To all the refugee children- God Bless you all, and welcome to America

To all the people who think letting thousands of unvaccinated illegal alien children (and their lice) into the U.S.: how many are you going to have staying in you house?
Do we not have shots available to vaccinate them or have lice shampoo etc?

Or are we not allowed to vaccinate them or give them lice shampoo etc without parental consent or some US Law???

Go. Who is stopping you from giving them what they need? Who is stopping you from parenting other peoples children? Go

Fuck. Don't hold your breath on that one buddy. Its much easier when you use other peoples money.
If the current group is being bused from Texas to California, it appears Texas has the border problem, what is the STATE of Texas doing wrong to let this happen?

The Feral Gubmint does not allow states to enforce the border, Edith Bunker. If you recall, Arizona passed immigration law that mirrored federal law and your messiah sent Holder to sue.

Yup. I'll bet some of these States would like to put their National Guard at the border and shoot those fuckers as they try to cross. Thats what we should do. Shoot a few and the rest will catch on real quick.
WOW! You will never ever ever again be counted as a Christian in my book, (not that you give a hoot) and may God take care of you on judgement day with His justice....

You, my dear, are a disgusting human being and murderer in your thoughts, and we know what the bible says about our thoughts, they are EQUAL to committing the sin itself....

Repent, or...have a nice life while you can on this's all you appear to have with a sick and demented soul like yours.

you are an embarrassment to humanity!

Get a check on yourself desperately need it.
The Feral Gubmint does not allow states to enforce the border, Edith Bunker. If you recall, Arizona passed immigration law that mirrored federal law and your messiah sent Holder to sue.

Yup. I'll bet some of these States would like to put their National Guard at the border and shoot those fuckers as they try to cross. Thats what we should do. Shoot a few and the rest will catch on real quick.
WOW! You will never ever ever again be counted as a Christian in my book, (not that you give a hoot) and may God take care of you on judgement day with His justice....

You, my dear, are a disgusting human being and murderer in your thoughts, and we know what the bible says about our thoughts, they are EQUAL to committing the sin itself....

Repent, or...have a nice life while you can on this's all you appear to have with a sick and demented soul like yours.

you are an embarrassment to humanity!

Get a check on yourself desperately need it.

You would rather let them all in with their diseases so that they can infect our children with TB and kill them?
How compassionate is that?
All of you hateful monsters please shoot yourselves in your mouths. It's not a joke. No one wants you around. We would rather have lice-covered illegal aliens than spiteful, selfish, egotistical, stupid fucking racists, so kill yourselves and make room.

Fuck off back to Germany with the rest of your "master" race.

You would make those kids clean up the mess. Your fake compassion doesn't fool a soul.
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

They are not refugees. They are illegal invaders who happen to be young. Send them home to their parents. The USA is not responsible to take care of every child in the world. We have millions of young US citizens who need help.

The real contradiction from you libs is that you welcome abortion on demand, but get all teary eyed over these kids that have been sent here illegally.
All of you hateful monsters please shoot yourselves in your mouths. It's not a joke. No one wants you around. We would rather have lice-covered illegal aliens than spiteful, selfish, egotistical, stupid fucking racists, so kill yourselves and make room.

Fuck off back to Germany with the rest of your "master" race.
NO! No they should not just off themselves! That is equally inhumane! they should reach deep in to their inner souls/conscience and ask themselves, if they are following the golden rule, the one rule that Christ gave us to inherit the Kingdom of God? Love God above all else, and love thy neighbor as thyself.
All of you hateful monsters please shoot yourselves in your mouths. It's not a joke. No one wants you around. We would rather have lice-covered illegal aliens than spiteful, selfish, egotistical, stupid fucking racists, so kill yourselves and make room.

Fuck off back to Germany with the rest of your "master" race.

you are mentally ill, seek help.
All of you hateful monsters please shoot yourselves in your mouths. It's not a joke. No one wants you around. We would rather have lice-covered illegal aliens than spiteful, selfish, egotistical, stupid fucking racists, so kill yourselves and make room.

Fuck off back to Germany with the rest of your "master" race.
NO! No they should not just off themselves! That is equally inhumane! they should reach deep in to their inner souls/conscience and ask themselves, if they are following the golden rule, the one rule that Christ gave us to inherit the Kingdom of God? Love God above all else, and love thy neighbor as thyself.

How many of these kids do you have living in your home? how many are you feeding, clothing, and taking to the doctor? Charity starts at home, but you libs ignore that and expect the govt to use our tax money to fund your fake compassion. Walk the walk or STFU
The Feral Gubmint does not allow states to enforce the border, Edith Bunker. If you recall, Arizona passed immigration law that mirrored federal law and your messiah sent Holder to sue.

Yup. I'll bet some of these States would like to put their National Guard at the border and shoot those fuckers as they try to cross. Thats what we should do. Shoot a few and the rest will catch on real quick.
WOW! You will never ever ever again be counted as a Christian in my book, (not that you give a hoot) and may God take care of you on judgement day with His justice....

