to all "fellow citizen's of the world"

Just like JFK?

JFK had his flaws, but as a President he had a great sense of propriety and common sense. As a candidate for the Presidency he would have been appalled at the speech Obama gave in Germany and, even though JFK was a member of the American aristocracy, he would have seen it as arrogant and presumptious as a candidate.

There is a huge difference between a US Senator, even one who is a candidate of the USA, presuming to be the new messiah and promising to be savior to the world, and a presentation from the lawfully elected President of the United States making a good will address in a country he is visiting.
JFK had his flaws, but as a President he had a great sense of propriety and common sense. As a candidate for the Presidency he would have been appalled at the speech Obama gave in Germany and, even though JFK was a member of the American aristocracy, he would have seen it as arrogant and presumptious as a candidate.

There is a huge difference between a US Senator, even one who is a candidate of the USA, presuming to be the new messiah and promising to be savior to the world, and a presentation from the lawfully elected President of the United States making a good will address in a country he is visiting.

Isn't it amazing that even as a Senator, Obama is inspiring people around the world. Imagine how much good he could do for America as president?
JFK had his flaws, but as a President he had a great sense of propriety and common sense. As a candidate for the Presidency he would have been appalled at the speech Obama gave in Germany and, even though JFK was a member of the American aristocracy, he would have seen it as arrogant and presumptious as a candidate.

There is a huge difference between a US Senator, even one who is a candidate of the USA, presuming to be the new messiah and promising to be savior to the world, and a presentation from the lawfully elected President of the United States making a good will address in a country he is visiting.

i didnt listen to the entire speech, so could you tell me how he promised to be the worlds savior?
Obama is not black, he's beige.

LOL .... I remember Harry Belafonte saying one time (in his younger years) .... "I am a good looking white man that has been dipped in caramel" ... or something like that! :beer:
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source for this somewhat absurd claim?

remember, he praised america in the same speech

I find it ridiculous that it's NOTWORTHY when a US presidential candidate is praised for "praising America". What a piece of filth.
I suggest you listen to or read the entire speech--hopefully an honest transcript of the speech he gave rather than one that might be 'cleaned up a bit' for the world newspapers.

And then consider this critique of the speech in Spiegel:
Opinion: No. 44 Has Spoken - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

Personally I think the Speech he gave in Germany had some good points, and some which pissed me off.

Namely, he talked about continuing to confront terrorism. Which I liked. However I noticed when he did this the Crowd grew silent, and did not applaud.

Then he pissed me off by talking about how we would Not torture, and we would stop being afraid of people "who don't look like us", To which the crowd exploded in applause.

That part pissed me off, because I feel the Idea that we are Torturing people, has been totally over blow, not to say we have not used some possibly improper tactics, and had some incidents of torture, But when Obama said it. it sounded like he was buying into the baseless World view that we are Torturing on mass, and at the same level of real Torturers in the world.

The not being afraid of people who do not look like us comment, IMO, was a jab at people back home who want to stop illegal immigration, and control out borders. As if to say they are afraid of and racist against Hispanics simply because they do not want them entering out country illegally.

Over all I think he took a very safe approach to the speech, and didn't really say much of anything new other than those points.

As far as him only being in the Race because he is black, that is a load of BS. He is in the Race because he ran a great campaign and defeated a HC. End of story. While I oppose him being president, it makes me proud of my nation that he is made it this far and could be president.

now to address the "citizen of the world comment" as I said earlyer I have no problem with it, as long as if he wins, he remembers he is an American first, elected to serve our interest, and a Citizen of the world second.
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Personally I think the Speech he gave in Germany had some good points, and some which pissed me off.

Namely, he talked about continuing to confront terrorism. Which I liked. However I noticed when he did this the Crowd grew silent, and did not applaud.

Then he pissed me off by talking about how we would Not torture, and we would stop being afraid of people "who don't look like us", To which the crowd exploded in applause.

That part pissed me off, because I feel the Idea that we are Torturing people, has been totally over blow, not to say we have not used some possibly improper tactics, and had some incidents of torture, But when Obama said it. it sounded like he was buying into the baseless World view that we are Torturing on mass, and at the same level of real Torturers in the world.

The not being afraid of people who do not look like us comment, IMO, was a jab at people back home who want to stop illegal immigration, and control out borders. As if to say they are afraid of and racist against Hispanics simply because they do not want them entering out country illegally.

Over all I think he took a very safe approach to the speech, and didn't really say much of anything new other than those points.

As far as him only being in the Race because he is black, that is a load of BS. He is in the Race because he ran a great campaign and defeated a HC. End of story. While I oppose him being president, it makes me proud of my nation that he is made it this far and could be president.

now to address the "citizen of the world comment" as I said earlyer I have no problem with it, as long as if he wins, he remembers he is an American first, elected to serve our interest, and a Citizen of the world second.

I agree with most of this, and I am also proud of a country that has grown and evolved so much that artificial barriers based on race, sex, etc. are virtually nonexistent at this time. But I don't buy that Obama 'loves and/or appreciates his country' or sees himself as an American first with a commitment to America. A careful reading of his books, a careful and thoughtful parsing of how he phrases his comments about America and certain people in it, the people he has surrounded himself with in his rise to wealth, power, and fame, and his unashamed pandering to whatever group he addresses does not give me confidence in either his honesty or his integrity.

George W. Bush has been a P.R. disaster and has made some serious errors in judgment coupled with downright incompetence on several fronts. But there is no question that he does love his country and puts its interests first before any other.

