Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

The hand printed "filing" was a nice touch, CriscoFEARa, you fucking ass-clown. :lol::lol: :rofl: :lol::lol:

Next time, use crayons. Lots of reds, blues and greens. :rofl:


i tried to read it but my neck hurt from tilting my head sideways.


That up and down hill block printing so closely approximated a typewritten pleading that I suspect the judge never even realized that it was hand printed.

Of course we are only hand printing because the judges will not recognize, follow and uphold the law.

But, the infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder won't want you to notice that.

These people and their loved ones thought laws protected them.


Maybe sometime again they will, but not if you and your masters have their way.
Of course we are only hand printing because the judges will not recognize, follow and uphold the law.

But, the infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder won't want you to notice that.

These people and their loved ones thought laws protected them.

Maybe sometime again they will, but not if you and your masters have their way.
tell that to the judge to his face, PLEASE
Of course we are only hand printing because the judges will not recognize, follow and uphold the law.

But, the infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder won't want you to notice that.

These people and their loved ones thought laws protected them.


Maybe sometime again they will, but not if you and your masters have their way.

these are the people you are trying to make money from.

you disgust me.:sad:
[divot=]tell that to the judge to his face, PLEASE[/quote]

I would love to. Chances are they are too ashamed to face the public on these issues.
These are the people I've been trying to contact for 8 years now.


But it appears they are well insulated/separated/sheilded from the public by many non profit organizations that popped up immediately.

What a coincidence.
The infiltrating perpetrators would want you to say something like that.

All the court had to do was create local rules that allowed a citizens to comply with,

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

If the court had done that, it would be perfectly okay for them to accept the disclosure and do nothing.

By filing a civil suit in our name they blatantly told the world they refuse to do their duty.

These are the people I've been trying to contact for 8 years now.


But it appears they are well insulated/separated/sheilded from the public by many non profit organizations that popped up immediately.

What a coincidence.

They are probably insulated from nasty fucking lowlife vermin shit like you by the basic human instinct which makes us avoid foul smelling diseased scum like you.
CriscoFEARa, you fucking lowlife retard.

Since you can fulfill your citizen's "duty" to report the alleged misprision of treason [sic] with a judge or with the President of the United States or with a Governor, why not just write a letter to President Obama or to the Governator?

I mean, bothering the poor judge who apparently just doesn't "understand" the law as clearly as you do is futile, evidently. But, thankfully, you can still comply with your civic duty by writing a nice letter to the President or to Ahnold.


Problem solved.
fiz said:

The infiltrating perpetrators would want you to use cognitive distortions, generalizations and minimizations to try and obscure the fact that the perps had structures of organization in place so families of victims could be virtually sequestered and shielded from those who wish to preserve Consitutional rights by finding and using truth.

Agents without evidence can only conduct ad hominium because they have no independently verified evidence.

The simple fact is obvious. FEMA says the core looks like this.

On 9-11, we see this for the core of WTC 2.

and it can only be reasonably described as concrete. Completely consistent with the information from the engineer of record for the Towers 2 days after 9-11. September 13, 2001

And the agents cannot find the source of the towers plans. I know that they were taken in a violation of law in order to make the deception the agents attempt to enforce more possible.
fiz said:

The infiltrating perpetrators would want you to use cognitive distortions, generalizations and minimizations to try and obscure the fact that the perps had structures of organization in place so families of victims could be virtually sequestered and shielded from those who wish to preserve Consitutional rights by finding and using truth.

Agents without evidence can only conduct ad hominium because they have no independently verified evidence.

The simple fact is obvious. FEMA says the core looks like this.

On 9-11, we see this for the core of WTC 2.

and it can only be reasonably described as concrete. Completely consistent with the information from the engineer of record for the Towers 2 days after 9-11. September 13, 2001

And the agents cannot find the source of the towers plans. I know that they were taken in a violation of law in order to make the deception the agents attempt to enforce more possible.

trying to contact people for 8 years is STALKING.

none of your rambling incoherent rants that were already debunked can change that. :cuckoo:
The infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder might benefit from you applying cognitive distortions such as attempting to maximize my activity far beyond anything actually done.

You expose yourself trying to protect secrete methods of mass murder.

Perhaps twice a year in 8 years did I find what appeared as a likely way to make contact. None worked for the EXACT reasons I stated.

They are being shielded by your masters in another branch of the psyops.
The infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder might benefit from you applying cognitive distortions such as attempting to maximize my activity far beyond anything actually done.

You expose yourself trying to protect secrete methods of mass murder.

Perhaps twice a year in 8 years did I find what appeared as a likely way to make contact. None worked for the EXACT reasons I stated.

They are being shielded by your masters in another branch of the psyops.
damn, you are a moronic idiot
The FEMA deception

The ONLY official depiction of ANY kind of the Twin towers core is a total misrepresentation of what actuall existed.

The deception was conducted by misrepresenting the "elvator guide rail support steel" as "core columns".

The reality was a rectangular concrete tube, similar in construction to a cooling tower. The concrete tube wa surrounded with steel columns that supported the floors. The concrete tube kept all the steel perfectly aligned so its ability to support weight would be maximized.
The infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder might benefit from you applying cognitive distortions such as attempting to maximize my activity far beyond anything actually done.

You expose yourself trying to protect secrete methods of mass murder.

Perhaps twice a year in 8 years did I find what appeared as a likely way to make contact. None worked for the EXACT reasons I stated.

They are being shielded by your masters in another branch of the psyops.

Maybe none of your attempts worked because they saw your horrible use of the English language, and thought they were being contacted by a child.

Which wouldn't be too far from the truth.
I thought you were just pretending to be stupid!

The building was square.

When a column is cut it has lost its bearing capacity.

When an agent is exposed their subterfuge loses credibility

Why did the top of the tower fall to the south when 61% of the shear wall had been destroyed on the north side?

OK Brown, I did the math, just for you.

The north face of the tower was 1,368 foot tall x 207 foot wide for a total of 283,176 square feet.

A Boeing 767 has a wingspan of 156 feet, and a tail height of 52 feet. I'm going to be generous here and allow a box dimension of 8,112 square feet, even though it would be much less than that because aircraft are not rectangular.

Now explain to me in clear English how 8,112 sq ft is 61% of 283,176 sq ft. Because by my calculations it comes out to only 2.86%

I await your answer, profiteer. And remember to use your words only. No bullshit debunked movies and links. No out of context or consolidated quotes. And no photos that we've seen a million times and know to be bullshit of the highest order.

Hey Chris, it's been two days. Where's your answer Agent Profiteer??

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