Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

rat said:
And the same old post for the millionth time.

Please get some new material!

The material I have is perfectly good, which is why the infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder do not like it. You don't like what they don't like.

The fact is that the concrete core is the only core that can be shown with independently verified evidence.

This can only be concrete.

No steel structure protrudes as it must under those condictions IF IT EXISTED. Steel core columns did not exist in the core area. Elevator guide rail support steel did and the FEMA deception misrepresents them as "core columns".
rat said:
And the same old post for the millionth time.

Please get some new material!

The material I have is perfectly good, which is why the infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder do not like it. You don't like what they don't like.

The fact is that the concrete core is the only core that can be shown with independently verified evidence.

This can only be concrete.

No steel structure protrudes as it must under those condictions IF IT EXISTED. Steel core columns did not exist in the core area. Elevator guide rail support steel did and the FEMA deception misrepresents them as "core columns".
it DID exist, and NO it wouldnt
this is why you are seen as a fucking dipshit
Agent with "blah blah blah" text has no substance when compared to the independently verified evidence.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with


interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
Christopharter said:
No steel structure protrudes as it must under those condictions IF IT EXISTED. Steel core columns did not exist in the core area. Elevator guide rail support steel did and the FEMA deception misrepresents them as "core columns".

Not sure what a condiction is ..? :lol:

But given that it might just be a spelling mistook I'll forgive you Chri$$y.

You now purport to be an expert on the condictions .. and how something should behave in this first time ever event on Planet Earth where a 110 story skyscraper suddenly collapsed X 2 !!

Suddenly you have the superior knowledge, un-attainable to the real academia of what should and shouldn't be.

Slightly egotistical I would have thought .. except we know you aren't really that clever .. and we know .. because you keep pulling stuff from your bottom and pretend it's a fact.

What you are doing is criminal, obstructing justice and treason by trying to disinform people to what the images show and mean. Your refussal to recognize violatons of law depriving the public of the true plans show your intent of misprision of felony and treason.

If I have to post them over and over to create conditions where the Constitution can be supported and defended, so be it.

So, the core was concrete agent.

What you are doing is criminal, obstructing justice and treason by trying to disinform people to what the images show and mean. Your refussal to recognize violatons of law depriving the public of the true plans show your intent of misprision of felony and treason.

If I have to post them over and over to create conditions where the Constitution can be supported and defended, so be it.

So, the core was concrete agent.
i recognize your violations of law
pay your child support you fucking deadbeat
divot said:
if "it could only be rebar"
why do you call it something else in other photos?

I do not do that. You and your false social group try and pretend that I do so as a part of your psyops disinfomration campaign here on the web agent.

You are off topic, psyops goes here agent.
you are a complete fucking moronic idiot
That is ironic, no evidence for steel core columns while using a word you do not know the meaning of.

You have been challenged many times to provide the origin and original meaning of that word. You have always failed to provide its definition.
That is ironic, no evidence for steel core columns while using a word you do not know the meaning of.

You have been challenged many times to provide the origin and original meaning of that word. You have always failed to provide its definition.

Who gives a dingoes donger what the origin of the word IDIOT is.. You explained it at BFN but that doesn't change the modern meaning of being a total ferking Imbecile = idiot.

The proof of concrete is yours Chris .. you keep failing to produce that evidence.

That is ironic, no evidence for steel core columns while using a word you do not know the meaning of.

You have been challenged many times to provide the origin and original meaning of that word. You have always failed to provide its definition.
god damn, this PROVES you are an idiot
i dont NEED to post the fucking definition to know you are a fucking idiot

and whats ironic is you post photos showing steel core columns and say you see concrete where none is
THAT is the height of ironic
rat said:
And the same old post for the millionth time.

Please get some new material!

The material I have is perfectly good

The material you have is only good in your delusional mind. To the rest of the world, it's crap.

Agent of Krypton Tard-El said:
The fact is that the concrete core is the only core that can be shown with independently verified evidence.

As verified by Goof-El & his cousin Gimp-El.

Agent of Idiot Chrissy said:
This can only be concrete.

Only if it is Invisicrete (accept no substitutes)

Agent of Dishonoring the Victims & Their Families Brown said:
No steel structure protrudes as it must under those condictions IF IT EXISTED. Steel core columns did not exist in the core area. Elevator guide rail support steel did and the FEMA deception misrepresents them as "core columns".

Look Brown, make up your mind for once. Are these "elevator guide rail support steel" or "re-bar"?? Pick one and stick with it. You can't have it both ways any more.

Oh, and by the way, since you keep changing my, Fizz's & DiveCons' usernames in our quotes, I am taking that as your express permission to do it with yours. Thank you, Agent of Treason & Non-Payment of Support Chrissy.

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