To Be or Not to Be a Republican


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
This is just too funny. While it has been pointed out many times before, the party that claims we are losing our freedoms, wants to make sure your 'freedumbs' are in line with theirs.

'SC County GOP: If You’ve Had Pre-Marital Sex, You Can’t Be A Republican'

"State GOP chairman Chad Connelly told the Chronicle that he doesn’t necessarily oppose the idea. "If we are wearing the same uniform I want to be sure we are kicking the ball toward the same goal, or are you moving against me.""

SC County GOP: If You’ve Had Pre-Marital Sex, You Can’t Be A Republican | TPMMuckraker
This is just too funny. While it has been pointed out many times before, the party that claims we are losing our freedoms, wants to make sure your 'freedumbs' are in line with theirs.

'SC County GOP: If You’ve Had Pre-Marital Sex, You Can’t Be A Republican'

"State GOP chairman Chad Connelly told the Chronicle that he doesn’t necessarily oppose the idea. "If we are wearing the same uniform I want to be sure we are kicking the ball toward the same goal, or are you moving against me.""

SC County GOP: If You’ve Had Pre-Marital Sex, You Can’t Be A Republican | TPMMuckraker

They would probably force girls who want to be Republicans to undergo a vaginal probe and inspection to ensure they are virgins.
They would probably force girls who want to be Republicans to undergo a vaginal probe and inspection to ensure they are virgins.

Don't know if this true or not, but a buddy of mine spent a month in Egypt about two year ago for some international exchange program for the banking industry. He said while he was there someone was telling him that at some point, maybe a certain age, I don't remember, young men have to be inspected by a doctor to make sure they haven't had anal sex with other men. If the doctor declares they have they get put in jail.

This pledge of the Laurens GOP is not too far removed from that.
This is just too funny. While it has been pointed out many times before, the party that claims we are losing our freedoms, wants to make sure your 'freedumbs' are in line with theirs.

'SC County GOP: If You’ve Had Pre-Marital Sex, You Can’t Be A Republican'

"State GOP chairman Chad Connelly told the Chronicle that he doesn’t necessarily oppose the idea. "If we are wearing the same uniform I want to be sure we are kicking the ball toward the same goal, or are you moving against me.""

SC County GOP: If You’ve Had Pre-Marital Sex, You Can’t Be A Republican | TPMMuckraker

They would probably force girls who want to be Republicans to undergo a vaginal probe and inspection to ensure they are virgins.

Can I help with the testing?


This is just too funny. While it has been pointed out many times before, the party that claims we are losing our freedoms, wants to make sure your 'freedumbs' are in line with theirs.

'SC County GOP: If You’ve Had Pre-Marital Sex, You Can’t Be A Republican'

"State GOP chairman Chad Connelly told the Chronicle that he doesn’t necessarily oppose the idea. "If we are wearing the same uniform I want to be sure we are kicking the ball toward the same goal, or are you moving against me.""

SC County GOP: If You’ve Had Pre-Marital Sex, You Can’t Be A Republican | TPMMuckraker

This is a joke, right? Right?

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