To all my Christian Brothers and Sisters - Happy Easter!

To everybody else, well, good luck.
And make sure you listen to the science; AM Joy on MSNBC

What does science say about worshipping “trees stars rivers and mountains”?
Science tells us that the stars, rivers, and mountains are all connected. Without one, the other doesn't exist. Everything God gave us exists because of the other. It's a symbiotic relationship. That's the beauty of understanding the science. God gave us the ability to understand. That is how the science is telling us all how important it is to worship Gods creations, instead of recklessly destroying them.

So without a river...stars can’t exist ? Where was it you studies “science”? Mao University?
Without a river, we don't exist, therefore there is no star for any life to gaze upon. See how it's all connected?
To everybody else, well, good luck.
And make sure you listen to the science; AM Joy on MSNBC

What does science say about worshipping “trees stars rivers and mountains”?
Science tells us that the stars, rivers, and mountains are all connected. Without one, the other doesn't exist. Everything God gave us exists because of the other. It's a symbiotic relationship. That's the beauty of understanding the science. God gave us the ability to understand. That is how the science is telling us all how important it is to worship Gods creations, instead of recklessly destroying them.

So without a river...stars can’t exist ? Where was it you studies “science”? Mao University?
Without a river, we don't exist, therefore there is no star for any life to gaze upon. See how it's all connected?

I disagree. So does science. Stars existed before rivers. And very well.
To everybody else, well, good luck.
And make sure you listen to the science; AM Joy on MSNBC

What does science say about worshipping “trees stars rivers and mountains”?
Science tells us that the stars, rivers, and mountains are all connected. Without one, the other doesn't exist. Everything God gave us exists because of the other. It's a symbiotic relationship. That's the beauty of understanding the science. God gave us the ability to understand. That is how the science is telling us all how important it is to worship Gods creations, instead of recklessly destroying them.

So without a river...stars can’t exist ? Where was it you studies “science”? Mao University?
Without a river, we don't exist, therefore there is no star for any life to gaze upon. See how it's all connected?

I disagree. So does science. Stars existed before rivers. And very well.
Sure they did. Stars are other solar systems. Some systems die, just as life on living planets are born, then die. Science tells us that. Therefore, they are creators of life and death. Meaning, the collective systems are as connected as our own one solar system. I never made the claim that stars didn't exist before rivers. That's your made up lie. I'm making the claim that we don't exist without them, therefore, we wouldn't know about stars. That is how we are connected to stars. You do know what a star is right? A star is born, then lives, then dies, according to science. And what is the purpose of that star? Our own star/sun/molecules were discovered to have probably been the reason for creating life on earth, according to our own science. Again, all of this is connected.
What about non-Christians who still like jelly beans?
Those are called lefties. Lefties know not what they do, so they are forgiven. My dog is a lefty by default, and I love him. He does not love me back,
Pentecostal church in Sacramento linked to dozens of coronavirus cases Thank "GOD" for those Lefties who "know not what they do."
Lefties know not what they do, and they know not what it means for them to be the commie atheists they are. Same with my dog. I forgive lefties for being the commie atheists they are, and I love my lefty dog.
What is your proof of this "commie atheist" notion? Remember, if you do not produce this evidence, you are lying in Gods name. Secondly, why are you such a coward? Are you saying God cannot give you an explanation why people who show up to church to infect others, is the Godly thing to do? Where is the religion in that? Speak up man. Don't play dodge ball and hide behind God. Demons aren't welcome in Gods world. I suspect God is pissed at you right now for not answering my question, as to why there is assembly and infection in Gods house. Clarify yourself.
I forgive you for being a commie atheist lefty. You know not what you do. Just like my dog.
To everybody else, well, good luck.
And make sure you listen to the science; AM Joy on MSNBC

What does science say about worshipping “trees stars rivers and mountains”?
Science tells us that the stars, rivers, and mountains are all connected. Without one, the other doesn't exist. Everything God gave us exists because of the other. It's a symbiotic relationship. That's the beauty of understanding the science. God gave us the ability to understand. That is how the science is telling us all how important it is to worship Gods creations, instead of recklessly destroying them.

