Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

The opposite of what agents say is most often true. Meaning you have posted no evidence, and I usually do.

Such as the fact that the lead engineer provided information to Newsweek identifying a concrete core.

That matches Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 which is consistent with a structural engineer cetified in 12 states August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE..

All of them are consisten with 9-11 images showing concrete. The west wall of WTC 1 concrete core.


You've just proven you are an agent by attempting to disinform.

[Bullshit algoxy img] snipped [/ bullshit algoxy img][quote within quote image edited by Liability!]


OK Agent of Obfuscation Chrissy, let's start with this one. Does this image show "elevator guide rail support steel" or "re-bar"? Remember, it can only be one or the other.

CriscoFEARa's response might be along the following lines:

The perpetrators would want you to believe that.

However, those of us :eusa_drool::cuckoo: who see clearly (even if we can't manage to find our balls to accept responsibility to provide support for our own children) will recognize that sometimes

it's BOTH a dessert topping AND a floor wax!
Agents without evidence supporting secret methods of mass murder have no say. Later they will get a 6x12 cell.

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382
Before the court is the question involving the true structural design of the Twin Towers of New York City and a gross deception of it within acts of treason.
These Towers were begun in construction in August of 1966 and were the two tallest buildings in the world at the time. They were the first Towers of that height because of the design method using a concrete tubular core resisting flex, eliminating torsion and oscillation in high winds.

On September 11, 2001 two planes targeted the Towers for collision. The fact of assumption of collapse when the two Towers fell to the ground almost identically, at different times, not respective of impact sequence within a few hours, is intrinsically associated with the misrepresentation of the fundamental design of the Towers to official entities providing engineering analysis of collapse, invalidating that analysis.

Included accessory Exhibits and Panels of photographs are for the purpose of substantiating the commission of what these citizens know as misprision of treason.

Pursuant to TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.


I stand as a witness to the construction because of viewing an extensively detailed 2 hour “PUBLIC BROADCAST SYSTEM” (PBS) documentary in 1990 about the Twin tower construction. With 35 years experience as a welder who has worked in civil engineering for 25 years, I understood, very well, all that was communicated by that regarding documentary described in the attached Affidavit.
The documentary is now gone, even from the digital records of PBS which broadcast it. This factor enables the deception concealing treason disclosed herein. However a retired physicist/Ph.D. and a former Marine major searched for it and found paper records at PBS through contacts employed there which corroborates this testimony. A VHS original copy was found but DVD copy of it appears to have been intercepted. An excerpt from a 2007 web radio show that Dr. Larsen produced and I co hosted where he updated the search. It can be downloaded from, rl-cb6-27-07pbs.doc_1-2.mp3 - concrete, core,, PBS, video,.


PBS has also re edited the original documentary footage in 2003 and titled that production, “NEW YORK, The Center of the World” which misrepresents the core structure of the Towers as being comprised of steel core columns.

The true core of the Towers is described in an article by Newsweek of September 13, 2001, about Leslie E. Robertson the engineer for the Twin Towers, EXHIBIT "A", with the statement, “supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core” (emphasis added).

The passage of EXHIBIT "A" is not quoted but the notion that it is an error is not credible when the term “building collapse” is being used to describe what killed 3,000 people and Robertson is one of the engineers of record. Liability dictates that the buildings engineer is going to be very sensitive to this matter and will be certain it is correct. EXHIBIT "A" is also completely consistent with all recall I have of the 1990 PBS documentary as well as evidence in the included exhibits.

The east concrete core wall of WTC 1 is seen toppling into the core area.


The moron agents actually pretend people will believe that the massive piece of concrete toppling from a vertical position is a floor. They've been asked, "if it is a floor, where did it fall from?" No answer from the traitors.
Agents without evidence supporting secret methods of mass murder have no say. Later they will get a 6x12 cell.

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382
Before the court is the question involving the true structural design of the Twin Towers of New York City and a gross deception of it within acts of treason.
These Towers were begun in construction in August of 1966 and were the two tallest buildings in the world at the time. They were the first Towers of that height because of the design method using a concrete tubular core resisting flex, eliminating torsion and oscillation in high winds.

On September 11, 2001 two planes targeted the Towers for collision. The fact of assumption of collapse when the two Towers fell to the ground almost identically, at different times, not respective of impact sequence within a few hours, is intrinsically associated with the misrepresentation of the fundamental design of the Towers to official entities providing engineering analysis of collapse, invalidating that analysis.

Included accessory Exhibits and Panels of photographs are for the purpose of substantiating the commission of what these citizens know as misprision of treason.

Pursuant to TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.


