Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Agents with no evidence in their false social groups must pretend that grammer is more important than,

3,000 murders

The US Constitution

The futures of Amercans

The logic is VERY good. Since the core is completely empty on 9-11 AND butt plates are too weak to join core columns, AND massive shear walls are seen surrounding the core AND the engineer of record for the Twins gives information to Newsweek indentifying a concrete core.
no, we make fun of you because of those things, dipshit
Agents with no evidence in their false social groups must pretend that grammer is more important than,

3,000 murders

The US Constitution

The futures of Amercans

The logic is VERY good. Since the core is completely empty on 9-11 AND butt plates are too weak to join core columns, AND massive shear walls are seen surrounding the core AND the engineer of record for the Twins gives information to Newsweek indentifying a concrete core.

How many imbeciles paid you to post this today, Brown? Will you use the blood money for a drink and a good laugh at the 9/11 victims expense?
Because you fail to recognize a vaiolation of law depriving the public of building plans for the Twin towers, obstruction justice in the determination of the cause of death in 3,000 murders, your words will apply to yourself agent.

The public HAS independently verified evidence showinag a concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the


WTC 1 east shear wall toppling[/url], consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
****incomprehensible misspelled spam****

{debunked movie}

****more spam****

Give it up, Brown. Only your paying crowd believes anything you say. Fortunately, based on your account you posted, that's only one or two morons like yourself.

Go back to your hole in the rock. Or your playhouse. I don't care which, just go.
You never did answer why the top of WTC 1 fell south when 61% percent of the north face shear wall was destroyed by flight 11.


When a shear wall of a building is destroyed, the building falls in that direction.
You never did answer why the top of WTC 1 fell south when 61% percent of the north face shear wall was destroyed by flight 11.


When a shear wall of a building is destroyed, the building falls in that direction.

Stop making shit up, you filthy dishonest unmanly asshole. You are only further embarrassing yourself (even if you lack sufficient sense to realize it).

The direction of gravity tends to be pretty much ---

straight down.

When the Twin Towers fell, they fell in accordance with the expectations of basic physics, you lying scumbag moron.
You never did answer why the top of WTC 1 fell south when 61% percent of the north face shear wall was destroyed by flight 11.

When a shear wall of a building is destroyed, the building falls in that direction.
still waiting for your source for that
You never did answer why the top of WTC 1 fell south when 61% percent of the north face shear wall was destroyed by flight 11.

When a shear wall of a building is destroyed, the building falls in that direction.
still waiting for your source for that

Just for starters: there is not a chance in the universe that the plane crash into the building destroyed 61% of any wall or combination of walls. He makes his shit up as he goes along.
You never did answer why the top of WTC 1 fell south when 61% percent of the north face shear wall was destroyed by flight 11.

When a shear wall of a building is destroyed, the building falls in that direction.
still waiting for your source for that

Just for starters: there is not a chance in the universe that the plane crash into the building destroyed 61% of any wall or combination of walls. He makes his shit up as he goes along.
oh, i know
Agents are not interested in truth.

9-11 Review: Jets Impact the Twin Towers

According to FEMA's damage estimates, The North Tower impact destroyed from 31 to 36 of its perimeter columns, and the South Tower impact destroyed about 23 of its perimeter columns. Since each tower had 240 perimeter columns, the impacts destroyed only about 13 and 10 percent of the towers' perimeter columns, and only on a few floors.

Do the math, 60%. The poster that posted 61% had done an independent count. from photos.

Now, tell me WHY the top of WTC 1 fell to the south.
Agents are not interested in truth.

9-11 Review: Jets Impact the Twin Towers

According to FEMA's damage estimates, The North Tower impact destroyed from 31 to 36 of its perimeter columns, and the South Tower impact destroyed about 23 of its perimeter columns. Since each tower had 240 perimeter columns, the impacts destroyed only about 13 and 10 percent of the towers' perimeter columns, and only on a few floors.

Do the math, 60%. The poster that posted 61% had done an independent count. from photos.