So without a river...stars can’t exist ? Where was it you studies “science”? Mao University?
Without a river, we don't exist, therefore there is no star for any life to gaze upon. See how it's all connected?
Christians can look up into the sky and see the stars, but we also can do something that commie atheist lefties cannot. Christians can also look into the heavens. We can see the same stars as commie atheist lefties are limited to AND we can look into the heavens.
There are scientifically documented cases, thousands of them, of reincarnation.

This means atheists are "dead" wrong about nothing being after the body dies and once that is established
all the other myths of atheism die too.
The only mystery remaining, and it's a huge one, is what does the after life hold for all of us.

Every religion has their beliefs but they can't all be right.

Maybe there is nothing for atheists to look forward to, which is just the way they seem to want it.

Suit yourselves.
To everybody else, well, good luck.

Only Christians are allowed to celebrate easter huh? Cool, guess that leaves out the Mango Menace!

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What about non-Christians who still like jelly beans?
Those are called lefties. Lefties know not what they do, so they are forgiven. My dog is a lefty by default, and I love him. He does not love me back,
Pentecostal church in Sacramento linked to dozens of coronavirus cases Thank "GOD" for those Lefties who "know not what they do."
Lefties know not what they do, and they know not what it means for them to be the commie atheists they are. Same with my dog. I forgive lefties for being the commie atheists they are, and I love my lefty dog.

Another idiot ^ who believes all Christians are Republicans :rolleyes:
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To everybody else, well, good luck.
And make sure you listen to the science; AM Joy on MSNBC

What does science say about worshipping “trees stars rivers and mountains”?
Science tells us that the stars, rivers, and mountains are all connected. Without one, the other doesn't exist. Everything God gave us exists because of the other. It's a symbiotic relationship. That's the beauty of understanding the science. God gave us the ability to understand. That is how the science is telling us all how important it is to worship Gods creations, instead of recklessly destroying them.

So without a river...stars can’t exist ? Where was it you studies “science”? Mao University?
Without a river, we don't exist, therefore there is no star for any life to gaze upon. See how it's all connected?
Christians can look up into the sky and see the stars, but we also can do something that commie atheist lefties cannot. Christians can also look into the heavens. We can see the same stars as commie atheist lefties are limited to AND we can look into the heavens.
Heavens? We'll, that's fine. But leftists decided to go a little further than that and praise God for this wonderful planet he, she, it gave us, and we decided that taking care of it, was the greatest gift we could ever give. That's real religion for me. If you want to claim you are a Christian by showing up to church Sunday morning with large crowds, taking the chance of getting infected or infecting others, you can stick that kind of fake Christian, devil worshipping, radical right-wing garbage straight up your ass.
To everybody else, well, good luck.
And make sure you listen to the science; AM Joy on MSNBC

What does science say about worshipping “trees stars rivers and mountains”?
Science tells us that the stars, rivers, and mountains are all connected. Without one, the other doesn't exist. Everything God gave us exists because of the other. It's a symbiotic relationship. That's the beauty of understanding the science. God gave us the ability to understand. That is how the science is telling us all how important it is to worship Gods creations, instead of recklessly destroying them.

So without a river...stars can’t exist ? Where was it you studies “science”? Mao University?
Without a river, we don't exist, therefore there is no star for any life to gaze upon. See how it's all connected?
Christians can look up into the sky and see the stars, but we also can do something that commie atheist lefties cannot. Christians can also look into the heavens. We can see the same stars as commie atheist lefties are limited to AND we can look into the heavens.
So you lied in Gods name. That figures.
To everybody else, well, good luck.
And make sure you listen to the science; AM Joy on MSNBC

What does science say about worshipping “trees stars rivers and mountains”?
Science tells us that the stars, rivers, and mountains are all connected. Without one, the other doesn't exist. Everything God gave us exists because of the other. It's a symbiotic relationship. That's the beauty of understanding the science. God gave us the ability to understand. That is how the science is telling us all how important it is to worship Gods creations, instead of recklessly destroying them.

