Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

What has been done is that you have refused to recognize the violations of law that deprive the public of the building plans. At the same time you cannot produce a source for official plans and you say such exists. That duplicity and the manipulative, deceptive behavior logically makes yo an agent.

You have never produced an image of the FEMA core on 9-11. You are lying. If this is not true, post the image.
What has been done is that you have refused to recognize the violations of law that deprive the public of the building plans. At the same time you cannot produce a source for official plans and you say such exists. That duplicity and the manipulative, deceptive behavior logically makes yo an agent.

You have never produced an image of the FEMA core on 9-11. You are lying. If this is not true, post the image.
to recognize them there would have to BE violations of law
you have not provided proof of any
you remain a fucking delusional dipshit
Agents without evidence cannot make demands. I can logically make demands.

Post an image of this core on 9-11.


Your permanent failure to evidence the core you said existed and failure to recognize violations of law shows you are agent.

you got nothing. when anyone points out that you got nothing to support your concrete core you claim you dont need to support it because anyone that doesnt believe it is an agent.

how fucking delusional can you possibly be?!!! :lol:

chrissypoo, this concrete core bullshit is your baby. you are the one that needs to back it up. it doesnt matter if anyone else has pictures of anything. it doesnt matter if anyone else has plans for anything.

this is your baby. you make those elevators fit or you are exposed as a fraud.

its as simple as that.
Yes it says there was a concrete core, just like I show on 9-11.

Really? You show me where it says the concrete core was 110 stories high, with two 12' thick walls and two 17' thick walls at it's base, and tapered to four, 2' thick walls at the top.

Show me where Domel agrees that the core you describe above is the same concrete core he mentions in his paper.

Have you contacted either source to verify they agree with you? No?

Then that makes your claims an assumption unless you can get verified statements from either. So far, you've got nothing. but your own claims backed by NOBODY.
What has been done is that you have refused to recognize the violations of law that deprive the public of the building plans. At the same time you cannot produce a source for official plans and you say such exists. That duplicity and the manipulative, deceptive behavior logically makes yo an agent.

You have never produced an image of the FEMA core on 9-11. You are lying. If this is not true, post the image.

Domel had the plans. It says he had access to them in his paper. How do you explain that Chris?
Domels report was published in November of 2001.

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.

guiliani took the WTc documents in December of 2001

violations of law

Nothing to explain. FEMA walked Domel into the WTC document room and he saw the plans. A month later they were ilegally removed.

Why haven't you posted an image of the core FEMA presents?


WHY? You need to do that if your going to continue to appear as anything but treasonous.
Domels report was published in November of 2001.

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.

guiliani took the WTc documents in December of 2001

violations of law

Nothing to explain. FEMA walked Domel into the WTC document room and he saw the plans. A month later they were ilegally removed.

Why haven't you posted an image of the core FEMA presents?


WHY? You need to do that if your going to continue to appear as anything but treasonous.

blah blah blah.....

your text is meaningless. your explanations just plain old RETARDED.

once you take away all that space for your concrete walls there's no room left for all the elevators!!!:lol:

they dont fit. :cuckoo:
Nothing to explain. FEMA walked Domel into the WTC document room and he saw the plans. A month later they were ilegally removed.


more shit you just pulled out of your fucking ass!! :lol:

where is your documentation to back that up? you hoave documentation where the WTC document room was?

you fucking moron..... the plans were kept INSIDE THE TOWERS!!! :lol:
the towers were gone before Domel got there. the towers were GONE before your stupid fucking NYCLU letter that says NOTHING about building plans!! :lol:
Why haven't you posted an image of the core FEMA presents?

WHY? You need to do that if your going to continue to appear as anything but treasonous.

We don't need to post any more images of the steel core of the twins.

It has been done numerous times by everyone, including yourself. To have to do it again per your demand is redundant at best.

FEMA has shown the steel core, based on the original blueprints.

911research has posted the blueprints for both towers, floor by floor. None of them show a concrete core. And this is a website that does not believe the events of 9/11. Why would they ignore such a large smoking gun as C-4 laden concrete cores, unless they do not give the theory any credit?

IMO, you are the one who is treasonous. You come up with a theory without any proof, in order to make money off of the deaths of the 3000 victims that day. While good people all over the world asked, "How can I help these poor suffering people, who have just lost people very precious to them?", you simply asked. "How can I earn a buck off of this?"

Do you want to prove me wrong? Simply post one image of a fully intact concrete core taken between the years of 1980 and 2000. Your delusional long distance photos of dust and smoke will not do. Your ridiculous "concrete outrunning the perimeter columns" will not do.

Your retarded "Robertson, Oxford, Domel" horseshit will not work. That dog simply does not hunt here.

If you can't post one photo of the intact concrete core in a 2 decade period prior to the events of 9/11/01, you are conceding that you have completely made up this delusional fantasy to collect blood money on the pain, suffering & heartbreak of the 9/11 families.

So put up or shut up, Mr. Brown. It's time for you to shit, or get off the pot. Just one photo of an intact core, or you lose by default.
Why haven't you posted an image of the core FEMA presents?

WHY? You need to do that if your going to continue to appear as anything but treasonous.

We don't need to post any more images of the steel core of the twins.

Pretending to have done something that you have not as a group unreasonably makes demonstrative agreement covertly qualifies you as agents working a psychological operation.

It was a demonstration but not of your intended control over the thinking of the viewer. It has been a demonstration of your deceptive collusion with one another in the interests of the perpetrtors and protecting the secret of the method of mass murder.

The Twins had a concrete core,


just like the engineer of record identified in a globally published magazine in the days after 9-11.
Why haven't you posted an image of the core FEMA presents?

WHY? You need to do that if your going to continue to appear as anything but treasonous.

We don't need to post any more images of the steel core of the twins.

Pretending to have done something that you have not as a group unreasonably makes demonstrative agreement covertly qualifies you as agents working a psychological operation.

It was a demonstration but not of your intended control over the thinking of the viewer. It has been a demonstration of your deceptive collusion with one another in the interests of the perpetrtors and protecting the secret of the method of mass murder.

The Twins had a concrete core,

just like the engineer of record identified in a globally published magazine in the days after 9-11.
why do you keep repeating this LIE
you are a disgusting piece of shit for doing so
It is proven. Agents hate independently verified evidence.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
Why haven't you posted an image of the core FEMA presents?

WHY? You need to do that if your going to continue to appear as anything but treasonous.

We don't need to post any more images of the steel core of the twins.

Pretending to have done something that you have not as a group unreasonably makes demonstrative agreement covertly qualifies you as agents working a psychological operation.

It was a demonstration but not of your intended control over the thinking of the viewer. It has been a demonstration of your deceptive collusion with one another in the interests of the perpetrtors and protecting the secret of the method of mass murder.

The Twins had a concrete core,

OK, let's break this down piece by piece.

First off,
Pretending to have done something that you have not as a group unreasonably makes demonstrative agreement covertly

What the fuck are you trying to say here? Can you express this in human grammer & syntax? I can't understand Dumbass.

Second, what the hell are
? Is this another Dumbass word?

It was a demonstration but not of your intended control over the thinking of the viewer.
you do know this is a text board, don't you? We have readers, not viewers. Must be another Dumbass concept.

Unless you can post a picture of an intact concrete core from 1980 to 2000, it did not exist.

Your village called, they want their idiot back.
No proof needed. Issue explained. Concrete core presented.


The below core is never seen on 9-11,


or at any other time, because it did not exist.

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