I stand as a witness to the construction because of viewing an extensively detailed 2 hour “PUBLIC BROADCAST SYSTEM” (PBS) documentary in 1990 about the Twin tower construction. With 35 years experience as a welder who has worked in civil engineering for 25 years, I understood, very well, all that was communicated by that regarding documentary described in the attached Affidavit.
The documentary is now gone, even from the digital records of PBS which broadcast it. This factor enables the deception concealing treason disclosed herein. However a retired physicist/Ph.D. and a former Marine major searched for it and found paper records at PBS through contacts employed there which corroborates this testimony. A VHS original copy was found but DVD copy of it appears to have been intercepted. An excerpt from a 2007 web radio show that Dr. Larsen produced and I co hosted where he updated the search. It can be downloaded from, rl-cb6-27-07pbs.doc_1-2.mp3 - concrete, core,, PBS, video,.


PBS has also re edited the original documentary footage in 2003 and titled that production, “NEW YORK, The Center of the World” which misrepresents the core structure of the Towers as being comprised of steel core columns.

The true core of the Towers is described in an article by Newsweek of September 13, 2001, about Leslie E. Robertson the engineer for the Twin Towers, EXHIBIT "A", with the statement, “supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core” (emphasis added).

The passage of EXHIBIT "A" is not quoted but the notion that it is an error is not credible when the term “building collapse” is being used to describe what killed 3,000 people and Robertson is one of the engineers of record. Liability dictates that the buildings engineer is going to be very sensitive to this matter and will be certain it is correct. EXHIBIT "A" is also completely consistent with all recall I have of the 1990 PBS documentary as well as evidence in the included exhibits.

The east concrete core wall of WTC 1 is seen toppling into the core area.


The moron agents actually pretend people will believe that the massive piece of concrete toppling from a vertical position is a floor. They've been asked, "if it is a floor, where did it fall from?" No answer from the traitors.
Wow, the "concrete core" agent posted the same drivel twice. The agent must think that if we read his nonsense twice in a row, that will force us to accept it.

I can only wonder how the court clerk that read his filing must have laughed his or her head off over it. Just look at it. An agent wants to have a judge force a new investigation based on what HE remembers from a 1990 PBS documentary. A documentary that he can not even produce as evidence. This rises to a whole new level of stupidity, one never seen before in human history. Then the agent goes on to make a claim of what the engineer said, while in other venues the agent claims the reporter "consolidated" it. A second layer of stupidity, that doesn't quite rise to the level of the first one.

As I said, I can only imagine the howls of laughter when this piece of nonsense was read for the first time. And the second time. And the third. I'll bet the clerks were passing it around for laughs, kind of like those joke e-mails we all receive. It's probably been posted on a court clerk internet forum in the humor section by now, for hundreds of clerks to laugh over.
Your masters demand the opposite of acceptance from agents, logically so.

You are directed to attempt disinformation with misinformation, but that exposes you over and over. Since then you have lost all credibility. Your masters think tank didn't account for witness capacity to the construction AND the presence of very informative public domain 9-11 images.

REBAR, empty core area


You, as an agent of deception, will, logicall behave in a way that reject all evidence that does not serve your masters interests.

Agents are the BORG in some ways. Your behavior is translatable, your motives for your false group are unstated.

If this is not true, explain why you are here and use independently verified evidence with your justifications for doing what you are doing.

CONGRATULATIONS to CriscoFEARa, the lyingest, most unmanly, child-non-supporting, scumbag Troofer agent of disinformation for pay on the interwebz!

In recognition of your utter failure as a proponent of your absurd and baseless conspiracy theory and in further recognition of your complete lack of balls, you unmanly piece of shit, you have been awarded (so far as we can determine) the VERY FIRST EVER THREE NEG REP MEDAL in the HISTORY of the USMB!

Agents pretending they are stupid and that much time has passed with them NOT addressing the many inconsistencies their poorly presented postion grasps for in this internet medium; will be countered by this image showing the structure that was over the rebar and another superimposition that shows that structures location.

image shows the spire is the north end of the west inner wall of the steel exterior.


Without the superimposition.


The same spire from the north looking down the west wall.

Agents oppose citizens seeking to end unlawful government. Logically they cannot observe violations of law by government.

Courts refusing to recognize, follow and uphold laws. Infiltration.

