Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

Section 4 states “Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States” such language is clear in that a citizen is allowed and required under law to disclose if such disclosure is “cognizable by a court of the United States”

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

You and your agent buddies here are guilty.
Its FEMA's core. its your job to show us the core, not elevators you cant show on official plans. Only a Demolitionconcrete core is possible.

You have no other source for your claims. The claim of "elevator guide rail support steel" is the only reasonably substanciated information related to the FEMA deception. FEMA's info structurally has all been proven wrong.

You make up all your dimensions because you have no evidence, we can all have another laugh "idiot agents"!! :lol:

FEMA doesnt make cores. its not my job to do anything. i have no job. i'm retired.

how stupid must your claim be to have more people believe aliens blew up the WTC than believe your stupid concrete core hoax!!! :lol:

did you figure out how to fit al those elevators inside your impossible concrete core yet?

so you are admitting you have no source for your "elevator guide rail support steel" claim. thanks.
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FEMA made a lie. Agents must support it. They do it by misrepresenting the elevator guide rail support steel as core columns. Butt plates on the tops of the support steel cannot be used to join sections of core column.


The fact that the vertical steel in the core is not strong enough to be core columns is that it has already fallen because it was attached to the concrete core walls.


Those very fine vertical elements are rebar left standing after the concrete wall detonated.
no agents here, jackass.:cuckoo:

its just you saying stupid shit and everyone else telling you how fucking stupid you are.

i'm not supporting fema or anything else. i'm catching you lying over and over again. i'm catching you changing your story over and over again.

i'm catching you making shit up trying to cover your mistakes over and over again. i'm showing that you havent the slightest idea what you are talking about by showing pictures of dust and saying its concrete. :cuckoo:
What a sad waste of a life.

And even worse, he wastes his life spouting bullshit that no one believes. And he knows it.

Yet he keeps tilting at windmills in the delusional quest to save humanity from the evil "agents".
What a sad waste of a life.

And even worse, he wastes his life spouting bullshit that no one believes. And he knows it.

Yet he keeps tilting at windmills in the delusional quest to save humanity from the evil "agents".
while neglecting to pay his child support

an interesting note, Terral is also a convicted deadbeat
i wonder what percentage of troofers are also deadbeats
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Over and over the supposed steel core columns presented by FEMA are never seen on 9-11 when they must be.

The reason for this is that the engineer of record identified a concrete core. No wonder no steel core columns are ever seen. They did not exist!

What existed was a concrete core. The WTC 2 core.

there are many independent verifications.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
What a sad waste of a life.

And even worse, he wastes his life spouting bullshit that no one believes. And he knows it.

Yet he keeps tilting at windmills in the delusional quest to save humanity from the evil "agents".
while neglecting to pay his child support

an interesting note, Terral is also a convicted deadbeat
i wonder what percentage of troofers are also deadbeats

interesting thought!!

perhaps since they are such deadbeats and the government forced them to pay child support (instead of them supporting their children of their own free will like a normal person) that is the cause of their deep hatred for america.
And even worse, he wastes his life spouting bullshit that no one believes. And he knows it.

Yet he keeps tilting at windmills in the delusional quest to save humanity from the evil "agents".
while neglecting to pay his child support

an interesting note, Terral is also a convicted deadbeat
i wonder what percentage of troofers are also deadbeats

interesting thought!!

perhaps since they are such deadbeats and the government forced them to pay child support (instead of them supporting their children of their own free will like a normal person) that is the cause of their deep hatred for america.

I think the two of you are on to something here. Maybe being forced to fulfill their obligations snaps something in their brains and makes them susceptible to delusions.

Sure would explain the blinking medicine man bullshit.
while neglecting to pay his child support

an interesting note, Terral is also a convicted deadbeat
i wonder what percentage of troofers are also deadbeats

interesting thought!!

perhaps since they are such deadbeats and the government forced them to pay child support (instead of them supporting their children of their own free will like a normal person) that is the cause of their deep hatred for america.

I think the two of you are on to something here. Maybe being forced to fulfill their obligations snaps something in their brains and makes them susceptible to delusions.

Sure would explain the blinking medicine man bullshit.
well, it might make them more susceptible to the idea that some nefarious group is "out to get them"
since they were convicted unfairly and all :eusa_whistle:
What is explanatory is that IF you are agents THEN you will not respect laws or the Constitutional rights of Americans.

You've seen that the county of Santa Barbara failed to appear on subpoena duces tecum.


And that when you refuse to recognize that guiliani took the WTC documents from the NYC offices which deprived the public of the buildings plans and 6,000 photo files, you prove again that you support treason and work to conceal treason.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

Section 4 states “Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States” such language is clear in that a citizen is allowed and required under law to disclose if such disclosure is “cognizable by a court of the United States”

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
The reverse. If the county had appeared on subpoena in 1998, I would have made lots of money and paid off the back support. As it was I was impoverished for some years after the failure to appear, then when I realized that they were using the family law court to retaliate I filed estoppel to make it very clear what had happened. I was deprived of information that was economically very valuable and medically needed.

This MOTION OF ESTOPPEL was filed but never heard.


Then the commissioner filed an erroneous declaration stating it was heard. I tried to file a MOTION TO STRIKE, the clerk would not allow it to be filed, only "RECEIVED", another violation of right and due process.


The court not only will not allow the truth in it, it will not allow it in the record.

But if you are working to conceal secret methods of mass murder, you do not care about these things.
The reverse. If the county had appeared on subpoena in 1998, I would have made lots of money and paid off the back support. As it was I was impoverished for some years after the failure to appear, then when I realized that they were using the family law court to retaliate I filed estoppel to make it very clear what had happened. I was deprived of information that was economically very valuable and medically needed.
records from the 1800's had NO BEARING on your need to pay child support
The reverse. If the county had appeared on subpoena in 1998, I would have made lots of money and paid off the back support. As it was I was impoverished for some years after the failure to appear, then when I realized that they were using the family law court to retaliate I filed estoppel to make it very clear what had happened. I was deprived of information that was economically very valuable and medically needed.
records from the 1800's had NO BEARING on your need to pay child support

Wrong. The records verified a great deal of information. With that information verified I could have used the information to make millions of $. Seriously.

Another value both personally medically and economically was the fact that the information verified what is ultimately a medical procedure enabling the most effective mental health care our society has ever known. The director of the county mental health department provided this letter regarding the nature and outcome of a meeting between myself, the chief medical doctor and the director.

Then the response of the state in writing never came. I know the director and doctor wanted to provide that because they put it in the letter. I figured the supervisors over them stopped them. I used a "freedom of information act" request. It was ignored.

In 2004 the recod of the clerk of the board was searched and the FOIA is gone. The supervisor in charge of the hospital distric was also served a copy and her records no longer had that letter.

You are an agent working to protect secret methods of mass murder and against the U.S. Constitution or its laws. You don't care, but others do.

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