To all the refugee children- God Bless you all, and welcome to America

Roy Beck with NumbersUSA is full of shit. His goal is to prevent immigration to protect white Republican voters from becoming a minority. What goes around comes around.

BTW, people aren't gumballs.

Because you seem to be, obviously, too dazzled by the emotions of the situation to assess this situation clearly I figured you'd be better able to grasp the reason why we need to slow down our headlong rush to try and save all the world's needy people by bringing them here if I showed you these colorful gumballs instead.

Unfortunately, nothing seems able to snap you out of your stupid.

We can't save all the people who need saving.

The discussion we should be having is how to make their home so good, so free, so prosperous and so comfortable they don't want to leave there to come here.

Unless you actually propose we bring billions of needy people to the USA to 'save' them.

Yep, that's exactly what Roy Beck suggests - to prevent white Republican voters from becoming a minority. So, how do we "make their home so good, so free, so prosperous and so comfortable they don't want to leave there to come here." You mean something like the great job Bush did in Iraq? After Bush looted the Treasury, where will the money come from to turn South America into a utopian paradise?

Oh, so you believe we can help the hundreds of millions of needy people around the world by bringing them here?

Look, we either bring them here or we help them where they are, in their own country and culture.

Which do you choose?
The situation is being mismanaged and the process hidden from the public eye.

There's a correct way to deal with this and Obama, true to form, is fucking it up just like he's fucked up this Nation for the past 6 years.

Obama did this on purpose. If I were that little town in California I'd be all about busing them to the steps of the WH.
Okay, Republicans. What are your brilliant plans on how to make Central America worth living in? You've tried supporting drug lords, dictators and death squads, but those don't seem to have worked. What other bright ideas do you have?

Oh my god. Did you go out in the hot sun without your hat again? Tell us why Mexico didn't take them in.
So you actually don't have any ideas on how to make Central America worth living in?

That's what I thought.
Lots of Americans are expatriating to Belize and Costa Rica. Obviously, those former Americans find those countries worth living in.

Those countries are much closer to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador than is the U.S.

But dragging them all through Mexico and dumping them in America is far more preferable? Seriously?
Oh my god. Did you go out in the hot sun without your hat again? Tell us why Mexico didn't take them in.
So you actually don't have any ideas on how to make Central America worth living in?

That's what I thought.

Sure. First you explain how it's a republican problem.
It's a Republican problem because you're the xenophobic assholes who say that you want to make those people's home countries better so that the dirty brown people won't come here and ruin your great white Christian gene pool.

If you're so intent on making Latin America worth living in, certainly you have at least one idea on how to achieve your goal? Just one realistic idea?
Oh my god. Did you go out in the hot sun without your hat again? Tell us why Mexico didn't take them in.
So you actually don't have any ideas on how to make Central America worth living in?

That's what I thought.
Lots of Americans are expatriating to Belize and Costa Rica. Obviously, those former Americans find those countries worth living in.

Those countries are much closer to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador than is the U.S.

But dragging them all through Mexico and dumping them in America is far more preferable? Seriously?
What? White Americans have it easy in Belize? What the fuck does that have to do with impoverished children risking rape and death to come to the United States to try to live like a human being?

What ideas do any of you have to make Central America better?
Okay, Republicans. What are your brilliant plans on how to make Central America worth living in? You've tried supporting drug lords, dictators and death squads, but those don't seem to have worked. What other bright ideas do you have?

Uh, I don't have any ideas yet. And neither does Obama. Or maybe BO has the intention of weakening the USA so he is doing what he could to take advantage of existing dynamics (easily spotted by a Community Organizer and former Saul Alinsky course instructor like our Prez...) in order to prompt people to make life changing decisions.

He was planning for this invasion 6 months ago.

How did he know back then that this would happen?

You really need to look at his facility and familiarity with Alinsky tactics.

Check this out...

Alinsky writes on page 10, “A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into a new social order, or the “dictatorship” of the proletariat and finally the last stage, the political paradise of communism.”

A letter from Saul Alinsky ’s son David States: “Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father’s model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we his approach 100th birthday.”

Obama taught workshops on Alinsky’s theories and methods for years and in 1985, he started working as a community organizer for and Alinskyite group called, “Developing Community Projects.” While building coalitions of black churches in Chicago, Obama was criticized for not attending church and decided to become an instant Christian. He then helped fund the Alinsky Academy.

Obama was a paid director of the Woods Fund, which is a non-profit organization used to provide start-up funding and operating capital for Midwest Academy, which teaches the Alinsky tactics of community organization. Obama sat on the Woods Fund Board with William Ayers, the founder of the, “Weather Underground,” a domestic terrorist organization.

Hillary Rodham as a student at Wellesly in 1969, interviewed Saul Alinsky and wrote her thesis on Alinsky’s theories and methods. She concludes her thesis by writing, “Alinsky is regarded by many as the proponent of a dangerous socio/political philosophy. As such he has been feared, just as Eugene Debs or Walt Whitman or Martin Luther King has been feared, because each embraced the most radical of political faiths, “democracy.”
Alinsky offered Hillary a job upon graduation from Wellesley but she decided to attend Yale Law School where she met her husband Bill Clinton.

“Rules For Radicals,” page 113, “From the moment the organizer enters a community he lives, dreams, eats, breaths, sleeps only one thing and that is to build the mass power base of what he calls the army. Until he has developed that mass power base, he confronts no issues.”

Page 59, “But to the organizer, compromise is a key and beautiful word. It is always present in the pragmatics of operation. It is making a deal, getting that vital breather, usually the victory. If you start with nothing, demand 100 percent, compromise for 30 percent, you’re 30 percent ahead.”