Agents pretending they are stupid and that much time has passed with them NOT addressing the many inconsistencies their poorly presented postion grasps for in this internet medium; will be countered by this image showing the structure that was over the rebar and another superimposition that shows that structures location.

image shows the spire is the north end of the west inner wall of the steel exterior.


your superimposition has already been proven to be a LIE. it was taken from two different cameras from two completely different angles. thats why your superimposition doesnt go to the ground.... because it DOESNT MATCH UP.

here is where this crap has already been debunked.

here is a superimposed image from the same camera at the same angle clearly showing that the entire spire was made up of the CENTER TWO ROWS OF THE STEEL CORE and wasnt the corner, as chris falsely claims.

the object in this picture is DEFINITELY steel core columns shown in the core area on 9/11 despite chris's claims that none exist.
Agents pretending they are stupid and that much time has passed with them NOT addressing the many inconsistencies their poorly presented postion grasps for in this internet medium; will be countered by this image showing the structure that was over the rebar and another superimposition that shows that structures location.

image shows the spire is the north end of the west inner wall of the steel exterior.

your superimposition has already been proven to be a LIE. it was taken from two different cameras from two completely different angles. thats why your superimposition doesnt go to the ground.... because it DOESNT MATCH UP.

here is where this crap has already been debunked.

here is a superimposed image from the same camera at the same angle clearly showing that the entire spire was made up of the CENTER TWO ROWS OF THE STEEL CORE and wasnt the corner, as chris falsely claims.

the object in this picture is DEFINITELY steel core columns shown in the core area on 9/11 despite chris's claims that none exist.
it wont matter, he'll still keep posting it over and over
Your masters demand the opposite of acceptance from agents, logically so.

You are directed to attempt disinformation with misinformation, but that exposes you over and over. Since then you have lost all credibility. Your masters think tank didn't account for witness capacity to the construction AND the presence of very informative public domain 9-11 images.

REBAR, empty core area


You, as an agent of deception, will, logicall behave in a way that reject all evidence that does not serve your masters interests.

Agents are the BORG in some ways. Your behavior is translatable, your motives for your false group are unstated.

If this is not true, explain why you are here and use independently verified evidence with your justifications for doing what you are doing.


Let's get one thing straight, Brown. I am a slave to no man or agency, thus I have no "masters". Your repeated use of that particular word indicates to me that you are a racist.

As to why I am here, I believe it is incumbent on everyone to stand up when someone is trying to mislead people, especially when they are only doing it for personal profit. People like you only come up with your sensationalized conspiracies to try to draw good, unsuspecting people into your web of deception and lies, and when they are hooked you continue to escalate the story to keep them coming back. All in an attempt to rack up page hits that you are paid for by the advertisers.

Your own picture in the quote shows how far you will go to stretch what everyone can see to further your cause. You alone call this "rebar, empty core area". Why doesn't anyone else call it that? Why aren't the other 9/11 truth members of this board rushing here to back you up? Could it be that they look at this picture and say, "yeah, those are core columns"? Because that's what everyone I show them to calls them. Because that's what they are, the last steel central core columns, standing defiant against the destruction, as if they are fighting for their "lives", trying to scream out to the world "remember these towers, and the good people who died here".

As to your concrete cores, again I don't see any other members of this site coming in to agree with you. Could it that they don't believe this fantasy of yours either?

Again, I have no "masters". (you racist). I am merely one man, raising his voice against the deception you peddle. A man who is easily disgusted by someone who would attempt to profit from the death, heartbreak, loneliness, loss and pain of others.
Christopharter said:
image shows the spire is the north end of the west inner wall of the steel exterior.

I tried to get my head around this one .. but failed miserably at converting this verbal diarrhea into anything worthy of note.

the spire is north end .. of west inner wall .. of steel exterior.

So it's both a part of an inner wall and an exterior wall ... :lol: how can that possibly be

Try drinking Chris .. you'd make more sense !!

You hate me mentioning alcohol don't you buddy boy .. had some problems with it?

Like paying for it for example. But you should have lots of blood money by now at $6 bucks a year :razz:

Refer to the engineer of record.

MSNBC - ?Painful and Horrible?

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

The north end of the inner wall of the steel tube exoskeleton of the west side is the spire. An interior box column.
Refer to the engineer of record.

MSNBC - ?Painful and Horrible?

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

The north end of the inner wall of the steel tube exoskeleton of the west side is the spire. An interior box column.

CriscoFEARa, you lying maggot fucker! Working toward your FOURTH RED NEG REP MEDAL!

That's the douche!

By the wya, no matter how often you repeat your deliberate disinformation, you unmanly scumbag, there will always be plenty of truth-tellers (i.e., those who expose the Troofer bullshit) to correct you.

As you know, but continue to ignore, Robertson did NOT say that the fucking place had any concrete in the core. That was the reporter making a mistake. it was not a quote.

The Twin Towers had no concrete in the cores above the ground level. Everything you post to the contrary is an error or a deliberate lie by you, you cocksucker.
Refer to the engineer of record.

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

The north end of the inner wall of the steel tube exoskeleton of the west side is the spire. An interior box column.
except, as anyone can see, Robertson NEVER said that, the stupid reporter did

you remain a fucking pathetic moronic dipshited idiot

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