To all the refugee children- God Bless you all, and welcome to America

Perhaps you can't read? The illegals need to follow our immigration laws if theyre interested in becoming a citizen. If not.....ship em back. And yes O is to blame here also for ignoring federal law.

Dorothy, you aren't in Kansas anymore. Maybe Toto can enlighten you. Read my signature below:

Bush doesnt get a pass either. Was there something else?

I don't recall a horde of disease-ridden children storming our borders in 2002, do you?
those poor children

the majority looked rather like ADULTS EH?

wail on we are sick of hearing you all, where is there Christianity, how can you complain about them being DUMPED on your towns?

go call and volunteer your towns, your time, your money..please

Didn't you see the photo of the men waiting to get on those buses?

The Obama Reich (State), etal., and Progressive Liberals in control of government agencies. It's pure Saul Alinsky and Cloward and Piven, who were two 1960's radicals who advocated collapsing the system by purposefully overloading it. They're not even trying to hide it anymore. They are breaking the laws of this land openly, and they have all of you arguing over the fluffy nonsense stuff about 'harming the children', which this has nothing to do about but is exactly what they want you to do. Remember, Obama used to teach Saul Alinsky philosophy. Look up Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

I don't know why the House doesn't impeach Obama now.
These kids are fleeing horrific conditions. Many of the children are traveling from Guatemala to escape violence, poverty and organized crime. The statistics for Guatemala are dismal: Why Are Kids From Central America Risking Solo Travel To The U.S.? : NPR
When you think of Guatemala and the situation there versus other countries, the driving force is extreme poverty for these children. These kids are living in very desperate situations. If you look at indices of kids in Guatemala, all of them are just alarming - infant mortality, underweight, malnutrition. And then you have teen pregnancy, which has exploded in the country. The number of girls between the ages of 10 and 14 has dramatically risen in teen pregnancy. There's also a lot of domestic violence that's affecting kids. And there is gang violence, too, in the urban centers of Guatemala. So it is a dire situation for kids there.

Not only that but journey through Mexico is incredibly shows how desperate they are that they even attempt this.

It's ironical that all these arguments being made - bringing in disease yada yada yada word for word mirror generations of arguments against immigrants - East European, Russian, Mexican, Irish, Chinese etc etc...people who I suspect were the forbears of many of us.

Those poor kids...they make this incredible journey and meet with such hostility and hate. Yet, I can't help but think that that bravery, endurance and fortitude represents exactly those qualities that built our country. We should welcome them.

The sanctuary church movement has the right idea.
Spare us your faux-compassion. You're salivating over future Democrat voters.
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

Feel free to open up your home and clothe, feed, educate and give medical treatment to these people at your own expense.

Our home is the United States and as a matter of fact, that's pretty much what it says on the Statue of Liberty.

The words on the statue of liberty are not law.
We have no obligation to bankrupt ourselves to save anyone.

Your ancestors and mine came from elsewhere under all sorts of conditions. Some legally, some as refugees like these children.

I know mine came here legally. we can help those people better if they stayed in their own country.

Damn RWs and Damn christians would send them back to sex traffickers and drug violence they ran from.

Hyperbole. They were sent here by their parents. Do you think they all actually walked alone from central America through Mexico and across our border with no help from any adults?
In 2005, Perry announced a $10 million state program to boost border patrols and upgrade radio systems along the border. A year later, he unveiled plans to install hundreds of video cameras — a multimillion-dollar “virtual” wall that in its first four years proved overly ambitious, netting few arrests. Though Perry had expressed support for guest worker reform two years before, when President George W. Bush pushed for it in Washington in 2005, the governor’s frustration with the federal government kept him from supporting it

and ironically, one of the many reason that Perry's presidential bid failed was that Mitt "I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office for Pete's Sake" Romney beat him up for letting the children of illegals have in-state tuition.

The GOP is continuing on Operation Piss of the Hispanic Vote.
I heard Rick Perry orchestrated this flood of illegal immigrant children from South America, but I haven't heard what his ulterior motive is.

but the Democrats here including you think the guy is a would that be possible?...

Well, do you think it was a smart plan? Texas is always looking for cheap labor. Even Perry can connect those two dots.

so is my State.....and look whats happened here......4 million Illegals later.....
To all the people who think letting thousands of unvaccinated illegal alien children (and their lice) into the U.S.: how many are you going to have staying in your house?
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Because The State is going to be their parent now...Hopenchange!
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

Fuck off you moron.