Now, tell me WHY the top of WTC 1 fell to the south.
you suck at math too
Agents are not interested in truth.

9-11 Review: Jets Impact the Twin Towers

According to FEMA's damage estimates, The North Tower impact destroyed from 31 to 36 of its perimeter columns, and the South Tower impact destroyed about 23 of its perimeter columns. Since each tower had 240 perimeter columns, the impacts destroyed only about 13 and 10 percent of the towers' perimeter columns, and only on a few floors.

Do the math, 60%. The poster that posted 61% had done an independent count. from photos.

Now, tell me WHY the top of WTC 1 fell to the south.

the only person not interested in the truth is you. you are interested in making money from the blood of 3000 americans.

the truth is the towers had a steel core. you cant back up any of your claims. you show pictures of a steel core and claim its concrete. you lie and say steel core columns are "elevator guide rail supports" (something you completely made up). you lie and claim things are "butt plates" that are not. (something else you completely made up). you change your story every time you are proven wrong and you have been proven wong so many times that you cant even keep track of what your story is.
Agents are not interested in truth.

9-11 Review: Jets Impact the Twin Towers

According to FEMA's damage estimates, The North Tower impact destroyed from 31 to 36 of its perimeter columns, and the South Tower impact destroyed about 23 of its perimeter columns. Since each tower had 240 perimeter columns, the impacts destroyed only about 13 and 10 percent of the towers' perimeter columns, and only on a few floors.

Do the math, 60%. The poster that posted 61% had done an independent count. from photos.

Now, tell me WHY the top of WTC 1 fell to the south.

If you were ABLE to do math correctly, you dishonest and hopelessly ignorant, dishonest and stupid unmanly piece of shit, even YOU would have to realize that 60% of 240 perimeter columns would be -- .6 x 240 = 144 columns. And, as WE all see, even if you in your retarded universe don't, you didn't even argue that the planes destroyed a portion of 61 percent of the perimeter columns, douche. You claimed they destroyed 61% of the WALL. And of course, that was not true, either, moron. The planes, big as they were, still only took out a large portion of a few FLOORS.

When support columns get wrecked, they may lean to one side or another depending on where the most damage is, and as they start to collapse, it is perfectly rational to expect them to topple in the direction of the damage. But even then, they only fell outwards, at first, a bit, in the direction of the greatest damage -- but then went very much straight fucking down.

CriscoFEARa, you fucking piece of filth, have you ever admitted to yourself that you are an unmanly lying piece of shit? Have you ever sought out professional psychiatric help? You really should.
lilybily said:
f you were ABLE to do math correctly, you dishonest and hopelessly ignorant,

It is okay for agents to pretend to be stupid. I mean you are so wrong and so sick for supporting mass murder we can allow you to be stupid.

Divide the 240 x 4 to represent the 4 walls.
lilybily said:
f you were ABLE to do math correctly, you dishonest and hopelessly ignorant,

It is okay for agents to pretend to be stupid. I mean you are so wrong and so sick for supporting mass murder we can allow you to be stupid.

Divide the 240 x 4 to represent the 4 walls.

It is not actually "okay" for a lying Department of Disinformation Agent, like you, shit-breath, to outright lie.

If the building was a square, your nominal effort to engage in "math" would work. And under such circumstances the number of damaged columns might amount to a higher percentage of damaged columns per wall. But it would STILL not be, AS YOU ORIGINALLY and ignorantly said, "61% percent of the north face shear wall was destroyed."

It would be a percentage of the COLUMNS that were damaged (not "destroyed") and it would be a MINOR percentage of the WALL ITSELF (which is the item you specified) that was damaged.

You are a plodding liar, but that only means you suck at your job. You don't get bonus points for being a terrible and obvious liar. For in the end, you remain just a filthy scumbag liar.
I thought you were just pretending to be stupid!

The building was square.

When a column is cut it has lost its bearing capacity.

When an agent is exposed their subterfuge loses credibility

Why did the top of the tower fall to the south when 61% of the shear wall had been destroyed on the north side?

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