Obama is certainly winning the P.R. game, but I think with him we will have easily as much error in judgment and as much incompetence, and that coupled with a view that America is mostly flawed and bad and everybody else is better is a really dangerous combination for America.

Obama is good looking, personable, and mostly likable. I wish I could be more optiministic about him. But I can't.
I agree with most of this, and I am also proud of a country that has grown and evolved so much that artificial barriers based on race, sex, etc. are virtually nonexistent at this time. But I don't buy that Obama 'loves and/or appreciates his country' or sees himself as an American first with a commitment to America. A careful reading of his books, a careful and thoughtful parsing of how he phrases his comments about America and certain people in it, the people he has surrounded himself with in his rise to wealth, power, and fame, and his unashamed pandering to whatever group he addresses does not give me confidence in either his honesty or his integrity.

George W. Bush has been a P.R. disaster and has made some serious errors in judgment coupled with downright incompetence on several fronts. But there is no question that he does love his country and puts its interests first before any other.

Obama is certainly winning the P.R. game, but I think with him we will have easily as much error in judgment and as much incompetence, and that coupled with a view that America is mostly flawed and bad and everybody else is better is a really dangerous combination for America.

Obama is good looking, personable, and mostly likable. I wish I could be more optiministic about him. But I can't.

George Bush has almost single handedly destroyed America. If he loved America he would have resigned long ago.

Obama understands how the world works. America cannot control the world, we need the help of other nations to attain our goals. The perfect example of this are Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. In the first Gulf War, Bush Sr. got on the phone and got the support of many nations around the world, and so the first Gulf War cost us very little. That is called leadership. Bush Jr. took a go-it-alone appoach, even to the point of making fun of our allies. This approach has cost us almost a trillion dollars so far.

Obama is already beloved around the world because he realizes that our allies are important, and the people in those countries are responding to his positiive message. That is also called leadership.
blah blah my post got eaten by people having an obamagazim over a speech that damn near calls the United States of America a failure. but oh, it's the "jesus of our time" delivering this speech so it sounds oh so pretty. how can it/he be wrong?

then again, being a "citizen of the world" is a great success. Quit making me jealous.
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Barack Hussein Obama is only in this presidential race because he is black.:eusa_clap:

blah blah my post got eaten by people having an obamagazim over a speech that damn near calls the United States of America a failure. but oh, it's the "jesus of our time" delivering this speech so it sounds oh so pretty. how can it/he be wrong?

then again, being a "citizen of the world" is a great success. Quit making me jealous.

Ya' think?

The "topic" of your post was abandoned because it's devoid of anything much worth responding to.

You gave us your opinion...that Obama is a candidate because he is Black.

Some people said they don't agree.

Where else could your post possibly take us?

Do you really not understand that?

Where is there any room in your "topic" for an intelligent discussion?

At best this "topic" of yours is a platform for some people to talk about their race issues under the guise of they're doing so as a political discussion.
Some of our society seems to think that there is something unseemly about having pride in one's country or thinking/feeling that it is the best place in the world to live. They consider it a badge of honor to accuse it, demean it, despise it. They see European nations as being purer and more noble and morally superior. And they have no qualms pandering and currying favor from those Europeans by suggesting that even when they don't say it in so many words. Such people think they demonstrate the highest form of patriotism and any other is evil and oppressive.

Some of our society knows that the world is a safer and better place because the United States exists. Some recognize those less commendable aspects of our past and present without dismissing all that is good and commendable. Some know that hundreds of millions if not billions of people would come here to live in a heartbeat and be Americans if they could. Some say the Pledge of Allegiance with gratitude in their heart and feel a rush of positive emotion when they see the flag raised and hear the National Anthem. Such people know that patriotism is appreciation for and determination to preserve a nation that is the best hope of the rest of the world to keep chaos and evil at bay.

Which group did Obama represent in Germany this week? I don't think it was the second.
Being a "citizen of the world" means he rejects US citizenship and thinks it's more important to be at the beck and call of others than of his own people.

Thanks for making me go back and read the entire transcript of the speech. It was a meaningful speech that reached out to the world rather than thumb his nose at it, as the president you voted for has been doing for 7 years.

You seems to be just another raving neocon who is reaching to find fault, ANY FAULTS, in Obama. He is not perfect and I don't agree with many of his policies but he does not deserve such biased and undeserved bashing. Come up with something better...

I was a McCain supporter until he became a Bush lapdog as of late, and for one reason. That is to gain the votes of neocons like you. Too little too late...
I don't want a President who is 'citizen of the world'. ...


"Mr. Secretary-General, Mr. President, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen:

"I speak today as both a citizen of the United States and of the world. I come with the heartfelt wishes of my people for peace, bearing honest proposals and looking for genuine progress." -- PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN, June 17th, 1982

Remarks in New York City Before the United Nations General Assembly Special Session Devoted to Disarmament
"Mr. Secretary-General, Mr. President, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen:

"I speak today as both a citizen of the United States and of the world. I come with the heartfelt wishes of my people for peace, bearing honest proposals and looking for genuine progress." -- PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN, June 17th, 1982

Remarks in New York City Before the United Nations General Assembly Special Session Devoted to Disarmament

The Fox gets busted. Ouch!
The Fox gets busted. Ouch!

Republicans should really use to learn to use The Google, before they post false outrage about the term "Citizen of the World".

Presidents, including Ronald Reagan, have routinely refered to themselves as citizens of the World.

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