Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

The reporter WROTE the article based on what Robertson said.

And what is seen at ground zero confirms it.

The massive concrete base wall of WTC 1.
you lie
Robertson NEVER said that, the reporter got it WRONG
and there is NO concrete in that photo
see any concrete core?

see any concrete core?

see any concrete core?

see any concrete core?

see any concrete core?

see any concrete core?

the steel core is independently verified by the New York Times...

"For a combination of historical, cultural and economic reasons, tall, concrete-core buildings dedicated to office use are unusual in New York, where builders prefer the wallboard-enclosed cores with steel frames that Mr. Robertson pioneered in the trade center."
New York Timeshere

which is independently verified by NEWSWEEK

"Engineers are still debating whether the Twin Towers' unique structure should be credited for surviving the initial crashes, or blamed for collapsing in the subsequent fires, or both. But the point is that it was unique, utilizing closely spaced columns connected to a steel core by relatively lightweight floor trusses. "
Newsweek. Newsweek.com

which is independently verified by Time Magazine.

"Each of the towers, more than 200 ft. wide on each side, contained a central steel core surrounded by open office space. Eighteen-inch steel tubes ran vertically along the outside, providing much of the support for the building"
Time Magazine.TIME.com

which is independently verified by ENGINEERING.com.

"The twin towers were the first supertall buildings designed without any masonry. Worried that the intense air pressure created by the building's high speed elevators might buckle conventional shafts, engineers designed a solution using a drywall system fixed to the reinforced steel core. "

which is independently verified by University of California at Berkeley.

"Like many high-rises built in the 1960s, the Twin Towers were constructed with their weight distributed between a hollow steel core (containing services like elevators) and steel columns around the perimeter, maximizing open floor space. Many believe the older high-rise design, in which steel columns are often encased in concrete, is more fire resistant.

“A lot of people have told me, ‘You should have used more concrete in the structure,’” said Robertson. However, his chart plotting the strength of steel vs. concrete at various temperatures showed that at the incendiary levels that raged in the towers, the two materials become similarly weak."
Berkeley 04.17.2002 - World Trade Center remembered

which is independently verified by Time Magazine.

"Yamasaki has switched from concrete, his favorite medium, to steel because of the sheer height of the towers, and instead of having the weight of the structure carried by the frame and the elevator core, the great steel columns of the exterior walls will support it."
Time Magazine article from 1964!! Art: Onward & Upward - TIME

which is independently verified by VIDEO OF THE ACTUAL BUILDINGS UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!! :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqDTEZIdg7g&feature=PlayList&p=A6382FD1025BACE9&index=62]YouTube - WTC 1&2 UNIQUE DESIGN.[/ame]
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Your evidence ALL depends on FEMA

And your images mostly do not look into the core and when they do there are no gussetts and no diagonal braces which means they were not structural steel for the towers. They were structure for the elevator system. The elevator guide rail support steel is being misrepresented as "core clumns".


Which is why on 9-11 the core is empty.







I've proven that there is a concrete core. That proves EVERYTHING that attempts to promote steel core columns depends on FEMA.

If this was not true, you would have posted an image of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 because the steel core columns would have existed. You have not. The steel core colunms did not exist. No agent has ever posted such an image.

The concrete west core wall of WTC 1.

Chri$$y" said:
I've proven that there is a concrete core.

When did you do that ..??

I've been following=stalking your "work" since 2004 and I've yet to see any evidence of a concrete core .. which forum did I miss ..

Shit I'm getting lazy .. I bet it wasn't at my forums..

Was it at .. Namasteezy

Where you plan your core attacks..

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The proof is in the consistency with all of the other independently verified evidence.

It is logical that the perpetrators would not allow you to acknowledge such things no matter how obvious they are to reasonable observers.

The WTC 2 core for example.

It can actully be nothing but concrete, just like Robertson says.

Which "perpetrators" will not allow us to acknowledge such things? Name them, Agent Big Ears.
I've proven that there is a concrete core. That proves EVERYTHING that attempts to promote steel core columns depends on FEMA.

If this was not true, you would have posted an image of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 because the steel core columns would have existed. You have not. The steel core colunms did not exist. No agent has ever posted such an image.

The concrete west core wall of WTC 1.


You're the one posting the pictures of the steel core columns. Because that's what's in this photo, core columns. Not your whimsical "guide rail support steel" or "3 inch (or 6 inch, depending on which way the wind is blowing) re-bar". These are the core columns, in the last moment before they collapsed.

And you won't be able to prove a concrete core until you can post pictures of the intact core prior to 9/11/01. All you show in your photos ON 9/11 is dust clouds & smoke.

And steel core columns.
Christofarter" said:
I've proven that there is a concrete core. That proves EVERYTHING that attempts to promote steel core columns depends on FEMA.

Since you haven't proven the first part of your statement .. as shown many time in multitudinous forums .. the second part doesn't have any validity..