In closing, I would urge every conservative or constitution minded person to know you enemy. Buy and read this book. Your adversaries have memorized it and are using the principles within its covers to destroy our great republic. Make no mistake, the Progressive Liberals or Radicals’ goal is to tear down the republic and shred the Constitution. The problem is, they have nothing to replace it with; they are only bent on destruction.

A Nation can only be disgraced by the failure of its citizenry to take action in the face of tyranny
Donald Raleigh Ayotte August 2010

Obama, Hillary Clinton, Saul Alinsky and Rules For Radicals | RedState
Okay, Republicans. What are your brilliant plans on how to make Central America worth living in? You've tried supporting drug lords, dictators and death squads, but those don't seem to have worked. What other bright ideas do you have?

Hey, you know who might have some brilliant ideas about how to turn around the economic situation for the poor people of the world if he were POTUS?


Too bad, suckers.

You screwed yourselves by voting for the Organizer.

Enjoy your bed, you made it.
If the current group is being bused from Texas to California, it appears Texas has the border problem, what is the STATE of Texas doing wrong to let this happen?


So it appears, Texas is allowing unfettered entrance, shouldn't the state of Texas pay?

are you acting stupid on purpose ? you claim a high level of intelligence yet are so fucking stupid to ask a very,very fucking stupid question.

i am now convinced you are a total libermonkey nit wit :lmao:


Okay, Republicans. What are your brilliant plans on how to make Central America worth living in? You've tried supporting drug lords, dictators and death squads, but those don't seem to have worked. What other bright ideas do you have?

Hey, you know who might have some brilliant ideas about how to turn around the economic situation for the poor people of the world if he were POTUS?


Too bad, suckers.

You screwed yourselves by voting for the Organizer.

Enjoy your bed, you made it.

Mitt the Twitt. That's funny. Even John McCain reject him for his VP running mate - and chose Daisy Mae Mooseburger instead.
So you actually don't have any ideas on how to make Central America worth living in?

That's what I thought.

Sure. First you explain how it's a republican problem.
It's a Republican problem because you're the xenophobic assholes who say that you want to make those people's home countries better so that the dirty brown people won't come here and ruin your great white Christian gene pool.

If you're so intent on making Latin America worth living in, certainly you have at least one idea on how to achieve your goal? Just one realistic idea?

You lose. The law is not xenophobic, you intelligencephobic race baiter.
These kids are fleeing horrific conditions. Many of the children are traveling from Guatemala to escape violence, poverty and organized crime. The statistics for Guatemala are dismal: Why Are Kids From Central America Risking Solo Travel To The U.S.? : NPR
When you think of Guatemala and the situation there versus other countries, the driving force is extreme poverty for these children. These kids are living in very desperate situations. If you look at indices of kids in Guatemala, all of them are just alarming - infant mortality, underweight, malnutrition. And then you have teen pregnancy, which has exploded in the country. The number of girls between the ages of 10 and 14 has dramatically risen in teen pregnancy. There's also a lot of domestic violence that's affecting kids. And there is gang violence, too, in the urban centers of Guatemala. So it is a dire situation for kids there.

Not only that but journey through Mexico is incredibly shows how desperate they are that they even attempt this.

It's ironical that all these arguments being made - bringing in disease yada yada yada word for word mirror generations of arguments against immigrants - East European, Russian, Mexican, Irish, Chinese etc etc...people who I suspect were the forbears of many of us.

Those poor kids...they make this incredible journey and meet with such hostility and hate. Yet, I can't help but think that that bravery, endurance and fortitude represents exactly those qualities that built our country. We should welcome them.

The sanctuary church movement has the right idea.
Then you and every liberal who support violating the law and letting them come here, GO TAKE THEM IN.. THEY ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.. If you feel so bad, put your money where your mouth is.
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

Hatred? Where do you get that from?
Not one of you libs who are uin support of what is obviously a ploy by foreign nationals to take advantage of our non existent border enforcement.
And what will YOU do? Will you take these kids into your home? Invite them to your community? Provide for their every need?
No...None of the above. You and those like you are fine as long as the kids are someone else's problem.
Real intelligent conversation, folks. Quite helpful to use stupid language and calling each other names. Why not actually do some research on the subject and then try to do some real dialog exchange - you know, like mature adults...? Maybe like adults who are concerned about the assault on our country, it's Constitution, our liberties and our Republic. Why isn't anyone asking the question about why all of a sudden we have tens of thousands of 'immigrants' crossing our borders? Who is behind that and why? Is it our government? Are they on top of any terrorists or criminals and if there are serious sickness coming across? Just asking....

welcome to the are going to do just fine.....:lol:

Well? Answer the question... Who is behind this?

aint it obvious?.....the 2 biggest crooks and scoundrels of all time according to the people here.....Bush and Obama......working as a team....
Still no ideas on how to make those people's home countries better?
In 2005, Perry announced a $10 million state program to boost border patrols and upgrade radio systems along the border. A year later, he unveiled plans to install hundreds of video cameras — a multimillion-dollar “virtual” wall that in its first four years proved overly ambitious, netting few arrests. Though Perry had expressed support for guest worker reform two years before, when President George W. Bush pushed for it in Washington in 2005, the governor’s frustration with the federal government kept him from supporting it

How much money have you sent these children???? Show us.

The libs are evading any questions regarding involvement other than their emoting lip service.
I heard Rick Perry orchestrated this flood of illegal immigrant children from South America, but I haven't heard what his ulterior motive is.

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