Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Since you cannot show the steel core columns FEMA says existed.

and the plans that were used to dimension elevators are obsolete and altered to appear as final drawings.

with a title block free hand lettered in pencil showing they are VERY preliminary.

It is confirmed your elevator dimension is wrong and that you are an agent of the infiltation of the US government and working to protect the secret methods of mass murder used on 9-11.

So give us YOUR elevator dimensions. Or are you working to protect the hyper-secret methods of mass murder used on 9/11.
he needs to fit about 1000 sq feet of elevator floor space for the express elevators inside his concrete core.... plus all the local elevators... plus the stairways....

it can't be done. they dont fit. he used too much of the core area for his impossible concrete core that didnt exist. the rest of the stuff simply doesnt fit. his core is impossible. he's been proven wrong time after time after time.

by the way, the elevator dimension of 7.8 sq meter floor area comes from the elevator manufacturer, not the building plans he say were altered. (they weren't butwe won't even bother to use them). 7.8 sq meters = 84 sq feet times 12 express elevators = slightly over 1000 sq feet of floor space.
your spam is insignificant compared to the many lawsuits i've filed trying to compel mental health care to provide appropriate treatment for millions,

the purpose of law

saving lives, supporting and defending the u.s. Constitution, but you do not care about any of that.

When i subpoena arrest and booking records a friend has seen,


the county fails to appear,


because i sued them for failure to preserve records, court case files, and the arrest/booking records prove that over 1,000 court case files are missing.

the largest mass insanity on planet earth that was made a record of a court

The kitty plays a sad song for you.
We know the building had elevators and your source of dimensions has been shown to not represent the buildings that existed.

The 3rd floor core you and FEMA present show that there are supposed to be an elevator, a steam shaft and air shaft with a janitors closet.


What we see in that location at ground zero is a massive concrete wall with daylight shining down a tiny utility hallway running the length of the wall.


The interio box columns outside the core on the left has concrete stains on it.
So you are not going to give YOUR elevator dimensions, which means you are an agent protecting the secret methods of mass murder.

It was an area value not dimensions. You misrepresent.

The fact is you cannot and have not shown this core.


But I have posted many images that are consistent with the identified concrete core from independentl authority.

The west wall of the WTC 1 core.


August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE., a structural engineer certified in 12 states.
You have yet to show a steel core columned core on 9-11.

I show concrete.


It is independently verified.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
I show concrete.

there was no concrete core. the elevator dimensions i gave were from the company that made them, not the building plans you keep lying and saying i got them from.

if you feel they are wrong then SHOW US YOUR SOURCE FOR THE ELEVATOR DIMENSIONS. until then you need to do the impossible task of fitting all those elevators inside your concrete core.

you see the problem here, chrissyypoo, is that when you lied and made up dimensions for your concrete core you needed to subtract all that area needed for the concrete from someplace else. since there was no concrete you subtracted it from actual functioning area of the real steel core. you now can not fit all the elevators inside your core. they simply dont fit. you already used the area for concrete.

we wont hold our breathe waiting for you to fit the elevators into your concrete core because we know you cant. its a physical impossibility.
Like I said, you presented the area not the elevator dimensions.

I have no need for playing elevator dimension games, the perpetrators need to do that and they have you doing it for them . . . or trying to.

I can show the actual core of concrete.


There is NO WAY the core FEMA presents is going to not have mass steel structure protruding at the top. Not one piece in that image.

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.[/url, the author of a safety report for FEMA identifys a concrete core. He was contacted recently to see if that was a mistake.

If you haven't posted them then that means they will not give them. Probably because they disagree with the fake plans.

Charges Placed In WTC Towers When Built?

An Excerpt from the statement of Robert L. Parish Sr.

On day, as the lead consultant engineer was in my lab talking just about "stuff", I asked him, "Sometime in future, in 50 years or so, how are these Twin Towers are going to be taken down as tall as they were going to be and as tight as land is in a crowded city, without causing fast destruction to other buildings?"

He was standing upright. He outstretched his right arm with his palm down. And said, "Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam" as he lowered his hand down one imaginary floor at a time. All the way down to the floor. I knew that we had to certify these commutators to be able to operate continuously for 50 years without service or repair as our part of the contract. He explained that as the buildings are being built, explosive charges are being incorporated into the structures at key floor joint locations. So, that when the first charges are set-off at the top floors, they will take that floor down to the next. And the charges at that floor will take it down to the next floor. This will continue all the way down. The Twin Towers will come straight down like a stack of pancakes. When the buildings get old and no longer useful or profitable to have and maintain, all it will take is a phone call to take them down.
Now you're using RENSE as a source?? :lol::lol::lol:


Keep going there. Maybe he'll post some other idiotic theories for you, along the lines of;

UFO's destroyed the towers, or
Horse Head boy did it, or
The towers were destroyed by the same mini-nukes we used in Iraq & Afghanistan.

That site is a goldmine for idiots like you. He'll post ANYTHING that is sent to him.
If you haven't posted them then that means they will not give them. Probably because they disagree with the fake plans.

its your core. its your job to show us how to fit all those elevators inside. you cant. they dont fit. i know it. you know it. your concrete core is impossible.

you have no source for any of your other claims. no source for your claim of "elevator guide rail support steel". no source for your C4 coated rebar. no source for your concrete core dimensions. no source for any of your stupid bullshit. no source for your "the cores were radically different" claim. no source for your alternating hallways claim.....

its all been proven wrong.

you make up all your dimensions so jsut make up the elevator dimensions too so we can all have another laugh!! :lol:
Its FEMA's core. its your job to show us the core, not elevators you cant show on official plans. Only a Demolitionconcrete core is possible.

You have no other source for your claims. The claim of "elevator guide rail support steel" is the only reasonably substanciated information related to the FEMA deception. FEMA's info structurally has all been proven wrong.

You make up all your dimensions because you have no evidence, we can all have another laugh "idiot agents"!! :lol:

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