to all "fellow citizen's of the world"

Your making a lot of assumptions, and your "outrage" over this type of thing seems to be all directed at (surprise!) a Democrat, and not at republicans.

Last time I checked I was free to make assumptions and draw conclusions from what People said.

Oh and I have not seen any Republicans go before a crowd of 200k Germans and say something like that, believe me if they did I would be even more outraged. I expect it from a left wing person like Obama, I do not from Republicans. I Expect better than that from them.

I found it even more telling how silent the crowd grew when Obama talked about confronting Terror. You could have heard a pin drop.

Cheer loudly when he talks about torture, Grow dead silent when he talks about confronting Terrorism. I do not need much more than that to know where that crowd stood.
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Last time I checked I was free to make assumptions and draw conclusions from what People said.

Oh and I have not seen any Republicans go before a crowd of 200k Germans and say something like that, believe me if they did I would be even more outraged. I expect it from a left wing person like Obama, I do not from Republicans. I Expect better than that from them.

I found it even more telling how silent the crowd grew when Obama talked about confronting Terror. You could have heard a pin drop.

Cheer loudly when he talks about torture, Grow dead silent when he talks about confronting Terrorism. I do not need much more than that to know where that crowd stood.

How about the time when Ronald "The Gipper" Regan laid the wreaths at the graves of Nazi S.S. soldiers in 1985? So in fact Ronnie went in front of Germans and laid a wreath on the graves of Nazi's. Reagan Joins Kohl in Brief Memorial at Bitburg Graves :eusa_whistle:
How about the time when Ronald "The Gipper" Regan laid the wreaths at the graves of Nazi S.S. soldiers in 1985? So in fact Ronnie went in front of Germans and laid a wreath on the graves of Nazi's. Reagan Joins Kohl in Brief Memorial at Bitburg Graves :eusa_whistle:

Not sure what that has to do with this, at that time I was a kid, and didn't even like Reagan. If I saw him, or another republican, do something like that today I would scream my head off about it.

but then you are not being entirely honest are you, considering only 49 of the 2000 graves were SS. The rest were just common German soldiers who died doing what they were told to do. No?

Then there is the fact that before that he did this.

Hours earlier, Mr. Reagan stood before an obelisk at the site of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where 50,000 victims of the Nazis are buried in mass graves under mounds of heather.

''Here they lie,'' Mr. Reagan said in a trembling voice. ''Never to hope. Never to pray. Never to love. Never to heal. Never to laugh. Never to cry.''

See I like to know the whole story, and not just focus on the one thing that fits my point of view.

See I think the rest of Obama's speech was well thought out and well spoken. I only take issue with the part about Torture.
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Has anyone here been to Germany. I have. I lived in Belgum for almost 4 years and spent quite a bit of time across the border in Germany. I was also a NATO soldier working side by side with German soldiers. I know a bit about them and their general point of view. IN Europe, especially Germany, they censor violence with far more strictness than we censor sex. You know how we have show about foreign commercials? They have them too, and they include our commercials. They are amazed at how violent we are. They think most Americans carry guns and bully people around. This is from the country that cooked millions of Jews and almost took over Europe!

They are ignorant about their history in WW2. They basically have a black mark over it in the text books, because they are afraid that some people might still believe in Nazi propoganda. I have schooled more than a few Germans about WW2 because they are NOT taught it very extensively.

You might have an image of a Nazi wearing a trench coat wearing a helmet with a point on the top marching as I did before I met them. All I can say is my wake up call was to find that overall the German woman were far more manly than the men were.

These are the people that cheer when we say torture is bad, and grow silent when talking about confronting (violence is bad) terrorism.

Now, I do want to say that I do respect the German people and their culture. I have some German friends that I still keep in touch with. Yet, even they will admit what I just stated.
Not sure what that has to do with this, at that time I was a kid, and didn't even like Reagan. If I saw him, or another republican, do something like that today I would scream my head off about it.

but then you are not being entirely honest are you, considering only 49 of the 2000 graves were SS. The rest were just common German soldiers who died doing what they were told to do. No?

Then there is the fact that before that he did this.

See I like to know the whole story, and not just focus on the one thing that fits my point of view.

See I think the rest of Obama's speech was well thought out and well spoken. I only take issue with the part about Torture.

White House aides have acknowledged that the Bitburg visit is probably the biggest fiasco of Mr. Reagan's Presidency. The visit, which was made at the insistence of Mr. Kohl, was overwhelmingly opposed by both houses of Congress, Jewish organizations, veterans' groups and others.

Up to the last moment, White House officials sought to minimize the effect of the visit. As Mr. Reagan left Bonn this morning for Bergen-Belsen, officials disclosed that the President and Mr. Kohl would be joined at Bitburg by two prominent retired American and German military officers.
White House aides have acknowledged that the Bitburg visit is probably the biggest fiasco of Mr. Reagan's Presidency. The visit, which was made at the insistence of Mr. Kohl, was overwhelmingly opposed by both houses of Congress, Jewish organizations, veterans' groups and others.

Up to the last moment, White House officials sought to minimize the effect of the visit. As Mr. Reagan left Bonn this morning for Bergen-Belsen, officials disclosed that the President and Mr. Kohl would be joined at Bitburg by two prominent retired American and German military officers.

Do you have a point at all with this? I have already said if I saw this happen to day I would scream about it, No matter who was doing it.

Move on and get over it already.
Well at least Cheney went to the Holocaust memorial event....

im surprised it only takes 4 words to win the adoration of 82 million germans.

i dont think people care how other people feel about our president. they care how the rest of the world feels about us. why is that important? because they may support us if we need to take any large action. like, say invade iraq. if europeans hate us, why would they want their government supporting our governments actions?
the waving of american flags in germany sure seems to be a good start. or did they only bring those out once obama mentioned not torturing prisoners?

Why would we ever need to take any large action? There is no imminent danger. Remember? We can just disband our military and sing songs. If something comes up we can let Europe jump in and rescue us .
hmmmmm .... I wonder if Cheney and Ted Kennedy are on the same diet? :eek:

*Have you called Jenny ..... Yet?*
Why would we ever need to take any large action? There is no imminent danger. Remember? We can just disband our military and sing songs. If something comes up we can let Europe jump in and rescue us .

i take this to mean you have no real rebuttal to my points. i never said to disband our military, i said that we will have allies to support us. you really think that's a bad thing? to have support? so we dont need to carry the entire cost of war ourselves?

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