So without a river...stars can’t exist ? Where was it you studies “science”? Mao University?
Without a river, we don't exist, therefore there is no star for any life to gaze upon. See how it's all connected?
Christians can look up into the sky and see the stars, but we also can do something that commie atheist lefties cannot. Christians can also look into the heavens. We can see the same stars as commie atheist lefties are limited to AND we can look into the heavens.
Heavens? We'll, that's fine. But leftists decided to go a little further than that and praise God for this wonderful planet he, she, it gave us, and we decided that taking care of it, was the greatest gift we could ever give. That's real religion for me. If you want to claim you are a Christian by showing up to church Sunday morning with large crowds, taking the chance of getting infected or infecting others, you can stick that kind of fake Christian, devil worshipping, radical right-wing garbage straight up your ass.
There are Democratic Christians. The Progressive element of the Democratic Party has removed Christianity and God from their planks. They control the Democratic Party. The politicians who were elected as Democrats and have been in this party for a long time helped to make this happen. They have created a godless culture where the goal is the end result is everybody is identically the same in everything. Which is impossible.
Every religion has their beliefs but they can't all be right.
Well, sure they can, as the after life is to a great degree based on our expectations.

In NDEs, people see the primary leader of their personal faith and always have.

so yes, as we impose our expections on what we see, we *can* all be right.
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To everybody else, well, good luck.
And make sure you listen to the science; AM Joy on MSNBC

What does science say about worshipping “trees stars rivers and mountains”?
Science tells us that the stars, rivers, and mountains are all connected. Without one, the other doesn't exist. Everything God gave us exists because of the other. It's a symbiotic relationship. That's the beauty of understanding the science. God gave us the ability to understand. That is how the science is telling us all how important it is to worship Gods creations, instead of recklessly destroying them.

So without a river...stars can’t exist ? Where was it you studies “science”? Mao University?
Without a river, we don't exist, therefore there is no star for any life to gaze upon. See how it's all connected?
Christians can look up into the sky and see the stars, but we also can do something that commie atheist lefties cannot. Christians can also look into the heavens. We can see the same stars as commie atheist lefties are limited to AND we can look into the heavens.
Heavens? We'll, that's fine. But leftists decided to go a little further than that and praise God for this wonderful planet he, she, it gave us, and we decided that taking care of it, was the greatest gift we could ever give. That's real religion for me. If you want to claim you are a Christian by showing up to church Sunday morning with large crowds, taking the chance of getting infected or infecting others, you can stick that kind of fake Christian, devil worshipping, radical right-wing garbage straight up your ass.
There are Democratic Christians. The Progressive element of the Democratic Party has removed Christianity and God from their planks. They control the Democratic Party. The politicians who were elected as Democrats and have been in this party for a long time helped to make this happen. They have created a godless culture where the goal is the end result is everybody is identically the same in everything. Which is impossible.
What's any of that got to do with my last post?
Heavens? We'll, that's fine. But leftists decided to go a little further than that and praise God for this wonderful planet he, she, it gave us, and we decided that taking care of it, was the greatest gift we could ever give. That's real religion for me. If you want to claim you are a Christian by showing up to church Sunday morning with large crowds, taking the chance of getting infected or infecting others, you can stick that kind of fake Christian, devil worshipping, radical right-wing garbage straight up your ass. Answer, not a damn thing. You went off on a rant, that has nothing to do with any facts.

Christ has Died!
Christ has Risen!
Christ will come again!

Well, sure they can, as the after life is to a great degree based on our expectations.

In NDEs, people see the primary leader of their personal faith and always have.

so yes, as we impose our expections on what we see, we *can* all be right.
Okay, everyone has their own inculcated view as to what heaven is.

But the heaven of Jesus cannot possibly be the heaven of Mohammad (P B U H :rolleyes: ).

So is the afterlife just a series of religious ghettos and if so where do all the undecided people wind up?

I could be very wrong but it doesn't seem likely.
Well, sure they can, as the after life is to a great degree based on our expectations.

In NDEs, people see the primary leader of their personal faith and always have.

so yes, as we impose our expections on what we see, we *can* all be right.
Okay, everyone has their own inculcated view as to what heaven is.

But the heaven of Jesus cannot possibly be the heaven of Mohammad (P B U H :rolleyes: ).

So is the afterlife just a series of religious ghettos and if so where do all the undecided people wind up?

I could be very wrong but it doesn't seem likely.
I could explain it more, but not today.

I feel too uplifted right now..

But God expects us to love Him, to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Beyond that the rest of esoteric bullshit.
To everybody else, well, good luck.

You'll need good luck if you're going to Easter services today.
Not if you believe in science; AM Joy on MSNBC
Don't do MSLED. Fake leftist news. Thanks anyway.
Nope..true story..nothing fake about it...


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