Titanic was an inside job

THIS is the Olympic



like you right???

OTCTA agent!
OTCTA agent!

OTCTA agent!


OTCTA double-double agent!
Bullshit! Quadruple double agent sent by the bankers and jewelers in Berlin to set Germany up for WWI and make them pay reparations after the war so the Germans would get mad and elect Hitler to start WWII so that Germany would get their ass kicked and everybody will feel sorry for the Jews and create Israel in the middle of the Middle East just to piss off the Palestinians so that Syria would fall into disarray and force the Saudis to send hijackers to take planes and fly them into the WTC. It's all so obvious!!
A Jew owned the Titanic.

Did you know that?

What does that have to do with the sinking? I thought WSL owned Titanic. When I looked it up on a quick search I got WSL & JP Morgan. He was Episcopal.

Who owned the Titanic? - Yahoo! Answers
Was J.P. Morgan Jewish

Listen OTCTA, the Jews sank the Titanic to make the Muslims look bad and reinforce Israel's standing in the world. Oh, and to help another Jew make money.

You got that backwards son. There were alot of Jews and Christians who went down with the ship. But many report hearing the words Allahu Akbar right before it hit the iceberg. That's because the guy who was supposed to be steering the ship had to hit the head and gave the wheel to the new guy Omar Jihad. Omar who was suffering from 72 virgin fever became delusional and thought the iceberg was one of his virgins. He realized his mistake at the last minute but it was too late. Poor Omar went down with the ship and slipped into obscurity.
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Come on guys, enough with this French and Muslim foolishness.

Everyone knows Guglielmo Marconi had the Titanic wired for destruction so that everyone would see how wonderful his wireless telegraph was, and would buy them for all the ships at sea, thus providing him with great wealth.

He amassed so much money, that one of his descendants used his inheritance to start a company and name it after him.

Google. :D

your probably right. but I think this is a muslim using it :D

what a clown don't you know a shriner when you see one!
It didn't hit the bow of the ship, it hit the side just after the bow tearing a gash in her side and flooding more compartments then anyone thought possible. If they had stayed course and hit dead on the bow, the ship might not have sunk but they took a hard turn to attempt to avoid the iceberg.

The weight of the stern and possible damage from the iceberg and perhaps the boilers exploding when the sea water hit them might explain why she split in two in the middle as it was lifting up into the air as she sank. Cold water and very hot boilers, not a good combo.

As far as Ice not being able to tear the hull of a ship, you do know they make special ships for that right? Not just any metal ship can handle having Ice scrape her hull.
Icebreaker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Exploding Frozen Turkey - YouTube

Nonsense. The ship broke in two because that is where it was hit by the Death Star's main weapon, as evidenced at the 4:28 minute mark in this on the scene footage.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtTTWfpWf_c]Starwars Vs Titanic - YouTube[/ame]

I stand corrected. Rant will follow:

Damn Lord Vader, Damn him I say. I hate the smell of wet Ewok in the morning! They stink well over 100 years after they get wet. You can't remove the smell. Now we have a whole section of the ocean that smells like wet elephant butt. A ship made of Febreeze couldn't sail through those waters and not dissolve. Although... I gotta admit the Star Wars Franchise is a brilliant one. I still have my oringinal 1970's Star Wars pilow cases, you can't get quality like that anymore. Maybe it was necessary.
have you washed them?
OTCTA agent!


OTCTA double-double agent!
Bullshit! Quadruple double agent sent by the bankers and jewelers in Berlin to set Germany up for WWI and make them pay reparations after the war so the Germans would get mad and elect Hitler to start WWII so that Germany would get their ass kicked and everybody will feel sorry for the Jews and create Israel in the middle of the Middle East just to piss off the Palestinians so that Syria would fall into disarray and force the Saudis to send hijackers to take planes and fly them into the WTC. It's all so obvious!!
super mega nutjober titanic dupe!
Most Expensive Titanic Memorabilia Sold At Auction

Diamond Bracelet

Blueprint Of Titanic Official Enquiry

Passenger Manuscripts

Lunch Menu Card

Life Jacket (not issued to ragheads muslims)

John Smith Cigar Box
Nonsense. The ship broke in two because that is where it was hit by the Death Star's main weapon, as evidenced at the 4:28 minute mark in this on the scene footage.

Starwars Vs Titanic - YouTube

I stand corrected. Rant will follow:

Damn Lord Vader, Damn him I say. I hate the smell of wet Ewok in the morning! They stink well over 100 years after they get wet. You can't remove the smell. Now we have a whole section of the ocean that smells like wet elephant butt. A ship made of Febreeze couldn't sail through those waters and not dissolve. Although... I gotta admit the Star Wars Franchise is a brilliant one. I still have my oringinal 1970's Star Wars pilow cases, you can't get quality like that anymore. Maybe it was necessary.
have you washed them?

Yes many times, who knew it would be a collectors Item some day. I have them tucked away in a space bag.

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