsesh*t; nasty, profane, perverted, and lies. Vile, praising dictators, damning America and american institutions.

It was quite what one would expect from a ethically and morally corrupt career criminal, sexual predator, incompetent grifter, and someone who's failed at every business "he's" ever been involved in

Trumpf gives a speech, says Fetterman is spoiled, lives off his parents money​

never mind the 430 million pos trump inherited from his daddy
I see that you have no commitment to facts.

No one actually knows how much Trump inherited from his father, but even semi-reliable Left-Wing sources claim it is less than half of your number.

It's not like the size of one's inheritance has any bearing on ones character anyway.

It was nearly 2 hours of complete horsesh*t; nasty, profane, perverted, and lies. Vile, praising dictators, damning America and american institutions.
While you may not appreciate his message, lots of people do, and the contrast between a Trump rally and a Biden one is quite striking. At least Trump can speak in coherent sentences.
It was quite what one would expect from a ethically and morally corrupt career criminal, sexual predator, incompetent grifter, and someone who's failed at every business "he's" ever been involved in
Trump Organization has tens of businesses and employs tens of thousands of Americans.

If you think that's a failure, please share the businesses you have founded and the number of people you employ.
It's been three fucking weeks!!!
He's gathering campaign rallies, and trashing the FBI and the brilliant Joe Biden. If they could stop this the administration would. They scheduled the raid to be a month before the campaign cut-off date. But they did not have the evidence, so they postponed the charges until after the election to buy more time.
Wake the Fuck Up

View attachment 691414
Wake the fuck up? Did Trump announce that he's running? Just another fn retard blowing chunks.

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