To all my NFL brothers, you got this, don't let Trump punk you boys!!

I would bet all you naysayers love to watch football.

I do enjoy watching football, Penelope! It's an escape from the real world. That's what sports is for me and I imagine millions of's a diversion. When you turn the diversion into a lecture then it's not an escape anymore. I've been playing golf on Sundays...not watching the NFL. The players should feel free to protest whatever they like when they're not working...that's their right as an American. When they protest at a game? Then they've broken an unwritten contract between themselves and the fans. What they don't seem to realize is that it's the fan's love of their team and them as players for their team that makes them all those millions of dollars. If they alienate the fan base...and let's be honest here...the average NFL fan is NOT a far left liberal like yourself...they are the working class who NEED a diversion from their 9-5 grind...then they've alienated the people that have made the NFL the biggest money making sports thing in America!
10/10/2017 03:57 pm ET Updated 13 hours ago
Roger Goodell Pens Letter To NFL Teams, Believes ‘Everyone Should Stand’
The commissioner glosses over why athletes are kneeling in the first place.

Black men are the stop the protest, you'll be letting these white people once again put you in your place. If ever there was a time, a moment, a issue to stand your ground this is it......No blacks, no got the upper hand, don't let the white man own you!!...Especially Trump or the NFL will stand for No Friends Left!!

Yea...a bunch of blacks being paid by whites. Real Americans won't support anyone disrespecting the flag and anthem. If the blacks in the NFL don't understand that, they'll be out of a job real soon.
Most NFL seats are occupied by season-ticket holders, so don't look for attendance to take a quick drop. Also, most teams have waiting lists for season tickets, so even if people bail, it won't have an immediate effect.

But a lot of people are pretty disgusted by these whining idiots, and the NFL has. been damaged.

If every African American quit tomorrow, league attendance would bounce back immediately. Think the fans would give a shit if their running backs can't run a 4.2 40? As long as the games are competitive, who gives a shit?

How much of this crap goes on in Hockey or golf? NONE. What is the main difference? Too obvious to mention.
Tiger, Tiger, Tiger......the blacks (and you in particular on this site) have demonstrated sooooo much murderous, dehumanizing HATE against white males, why can't you understand we wish cops would kill MORE of your savage, moron ilk? After 8 years of you blacks' violent, criminal savagery against whites, this "white devil" WANTS blacks dead. I'm a fair "cracka" who wants blacks dead just as much as your ilk wishes white males dead.
Most NFL seats are occupied by season-ticket holders, so don't look for attendance to take a quick drop. Also, most teams have waiting lists for season tickets, so even if people bail, it won't have an immediate effect.

But a lot of people are pretty disgusted by these whining idiots, and the NFL has. been damaged.

If every African American quit tomorrow, league attendance would bounce back immediately. Think the fans would give a shit if their running backs can't run a 4.2 40? As long as the games are competitive, who gives a shit?

How much of this crap goes on in Hockey or golf? NONE. What is the main difference? Too obvious to mention.
Are you a bigot and/or a racist?

Don't bother responding. The answer is too obvious to mention.
Football players earn more in one year than most of their fans will make in a lifetime.

Patrick Ewing, an NBA player once said they make a lot, but they also spend a lot. I think that's why he wanted fans to come out and support their team even after their strike. .
10/10/2017 03:57 pm ET Updated 13 hours ago
Roger Goodell Pens Letter To NFL Teams, Believes ‘Everyone Should Stand’
The commissioner glosses over why athletes are kneeling in the first place.

Black men are the stop the protest, you'll be letting these white people once again put you in your place. If ever there was a time, a moment, a issue to stand your ground this is it......No blacks, no got the upper hand, don't let the white man own you!!...Especially Trump or the NFL will stand for No Friends Left!!

As a half Latino the white man is free to put me in my place with a million dollar contract. If the white man wants me to stand on one leg and bark like a dog during the anthem I'll do it, and I'll laugh all the way to the bank.
Until your in the complete skin of a black man living in America, especially today.....than yes, do what you need to do to get them negro's on the other hand, all the wealth, all the money, even being fuckin president, can't stop an overly ambitious racist cop from having a bad day on my black ass...ya see its hard to cash a check when your dead.
10/10/2017 03:57 pm ET Updated 13 hours ago
Roger Goodell Pens Letter To NFL Teams, Believes ‘Everyone Should Stand’
The commissioner glosses over why athletes are kneeling in the first place.

Black men are the stop the protest, you'll be letting these white people once again put you in your place. If ever there was a time, a moment, a issue to stand your ground this is it......No blacks, no got the upper hand, don't let the white man own you!!...Especially Trump or the NFL will stand for No Friends Left!!

As a half Latino the white man is free to put me in my place with a million dollar contract. If the white man wants me to stand on one leg and bark like a dog during the anthem I'll do it, and I'll laugh all the way to the bank.
Until your in the complete skin of a black man living in America, especially today.....than yes, do what you need to do to get them negro's on the other hand, all the wealth, all the money, even being fuckin president, can't stop an overly ambitious racist cop from having a bad day on my black ass...ya see its hard to cash a check when your dead.

Trump wins again. NFL felons taught to heel rather than kneel.
10/10/2017 03:57 pm ET Updated 13 hours ago
Roger Goodell Pens Letter To NFL Teams, Believes ‘Everyone Should Stand’
The commissioner glosses over why athletes are kneeling in the first place.

Black men are the stop the protest, you'll be letting these white people once again put you in your place. If ever there was a time, a moment, a issue to stand your ground this is it......No blacks, no got the upper hand, don't let the white man own you!!...Especially Trump or the NFL will stand for No Friends Left!!

As a half Latino the white man is free to put me in my place with a million dollar contract. If the white man wants me to stand on one leg and bark like a dog during the anthem I'll do it, and I'll laugh all the way to the bank.
Until your in the complete skin of a black man living in America, especially today.....than yes, do what you need to do to get them negro's on the other hand, all the wealth, all the money, even being fuckin president, can't stop an overly ambitious racist cop from having a bad day on my black ass...ya see its hard to cash a check when your dead.

Thanks for confirming what we all knew. This kneeling isn't about equality for all minorities. It doesn't involve my full Latino cousins or even myself. It's just about blacks. Busted.
10/10/2017 03:57 pm ET Updated 13 hours ago
Roger Goodell Pens Letter To NFL Teams, Believes ‘Everyone Should Stand’
The commissioner glosses over why athletes are kneeling in the first place.

Black men are the stop the protest, you'll be letting these white people once again put you in your place. If ever there was a time, a moment, a issue to stand your ground this is it......No blacks, no got the upper hand, don't let the white man own you!!...Especially Trump or the NFL will stand for No Friends Left!!

If Obama had said this,you would be praising him left and right.:rolleyes:
Stupid racist troll thread. The OP has less in common with any of the NFL players than I do (and I have nothing in common with them).

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