to all "fellow citizen's of the world"


Democrats could not exist with out Depressed minorities and mindless lemmings like yourself. :cuckoo:

and the repubs couldnt exist w/o lower class whites scared of minorities.
and there are absolutely no lemmings in the republican party, right?

yea, valuing all human life and not just american is freakin rediculous. everyone knows only american values matter. caring for others shows weekness and emboldens terrorists

you antiobamamanics really are something. you'll find any excuse you can to ridicule him. what was he supposed to say? "i'm an american, and dont really care about the rest of the world. only what is in my country's best interests. remember when we kicked your asses in WW 1 and 2? and by the way, volkswagons cant carry ford's muffler" youre taking an expression meant to reassure the rest of the world as to his views toward the rest of the world and trying to twist it to show he doesnt care about americans, even though the full phrase was "Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen – a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world" you are the ones full of shit, and youre making yourself look at partisan hacks who cant think beyond your little elephants talkingpoints

Jesus, has the Republican party fallen on such hard times, that they have to resort to making shit up?

There was nothing remotely anti-american in Obama's speech. He never said one word about torture. It was a competent, and some would say uplifting speech. He admitted America makes mistakes, while going on to praise our country and our values. What the hell is wrong with saying we make mistakes? Are we so cowardly and child-like that we have to say our country is always perfect? We HAVE made mistakes, and the petulant, arrogant, child like foreign policy of the Bush adminstration has rubbed far too many allies the wrong way. Even Bush himself, in unscripted press conferences, has admitted mistakes publically.

As for the comments about the crowd being comprised of "anti-american" Germans - what a crock. Listent Republicans, the world hates your president. That doesn't mean they hate americans. Check out the american flags those "anti-american" germans were waving at Obama's speech.

I know it hurts, Bushies. Its never fun to be unpopular: the world hates Bush and his kool aid drunk 28% dead enders. That doesn't mean the world can't admire and respect competent americans like Barack Obama, and other enlightened americans.
Jesus, has the Republican party fallen on such hard times, that they have to resort to making shit up?

There was nothing remotely anti-american in Obama's speech. He never said one word about torture.

Either you are a liar, or you did not listen to the speech. His comments about torture got the biggest applause of the speech.

And here they are.

Will we acknowledge that there is no more powerful example than the one each of our nations projects to the world? Will we reject torture and stand for the rule of law? Will we welcome immigrants from different lands, and shun discrimination against those who don't look like us or worship like we do, and keep the promise of equality and opportunity for all of our people?

Now can you tell me he was not playing on the popular perception in Europe that the US tortures people as a policy? Can you actually say that is not disparaging the US?

source Full script of Obama's speech
Full script of Obama's speech -
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how dare he talk about the US setting a good example to the rest of the world!!!! since when are we supposed to be a positive influence on others?

More like how dare you say "Obama never said one word about torture" when clearly he did.

but that was a nice try at deflecting debate from your misstatement of facts.
More like how dare you say "Obama never said one word about torture" when clearly he did.

but that was a nice try at deflecting debate from your misstatement of facts.

try looking at the names of people who post

you owe me an apology
More like how dare you say "Obama never said one word about torture" when clearly he did.

but that was a nice try at deflecting debate from your misstatement of facts.

It's about f*cking time America renounced torture.

Jesus, has the Republican party fallen on such hard times, that they have to resort to making shit up?

There was nothing remotely anti-american in Obama's speech. He never said one word about torture. It was a competent, and some would say uplifting speech. He admitted America makes mistakes, while going on to praise our country and our values. What the hell is wrong with saying we make mistakes? Are we so cowardly and child-like that we have to say our country is always perfect? We HAVE made mistakes, and the petulant, arrogant, child like foreign policy of the Bush adminstration has rubbed far too many allies the wrong way. Even Bush himself, in unscripted press conferences, has admitted mistakes publically.

As for the comments about the crowd being comprised of "anti-american" Germans - what a crock. Listent Republicans, the world hates your president. That doesn't mean they hate americans. Check out the american flags those "anti-american" germans were waving at Obama's speech.

I know it hurts, Bushies. Its never fun to be unpopular: the world hates Bush and his kool aid drunk 28% dead enders. That doesn't mean the world can't admire and respect competent americans like Barack Obama, and other enlightened americans.

Nice post.

Look at those pictures! When was the last time we saw anything like that?
There is a difference between renouncing torture, and playing into a German crowds unfounded belief that we torture on mass Kirk, But I do not expect you to get it.

The unfounded belief that we don't mass torture? That's not the point. The point is we should not torture at all.