You, my dear, are a disgusting human being and murderer in your thoughts, and we know what the bible says about our thoughts, they are EQUAL to committing the sin itself....

Repent, or...have a nice life while you can on this's all you appear to have with a sick and demented soul like yours.

you are an embarrassment to humanity!

Get a check on yourself desperately need it.

Fuck off there Carebear.

I could give shit one what you think and as for that collection of stories called the bible? Guess what? I see a collection of stories that someome put together and all you religious idiots took it all as fact.

I LMAO at all you religious assholes. You think God is going to help you? Your in for a surprise there idiot. God helps those who help themselves.

I think I'll suvive your condemnation and I really could care less.
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

They are not refugees. They are illegal invaders who happen to be young. Send them home to their parents. The USA is not responsible to take care of every child in the world. We have millions of young US citizens who need help.

The real contradiction from you libs is that you welcome abortion on demand, but get all teary eyed over these kids that have been sent here illegally.
Depending on how Congress acts, many still may be sent home...

but in the mean time,

they should NOT be murdered or shot. We should vaccinate them and rid them of the lice and scabies, feed them and house them in a humane manner...just like the Good Samaratan did...
"God helps those who help themselves"? Maybe that's why God is helping those poor kids make it into the US. They're helping themselves, and God respects that.
All of you hateful monsters please shoot yourselves in your mouths. It's not a joke. No one wants you around. We would rather have lice-covered illegal aliens than spiteful, selfish, egotistical, stupid fucking racists, so kill yourselves and make room.

Fuck off back to Germany with the rest of your "master" race.
NO! No they should not just off themselves! That is equally inhumane! they should reach deep in to their inner souls/conscience and ask themselves, if they are following the golden rule, the one rule that Christ gave us to inherit the Kingdom of God? Love God above all else, and love thy neighbor as thyself.

You mean search deep in our pockets

Loving all children means allowing them not to be pawns in a political war you liberals are waging. You may not know it, but you and those kids are simply tools to the progressive agenda
All of you hateful monsters please shoot yourselves in your mouths. It's not a joke. No one wants you around. We would rather have lice-covered illegal aliens than spiteful, selfish, egotistical, stupid fucking racists, so kill yourselves and make room.

Fuck off back to Germany with the rest of your "master" race.

Oh another fucking idiot who wants the taxpayers of America to foot everyones bills.

Talk about a fucking idiot. You think more of these illegals who shouldn't be here at all than you do about the Americans who will have to bankroll their lives. Your a winner bud.

Why don't you fuck off to Germany. Its a socialist country and you'd fit right in.
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

They are not refugees. They are illegal invaders who happen to be young. Send them home to their parents. The USA is not responsible to take care of every child in the world. We have millions of young US citizens who need help.

The real contradiction from you libs is that you welcome abortion on demand, but get all teary eyed over these kids that have been sent here illegally.
Depending on how Congress acts, many still may be sent home...

but in the mean time,

they should NOT be murdered or shot. We should vaccinate them and rid them of the lice and scabies, feed them and house them in a humane manner...just like the Good Samaratan did...

Yes, since our stupid govt let them in, then we should care for them and then send them home. No one disagrees with that.
All of you hateful monsters please shoot yourselves in your mouths. It's not a joke. No one wants you around. We would rather have lice-covered illegal aliens than spiteful, selfish, egotistical, stupid fucking racists, so kill yourselves and make room.

Fuck off back to Germany with the rest of your "master" race.

I'd rather you had the lice ridden and TB infected too! It would certainly reduce the liberal population then we could deal with the invasion as it should be dealt with.

Put the diseased in liberal strongholds and let God sort them out.
"God helps those who help themselves"? Maybe that's why God is helping those poor kids make it into the US. They're helping themselves, and God respects that.

It's God's will.
Surely schools in liberal cities have some empty classrooms. House those with TB in those empty classrooms. It's God's Will to decide who lives and who dies.
All of you hateful monsters please shoot yourselves in your mouths. It's not a joke. No one wants you around. We would rather have lice-covered illegal aliens than spiteful, selfish, egotistical, stupid fucking racists, so kill yourselves and make room.

Fuck off back to Germany with the rest of your "master" race.

Oh another fucking idiot who wants the taxpayers of America to foot everyones bills.

Talk about a fucking idiot. You think more of these illegals who shouldn't be here at all than you do about the Americans who will have to bankroll their lives. Your a winner bud.

Why don't you fuck off to Germany. Its a socialist country and you'd fit right in.
Our country is $17 TRILLION in debt and adding billions more each week fighting a 13-year-long war that was designed by the CIA in 1979 to never end. The cost of healing a few sick kids isn't going to make the slightest bit of difference.

In fact, spending our nation's unbelievable amounts of wealth on healing sick children is a much more Christian act than bombing children for 13 years over some rich men's lies.

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