To all the refugee children- God Bless you all, and welcome to America

I heard Rick Perry orchestrated this flood of illegal immigrant children from South America, but I haven't heard what his ulterior motive is.

I actually believe that may have some merit being Perry is an open borders NUTBAG like you.
In 2005, Perry announced a $10 million state program to boost border patrols and upgrade radio systems along the border. A year later, he unveiled plans to install hundreds of video cameras — a multimillion-dollar “virtual” wall that in its first four years proved overly ambitious, netting few arrests. Though Perry had expressed support for guest worker reform two years before, when President George W. Bush pushed for it in Washington in 2005, the governor’s frustration with the federal government kept him from supporting it

How much money have you sent these children???? Show us.

The libs are evading any questions regarding involvement other than their emoting lip service.

Oh yea... they always want to spend someone else's money for their trashy destructive policies.. This is on them.. they need to step up or shut the fuck up.
Jesus Christ, this is lunacy. As I have said repeatedly, nobody is advocating the mistreatment of these kids. Of course, they are not all young children either.

It seems pretty much agreed that Mexico and Central America are very dangerous, corrupt shit holes. It is also agreed that the trek they are taking here is incredibly dangerous and that some of these kids were abused there.

However, you obviously cannot just have the door to this country standing wide open and fail to document and monitor income people. There is PROCEDURE to follow. Their is LAW to follow. What is happening now borders on anarchy. It is tragic, but that does not mean that we throw away the RULE OF LAW. If we are able to forget about the rule of law every time a particular issue tugs at our hearts then our republic will disintegrate.

THIS CAN BE EFFECTIVELY DEALT WITH. We can prevent, or mitigate, a humanitarian crisis by feeding, clothing, and caring for the basic needs of the recent influx. However, they cannot just be turned loose to disappear into the population.

While looking after their basic needs we can follow procedure and give them hearings in front of an INS administrative judge. We could easily fast track the cases, though I know Obama is putting up obstacles to this.

Meanwhile, the border must be secured and EXISTING LAWS MUST BE ENFORCED. If they want entrance into our country then they need to follow our rules. They can apply for citizenship, work visas, or political asylum if applicable. YOU DO NOT MAKE LAWS ON AN AD HOC BASIS.

It seems to me that the underlying issue is whether we are going to follow our laws or just half-ass in a reactionary manner. People need to start demanding that our federal government enforce our laws. Write your congress person. Write a letter. Join or form a PAC. Whatever. Bitching about the problem and taking absolutist posturing will accomplish nothing. Why not try to build consensus on a method to solve this problem and punish the politicians at the polls if they refuse to do this?

There, and I did not even call anyone a ****.

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I heard Rick Perry orchestrated this flood of illegal immigrant children from South America, but I haven't heard what his ulterior motive is.

I don't like Rick perry cuz he did orchestrate the hpv vaccine mandatory law after investing in the company making the shot. He is scummy. But this illegal immigrant thing doesn't help him.

The fact that the democrats are all lock stepping on the poor children crap suggusts to me that is an Obama orchestration.
Okay, Republicans. What are your brilliant plans on how to make Central America worth living in? You've tried supporting drug lords, dictators and death squads, but those don't seem to have worked. What other bright ideas do you have?

Oh my god. Did you go out in the hot sun without your hat again? Tell us why Mexico didn't take them in.

tell me why Mexico,a country notorious for the brutal way they treat their "illegals" .....let them pass through all the way to Texas?....
These kids are fleeing horrific conditions. Many of the children are traveling from Guatemala to escape violence, poverty and organized crime. The statistics for Guatemala are dismal: Why Are Kids From Central America Risking Solo Travel To The U.S.? : NPR
When you think of Guatemala and the situation there versus other countries, the driving force is extreme poverty for these children. These kids are living in very desperate situations. If you look at indices of kids in Guatemala, all of them are just alarming - infant mortality, underweight, malnutrition. And then you have teen pregnancy, which has exploded in the country. The number of girls between the ages of 10 and 14 has dramatically risen in teen pregnancy. There's also a lot of domestic violence that's affecting kids. And there is gang violence, too, in the urban centers of Guatemala. So it is a dire situation for kids there.

Not only that but journey through Mexico is incredibly shows how desperate they are that they even attempt this.

It's ironical that all these arguments being made - bringing in disease yada yada yada word for word mirror generations of arguments against immigrants - East European, Russian, Mexican, Irish, Chinese etc etc...people who I suspect were the forbears of many of us.

Those poor kids...they make this incredible journey and meet with such hostility and hate. Yet, I can't help but think that that bravery, endurance and fortitude represents exactly those qualities that built our country. We should welcome them.

The sanctuary church movement has the right idea.

after reading and replying to Peach's note i skipped to this one.., i am in total disbelief there are so many liberturds who are so willing to break our laws by forcing those kids upon our cities, towns communities all over America.., this is WRONG !!
These kids are fleeing horrific conditions. Many of the children are traveling from Guatemala to escape violence, poverty and organized crime.
so what ? take a look at our own cities, Shitcago for starters, conditions for the kids here in America are in some cases WORSE than those illegal alien kids.., BUT ! the liberfools will not admit to that now but several months back it was, "ooooh those poor chilllllldren of, name any large city

our once great country is lost due to an illegal alien presidunce and several million mindless dupes who swallow every bit of shit that mulatto muslime.., Mr. Ubama Hussein.