On this John McCain and I agree.
There is a difference between renouncing torture, and playing into a German crowds unfounded belief that we torture on mass Kirk, But I do not expect you to get it.

torture on mass? i dont get how asking 'will we reject torture' equates to saying we torture a ton of people.

if people think we do torture prisoners, should we just pretend we dont and keep denying? i dont think that will solve the problem. the perception will still be there, whether we are torturing or not. making a pledge to not torture, to set an example, would go a bit further to reparing our image than to keep denying
The unfounded belief that we don't mass torture? That's not the point. The point is we should not torture at all.

On this John McCain and I agree.

AS do I kirk as do I.

however with everything there is context, and Obama said that in front of a crowd of Germans who believe we do torture on Mass. All you have to do is note that that line got the most applause of the entire speech to know that.
torture on mass? i dont get how asking 'will we reject torture' equates to saying we torture a ton of people.

if people think we do torture prisoners, should we just pretend we dont and keep denying? i dont think that will solve the problem. the perception will still be there, whether we are torturing or not. making a pledge to not torture, to set an example, would go a bit further to reparing our image than to keep denying

I agree we should not deny it, I just do not think Obama should have said that in front of that crowd. If he wants to talk about the US and torture do it in the US, not in front of a crowd of people who think we torture as a policy.
Either you are a liar, or you did not listen to the speech. His comments about torture got the biggest applause of the speech.

And here they are.

Now can you tell me he was not playing on the popular perception in Europe that the US tortures people as a policy? Can you actually say that is not disparaging the US?

source Full script of Obama's speech
Full script of Obama's speech -

I stand corrected. He did say the word "torture".

I agree 100% with his statement, don't you? I don't see anything wrong with this. What could possibly be wrong with this statement?

Now the world will watch and remember what we do here - what we do with this moment. Will we extend our hand to the people in the forgotten corners of this world who yearn for lives marked by dignity and opportunity; by security and justice? Will we lift the child in Bangladesh from poverty, shelter the refugee in Chad, and banish the scourge of AIDS in our time?

Will we stand for the human rights of the dissident in Burma, the blogger in Iran, or the voter in Zimbabwe? Will we give meaning to the words "never again" in Darfur?

Will we acknowledge that there is no more powerful example than the one each of our nations projects to the world? Will we reject torture and stand for the rule of law? Will we welcome immigrants from different lands, and shun discrimination against those who don't look like us or worship like we do, and keep the promise of equality and opportunity for all of our people?
There is a difference between renouncing torture, and playing into a German crowds unfounded belief that we torture on mass Kirk, But I do not expect you to get it.

yeah, he was really playing to the crowd there. saying one sentence that mentioned torture, but was primarily about obeying international law.
remember that it's not just germans who think we torture. many americans feel we do to, as do many people around the world. so would you really be happy if he said it in front of americans? i feel people would be saying the same things, that he is 'playing to the crowds.'

why do i have to be defending obama here? every day i change my mind about who i'm voting for. guess i'm just someone whose judgment isnt so clouded with emotions to find fault or love in everything the man does
"Will we reject torture and stand for the rule of law?"

Obama is saying what needs to be said, and I applaud him for it.
Charles, I don't understand your outrage about about Obama's statment about torture. The only way I can understand your outrage, is if I conclude it is a phony, partisan faux outrage.

Obama made a fairly benign statement on torture in front of 200 thousand citizens of a friendly, allied country. It wasn't even an apology. It was a general, benign statement about our values.

Bush, and his spokespersons went on Arab television and groveled and apologized on television to tens of millions of muslims for the abuse of iraqis at Abu Ghraib. If you're so concerned about the US being embarrassed overseas, why didn't that bother you?

Bush stood in front of the Israeli Parliament, and effectively called Obama an appeaser, equivalent to Neville Chamberlein. Where was your outrage then?
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yea, valuing all human life and not just american is freakin rediculous. everyone knows only american values matter. caring for others shows weekness and emboldens terrorists

you antiobamamanics really are something. you'll find any excuse you can to ridicule him. what was he supposed to say? "i'm an american, and dont really care about the rest of the world. only what is in my country's best interests. remember when we kicked your asses in WW 1 and 2? and by the way, volkswagons cant carry ford's muffler" youre taking an expression meant to reassure the rest of the world as to his views toward the rest of the world and trying to twist it to show he doesnt care about americans, even though the full phrase was "Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen – a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world" you are the ones full of shit, and youre making yourself look at partisan hacks who cant think beyond your little elephants talkingpoints

I said ANYONE using that phrase is FOS, not just Obama. It's an old rhetorical ploy the elites use when they need something from the masses. He sees himself as a common citizen of the world ?????

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