To all you Bush Bashers... consider this picture!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
An hour and a half that changed the world... yet you Bush Bashers seem to forget this event and the following events. Why are you people so against GWB considering what this president went through that NO other president in history has every faced...i.e. the below world changing event and several others!

911hourchangedthe world.png
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Because he is a warmongering lying statist progressive elitist asshole.
My quess is that as long as america insists upon trotting across the globe behaving like a 19th century colonial empire, engaging in endless bogus pre-emptive wars of aggression and economic colonialism, maintaining a occupational global military hegemony and engaging in the capitalist extraction of wealth from those occupied lands, we will continue to draw resistance and blowback.
Trump has elevated George W Bush's standing as a president like no other, by Trump being Trump.
Plus, even when I disagreed with W, I still would have a beer. Unlike Trump, W is likable.

I mentioned that last week ...

43 may have been a moron but I never wanted to kick him in the nuts ... but Donniedickhead ? hell yes, in a NY. minute.
Because he is a warmongering lying statist progressive elitist asshole.

So you ignore the reality of what happened. Classic case of a person who HAS lost touch with the real world.
These events occurred. You can't ignore them. You may think you can but every day in some way not Bush but the events touched you.
And my point is that the USA could have gone really into the depths of despair during GWB's presidency. But we didn't. Thanks to GWB.
Because he is a warmongering lying statist progressive elitist asshole.

So you ignore the reality of what happened. Classic case of a person who HAS lost touch with the real world.
These events occurred. You can't ignore them. You may think you can but every day in some way not Bush but the events touched you.
And my point is that the USA could have gone really into the depths of despair during GWB's presidency. But we didn't. Thanks to GWB.

which is where we were heading when his 2nd term expired ... thanks second term.
Trump has elevated George W Bush's standing as a president like no other, by Trump being Trump.
Plus, even when I disagreed with W, I still would have a beer. Unlike Trump, W is likable.

I mentioned that last week ...

43 may have been a moron but I never wanted to kick him in the nuts ... but Donniedickhead ? hell yes, in a NY. minute.

Moron or not these events occurred. You can not dispute them. And once you accept them they you have to ask, how would YOU have reacted?
Would you turn your back on 3.6 million children that would have starved if you believed Saddam and that would have happened if Saddam were still in power today.
Would you have the balls to stand up to the reality our economic system was about to collapses on 9/18/08 unless YOU did something?
These events happened. They've never happened in one president's terms though and with such magnitude.
Say what you will but they did. What the hell would YOU have done differently WITHOUT the benefit of hindsight?
Trump has elevated George W Bush's standing as a president like no other, by Trump being Trump.
Plus, even when I disagreed with W, I still would have a beer. Unlike Trump, W is likable.

I mentioned that last week ...

43 may have been a moron but I never wanted to kick him in the nuts ... but Donniedickhead ? hell yes, in a NY. minute.

Moron or not these events occurred. You can not dispute them. And once you accept them they you have to ask, how would YOU have reacted?
Would you turn your back on 3.6 million children that would have starved if you believed Saddam and that would have happened if Saddam were still in power today.
Would you have the balls to stand up to the reality our economic system was about to collapses on 9/18/08 unless YOU did something?
These events happened. They've never happened in one president's terms though and with such magnitude.
Say what you will but they did. What the hell would YOU have done differently WITHOUT the benefit of hindsight?

There still will be an economic reset.
Trump has elevated George W Bush's standing as a president like no other, by Trump being Trump.
Plus, even when I disagreed with W, I still would have a beer with him, unlike Trump, W is likable.
Trump has elevated George W Bush's standing as a president like no other, by Trump being Trump.
Plus, even when I disagreed with W, I still would have a beer with him, unlike Trump, W is likable.
If Trump turns out worse than W, we really are fucked. Three disastrous POTUS' in a row should just about finish the land of the free and home of the brave.
An hour and a half that changed the world... yet you Bush Bashers seem to forget this event and the following events. Why are you people so against GWB considering what this president went through that NO other president in history has every faced...i.e. the below world changing event and several others!View attachment 118556

View attachment 118555
Happened on W's watch, yes.

The FBI and the CIA were not talking to each other.

Lesson learned: you need a National Security Chief (preferably a Navy admiral).

This failure on W's watch plunged him back into alcoholism.

Now he is remembered as the most inept POTUS in modern US history since Buchanan (who did nothing about the South seceding).
Good news however !!!

Obama got Osama !!!

Now W can get drunk and pass out and sleep soundly.

Obama killed W's arch-nemesis for him.
Trump has elevated George W Bush's standing as a president like no other, by Trump being Trump.
Plus, even when I disagreed with W, I still would have a beer with him, unlike Trump, W is likable.
Not exactly.

W and Trump are like two peas in a pod.

Both inept (so far).
George W. Bush if you or your wifey or your slut daughters are reading this, know that your only legacy was more tax cuts for the rich.

And Obama mostly got rid of most of those cuts too.

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