:Boom2: ................................................................................ Moohammed Hussein Ali Baba Omar Bin LaLa Bomba Ba Ba
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

Feel free to open up your home and clothe, feed, educate and give medical treatment to these people at your own expense.

Our home is the United States and as a matter of fact, that's pretty much what it says on the Statue of Liberty.

Your ancestors and mine came from elsewhere under all sorts of conditions. Some legally, some as refugees like these children.

Damn RWs and Damn christians would send them back to sex traffickers and drug violence they ran from.

That's bullshit.
You are avoiding taking any responsibility. We have problems of our own.
Now, you have two choices. Either get in there roll up your sleeves and help out or shut the fuck up..
Don't you dare be so presumptuous as to demand others do what you will not do yourself.
I am sick and tired of struggling to get by living beneath my means while shit heads like you point your crooked little accusatory fingers claiming I don't do my part.
Fuck you.
Jesus Christ, this is lunacy. As I have said repeatedly, nobody is advocating the mistreatment of these kids. Of course, they are not all young children either.

It seems pretty much agreed that Mexico and Central America are very dangerous, corrupt shit holes. It is also agreed that the trek they are taking here is incredibly dangerous and that some of these kids were abused there.

However, you obviously cannot just have the door to this country standing wide open and fail to document and monitor income people. There is PROCEDURE to follow. Their is LAW to follow. What is happening now borders on anarchy. It is tragic, but that does not mean that we throw away the RULE OF LAW. If we are able to forget about the rule of law every time a particular issue tugs at our hearts then our republic will disintegrate.

THIS CAN BE EFFECTIVELY DEALT WITH. We can prevent, or mitigate, a humanitarian crisis by feeding, clothing, and caring for the basic needs of the recent influx. However, they cannot just be turned loose to disappear into the population.

While looking after their basic needs we can follow procedure and give them hearings in front of an INS administrative judge. We could easily fast track the cases, though I know Obama is putting up obstacles to this.

Meanwhile, the border must be secured and EXISTING LAWS MUST BE ENFORCED. If they want entrance into our country then they need to follow our rules. They can apply for citizenship, work visas, or political asylum if applicable. YOU DO NOT MAKE LAWS ON AN AD HOC BASIS.

It seems to me that the underlying issue is whether we are going to follow our laws or just half-ass in a reactionary manner. People need to start demanding that our federal government enforce our laws. Write your congress person. Write a letter. Join or form a PAC. Whatever. Bitching about the problem and taking absolutist posturing will accomplish nothing. Why not try to build consensus on a method to solve this problem and punish the politicians at the polls if they refuse to do this?

There, and I did not even call anyone a ****.

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Gee, we're thrilled about that..:eusa_shifty:
Yep, that's exactly what Roy Beck wants - to prevent white Republican voters from becoming a minority. So, how do we "make their home so good, so free, so prosperous and so comfortable they don't want to leave there to come here." You mean something like the great job Bush did in Iraq? After Bush looted the Treasury, where will the money come from to turn South America into a utopian paradise?

Ship them to Indian reservations.

Most reservations already live in poverty. Do some research.

well they can always tell them they went the wrong way and they ended up in India.....hey would they know?.....they would be surrounded by Indians....
So you actually don't have any ideas on how to make Central America worth living in?

That's what I thought.

Sure. First you explain how it's a republican problem.
It's a Republican problem because you're the xenophobic assholes who say that you want to make those people's home countries better so that the dirty brown people won't come here and ruin your great white Christian gene pool.

If you're so intent on making Latin America worth living in, certainly you have at least one idea on how to achieve your goal? Just one realistic idea?

hey do realize that in S.California there are many Republicans living among Brown folk and have for decades.....if they were "Xenophobic" why would they do that?.....and you do realize that many Democrats,like the ones in Murrieta,kind of fit your little description too.....
I heard Rick Perry orchestrated this flood of illegal immigrant children from South America, but I haven't heard what his ulterior motive is.

but the Democrats here including you think the guy is a would that be possible?...
Ship them back. They need to follow our laws.

Oh good grief.

If they/we follow our laws, they stay.

Underage, not from contiguous country, political refugees = stay.

Obama wants that law changed and the kids sent back.
Obozo wants the immigration law to say these illegals have amnesty and he still won't close the border. Fuck him! November is coming and the people will demand his impeachment and the GOP Senate to convict his ass.
I heard Rick Perry orchestrated this flood of illegal immigrant children from South America, but I haven't heard what his ulterior motive is.

but the Democrats here including you think the guy is a would that be possible?...

Well, do you think it was a smart plan? Texas is always looking for cheap labor. Even Perry can connect those two dots.
I heard Rick Perry orchestrated this flood of illegal immigrant children from South America, but I haven't heard what his ulterior motive is.

but the Democrats here including you think the guy is a would that be possible?...

Well, do you think it was a smart plan? Texas is always looking for cheap labor. Even Perry can connect those two dots.

He asked you a question BOZO.

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