Go get some cave dung and eat it .. that would really be interesting..

Amazing the sort of shit you can find .. when you are hungry.

I've proven that there is a concrete core. That proves EVERYTHING that attempts to promote steel core columns depends on FEMA.

If this was not true, you would have posted an image of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 because the steel core columns would have existed. You have not. The steel core colunms did not exist. No agent has ever posted such an image.

The concrete west core wall of WTC 1.


how much of a fucking moron do you have to be to say there are no steel core columns and then POST A FUCKING PICTURE OF THEM!! :lol:

The infiltrating perpetrators would have you try and confuse, try and misrepresent and distort. That is logical, and you are trying to do it.

The fact that the single steel columns visible is OUTSIDE the core is easy to see.


The steel on the right in the top photo seen looking south from the north is seen looking east in the lower image. It is part of the wall having floor beams which is the inner wal of the exterior steel structure.

[size"4"]The top image shows an empty core area to the left of the end view of the concrete wall on the left of the steel column.[/size]

The infiltrating perpetrators would have you try and confuse, try and misrepresent and distort. That is logical, and you are trying to do it.

The fact that the single steel columns visible is OUTSIDE the core is easy to see.


The steel on the right in the top photo seen looking south from the north is seen looking east in the lower image. It is part of the wall having floor beams which is the inner wal of the exterior steel structure.

[size"4"]The top image shows an empty core area to the left of the end view of the concrete wall on the left of the steel column.[/size]

excuses.... excuses... excuses...

there are no "infiltrators"...

the perpetrators were the 19 hijackers and they're all dead.

there is no "misrepresentation" (unless of course you are talking about your own disinfo ops).

there is no steel outside the core area. there is the outside wall and there is the steel core. thats all. your claims there is a concrete core is a lie. your claimn there are steel columns outside that concrete core is just your EXCUSE after being shown pictures of the actual steel core.

WHERE'S YOUR FUCKING CONCRETE CORE, ASSHOLE? show us a fucking picture and quit with your stupid fucking excuses. dont show a silhouette that you cant see any fucking concrete. dont show us smoke and dust and claim its concrete.


The steel on the right in the top photo seen looking south from the north is seen looking east in the lower image. It is part of the wall having floor beams which is the inner wal of the exterior steel structure.

[size"4"]The top image shows an empty core area to the left of the end view of the concrete wall on the left of the steel column.[/size]

you fucking lying asshole....

the overlay is not even close to be correct and its already been proven to you.
here's the fucking image you are trying to combine and they are not even fucking close to be taken from the same place at the same angle.


this is what happens when you do combine two photos taken from the same place....
and you can clearly see that YOU ARE A LYING PIECE OF SHIT. the steel core columns are in the exact center of the tower and they are the TWO CENTER ROWS OF STEEL CORE COLUMNS.

go ahead and prove me wrong if you can, asshole.

we both know you cant so instead you will go on a fucking incoherant rant about infiltrators and refusing to recongize some other stupid shit in order to change the subject. you'll also lie your fucking ass off and claim robertson said something that he didnt.

the truth is THERE IS NO CONCRETE CORE AND THESE PICTURES PROVE IT. prove me wrong instead of changing the subject like the chikcen shit disinfo agent we all know you are.

The steel on the right in the top photo seen looking south from the north is seen looking east in the lower image. It is part of the wall having floor beams which is the inner wal of the exterior steel structure.

[size"4"]The top image shows an empty core area to the left of the end view of the concrete wall on the left of the steel column.[/size]

you fucking lying asshole....

the overlay is not even close to be correct and its already been proven to you.
here's the fucking image you are trying to combine and they are not even fucking close to be taken from the same place at the same angle.


this is what happens when you do combine two photos taken from the same place....
and you can clearly see that YOU ARE A LYING PIECE OF SHIT. the steel core columns are in the exact center of the tower and they are the TWO CENTER ROWS OF STEEL CORE COLUMNS.

go ahead and prove me wrong if you can, asshole.

we both know you cant so instead you will go on a fucking incoherant rant about infiltrators and refusing to recongize some other stupid shit in order to change the subject. you'll also lie your fucking ass off and claim robertson said something that he didnt.

the truth is THERE IS NO CONCRETE CORE AND THESE PICTURES PROVE IT. prove me wrong instead of changing the subject like the chikcen shit disinfo agent we all know you are.
holy shit, is he now calling his "spire" the perimeter wall?
agent chri$$y is completely debunked and discredited, yet continues to post his lies and promote his propaganda.

It would be funny if it was not such a treasonous and inhuman act.

As with agent chri$$y's BS on every other internet outlet, he has been proven wrong more times than can be counted on USMB.
The agents incompetent efforts to confuse the matter only expose their conspiracy further.

FEMA and the agents misrepresent the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".


and have NEVER show the stel core columns in the core area on 9-11.

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