Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Here I show the exact relationship between the interior box columns surrounding the concrete core and the first row of elevator guide rails up against the inside of the concrete core wall. The spire is outside the core.




This superimposition of the "before and after" shows the location of the spire.

Bot program editing post alert.

the bot will likely activate a post in it's other thread about pshy-ops campaigns

It will re-shuffle it's wording to claim that we are a false social group designed to infiltrate it's core theory on an attempt to commit treason. However, the bot program will fail to complete it's programming by failing to notify President Barack Obama, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, or a judge or justice of our treasons. This will cause a program overload, and it will revert to asking for pictures of the FEMA drawing.

Sad that the programmer of the bot could not anticipate this program flaw, and set a subroutine to get around it.
the bot will likely activate a post in it's other thread about pshy-ops campaigns

It will re-shuffle it's wording to claim that we are a false social group designed to infiltrate it's core theory on an attempt to commit treason. However, the bot program will fail to complete it's programming by failing to notify President Barack Obama, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, or a judge or justice of our treasons. This will cause a program overload, and it will revert to asking for pictures of the FEMA drawing.

Sad that the programmer of the bot could not anticipate this program flaw, and set a subroutine to get around it.

That is too bad. It is also too bad the program didn't include a self destruct subroutine.
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Ahhh, I'm busy working and stuff.

is this like when you were working under the table while at the same time you were filing a social security disability claim saying you were unable to work? you're such a fucking liar!! :eusa_liar:
An agent would never notice that a citizen working to defend the Constitution who was deprived of rights and equal protection of law, and you refuse to see that just as you refuse to acknowledge guiliani taking the WTC documents from NYC offices.

This failure to appear ripped me off for more than can ever be described.


That estoppes all civil action and when courts refuse to recognize disabilitys and instead force people to go on disability as if that was the final call rather than a doctors diagnosis, which was why the Soc Sec claim. But they refuses to follow the ADA too so that was denied.
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An agent would never notice that a citizen working to defend the Constitution who was deprived of rights and equal protection of law, and you refuse to see that just as you refuse to acknowledge guiliani taking the WTC documents from NYC offices.

This failure to appear ripped me off for more than can ever be described.


That estoppes all civil action and when courts refuse to recognize disabilitys and instead force people to go on disability as if that was the final call rather than a doctors diagnosis, which was why the Soc Sec claim. But they refuses to follow the ADA too so that was denied.

A dishonest piece of shit like you would never admit that you were deprived of NO Constitutional rights.

Are you STUCK on only five red medals, scumbag?

It's not fair. Your massive, incredible, well-deserved and stunningly bad reputation warrants at least another half dozen red medals.
Unfortunately, the board doesn't go past 5 red medals, even for a machine program like the Christophera Bot.
When the agents of the false social group fail to recognize violations of law that obstruct justice, it is very clear that the opposite of what they say is most often wrong.

Of course they cannot show the core they say exists on 9-11 which is the FEMA lie. But, I can post the concrete core of WTC 2 at 1/2 height on 9-11 and it can only be concrete.

there is nothing "false" about this group, dipshit
we are SANE people telling you that you are batshit fucking INSANE
there is nothing "false" about this group, dipshit
we are SANE people telling you that you are batshit fucking INSANE

And I'm telling you that you are a member of a false social group that has a shared agenda.

Since you cannot evidence the core of the structure you assert stood from images on 9-11, and have NO INDEPENDENTLY verified evidence, while I do, no one is insane here. You are criminals, traitors working to conceal felony and treason.

Now I have posted here exactly how you could be mind controlled nwo schills.


Either way, you are guilty.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

Section 4 states “Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States” such language is clear in that a citizen is allowed and required under law to disclose if such disclosure is “cognizable by a court of the United States”

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
CriscoFEARa, Miss Prison of 2010, has announced that s/he is entering the Competition again in 2011 in an effort to retain her/his(?) crown.

-- pictured: CriscoFEAR, winner of last year's Miss Prison Contest.

All of us here at USMB wish CriscoFEARa the best in this effort to retain the crown.
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Goof-0-phera has some serious competition, as Miss Prision of 2007 has decided to enter to try for a second win.


This should be an interesting competition this year.

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