If you want them then have them ALL stay at your house. You feed em, pay for their education, medical care and anything else they need. Open up YOUR wallet, YOUR checkbook and YOUR debit card and you bear the expense. Oh and you can have all the disease these little turds carry.

Your a fucking idiot.
Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

If the current group is being bused from Texas to California, it appears Texas has the border problem, what is the STATE of Texas doing wrong to let this happen?

The Feral Gubmint does not allow states to enforce the border, Edith Bunker. If you recall, Arizona passed immigration law that mirrored federal law and your messiah sent Holder to sue.

Yup. I'll bet some of these States would like to put their National Guard at the border and shoot those fuckers as they try to cross. Thats what we should do. Shoot a few and the rest will catch on real quick.
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To all the people who think letting thousands of unvaccinated illegal alien children (and their lice) into the U.S.: how many are you going to have staying in you house?
Do we not have shots available to vaccinate them or have lice shampoo etc?

Or are we not allowed to vaccinate them or give them lice shampoo etc without parental consent or some US Law???
To all the refugee children- God Bless you all, and welcome to America

Im sick of this hatred towards those poor children. Seeing the faces of those little girls on TV...they are obviously scared, lonely, desperate. I can only imagine if, as a child, I was sent to another country by my parents to avoid hunger and violence, and that new land showed so much anger towards my presence. As if God himself said I have no place in the world.

To all those DO have a place in this world, and if it is now America, then God Bless you all and WELCOME to our nation of immigrants.

These are fellow human beings folks. Children.

Thank you, and I second that.

Good then you can have them all at your house. You and fucking moron can open up YOUR checkbooks, YOUR wallets and YOUR debit cards and bear ALL the expense of these little turds.

Somehow I doubt that will happen as you and shit for brains are real magnanimous with other peoples money.

Oh wait. I forgot. Your a fucking liberal. Never mind.
If the current group is being bused from Texas to California, it appears Texas has the border problem, what is the STATE of Texas doing wrong to let this happen?

The Feral Gubmint does not allow states to enforce the border, Edith Bunker. If you recall, Arizona passed immigration law that mirrored federal law and your messiah sent Holder to sue.

Yup. I'll bet some of these States would like to put their National Guard at the border and shoot those fuckers as they try to cross. Thats what we should do. Shoot a few and the rest will catch on real quick.

How about we turn YOUR state into a detention camp ?
We evidently have consent from their parents to take their children and DO AS WISH with them

so just pay for it and all be happy happy

welcome for coming though MEXICO to OUR COUNTRY
To all the people who think letting thousands of unvaccinated illegal alien children (and their lice) into the U.S.: how many are you going to have staying in you house?
Do we not have shots available to vaccinate them or have lice shampoo etc?

Or are we not allowed to vaccinate them or give them lice shampoo etc without parental consent or some US Law???

They shouldn't be here at all.

Some moron in Barry's administration has started this bullshit and we taxpayers are getting stuck footing the bill. I doubt he'll have any of these little turds at his house.

I could care less about these kids. They aren't American's and shouldn't be here at all and for my money we can ship their little asses back to wherever the hell they came from.
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The Feral Gubmint does not allow states to enforce the border, Edith Bunker. If you recall, Arizona passed immigration law that mirrored federal law and your messiah sent Holder to sue.

Yup. I'll bet some of these States would like to put their National Guard at the border and shoot those fuckers as they try to cross. Thats what we should do. Shoot a few and the rest will catch on real quick.

How about we turn YOUR state into a detention camp ?

No thanks. We've got enough illegals here believe me. I'd love to see every one of them sent back to wherever the hell they came from.
I could care less about these kids. They aren't American's and shouldn't be here at all and for my money we can ship their little asses back to wherever the hell they came from.
A humanitarian...

Nope. Someone who's sick and tired of bankrolling the illegals in the US.

You however can have them all at your house since you think thats the humanitarian thing to do. You can bankroll em all.

Hows that??
To all the people who think letting thousands of unvaccinated illegal alien children (and their lice) into the U.S.: how many are you going to have staying in you house?
Do we not have shots available to vaccinate them or have lice shampoo etc?

Or are we not allowed to vaccinate them or give them lice shampoo etc without parental consent or some US Law???

Go. Who is stopping you from giving them what they need? Who is stopping you from parenting other peoples children? Go

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