To Confiscate Guns You First Need to Create a Crisis

I find the onslaught of school shootings to be a bit far fetched.
Seems they're designed to maximize the tug at the American heartstring.
especially when the FBI had a threat handed to them and they ignore it. again, I truly believe that the entire Parkland shooting was staged by the Dems through the sheriff's office and the deep state fbi. Why else would an armed deputy stand behind a tree rather than go after the attacker. I'm sorry, there are far too many suspicious pieces to this event. And lookie lookie at the staged event to try and take guns from the exploited students that unwilling went along with it.
I find the onslaught of school shootings to be a bit far fetched.
Seems they're designed to maximize the tug at the American heartstring.
Still have not heard why Parkland deputies sat outside while kids were being gunned down.
I say they were ordered to stand down. I'd like to know how they found the kid cruz? he left with the students. it was the old lee harvey oswald arrest in a movie theater arrest. out of nowhere.
I find the onslaught of school shootings to be a bit far fetched.
Seems they're designed to maximize the tug at the American heartstring.
Still have not heard why Parkland deputies sat outside while kids were being gunned down.
I say they were ordered to stand down. I'd like to know how they found the kid cruz? he left with the students. it was the old lee harvey oswald arrest in a movie theater arrest. out of nowhere.
And the MSM remains silent with so many major questions.
I find the onslaught of school shootings to be a bit far fetched.
Seems they're designed to maximize the tug at the American heartstring.
Still have not heard why Parkland deputies sat outside while kids were being gunned down.
I say they were ordered to stand down. I'd like to know how they found the kid cruz? he left with the students. it was the old lee harvey oswald arrest in a movie theater arrest. out of nowhere.
I'd even bet the gun came from the sheriff's office.
I find the onslaught of school shootings to be a bit far fetched.
Seems they're designed to maximize the tug at the American heartstring.
Still have not heard why Parkland deputies sat outside while kids were being gunned down.
I say they were ordered to stand down. I'd like to know how they found the kid cruz? he left with the students. it was the old lee harvey oswald arrest in a movie theater arrest. out of nowhere.
I'd even bet the gun came from the sheriff's office.
BTW, I still believe today that the Las Vegas shooter had help from the Hotel and cops. there is no other explanation on why no one went into that room before he started shooting either. The security guy said it was at least ten minutes after he was shot that the dude started shooting. Come on is everyone really that stupid to think otherwise?

Just look at the time to give any information out and what has been released is so slim it would fit between my teeth. And the security guard went missing afterward as well.

The removal of names from the list happened in April of 2017 at the direction of one Jeff Sessions. Who was the president in 2017? Who appointed Jeff Sessions?
BTW, I still believe today that the Las Vegas shooter had help from the Hotel and cops.

Of course you do. The first thing the Las Vegas cops and the hotel thought about was "Hey, Vegas isn't exciting enough, we've got this great idea to generate some publicity."
Wow. This thread really proves what a bunch of psychos you righty kooks are.
There is no limit to the amount of children they would sacrifice to get guns banned.

After they get the guns, Americans can be looted endlessly. It's vital importance to ban guns, otherwise the communist utopia is but a dream.
Wow. This thread really proves what a bunch of psychos you righty kooks are.
Share with us why Obama’s actions were good for Americans not wishing to be gunned down.

Fake news you Russian hack .

Obama left guns alone . He was a gun nuts dream as far as democrat presidents go. Then sandy hook came along and he had to act after a bunch of 5 year olds were turned to hamburger .
Leftists want our guns so that we couldn't defend ourselves against tyranny.

That's all there is to it, kids? They don't give a shit... 50.000 die of drug overdoses yearly and they want more drugs.
Leftists want our guns so that we couldn't defend ourselves against tyranny.

That's all there is to it, kids? They don't give a shit... 50.000 die of drug overdoses yearly and they want more drugs.

Defend from tyranny? Like that guy who shot all those Dallas cops . He must be a gun nut hero.
Leftists want our guns so that we couldn't defend ourselves against tyranny.

That's all there is to it, kids? They don't give a shit... 50.000 die of drug overdoses yearly and they want more drugs.

Defend from tyranny? Like that guy who shot all those Dallas cops . He must be a gun nut hero.

No leftist tyranny that kills a lot more than 30 people a year (which let's review, bath tubs kill more). Visit Venezuela to find out.

Anyone who cares about children couldn't possibly support single motherhood. Yet, these guys do their best to wreck marriage. Democrat controlled black neighborhoods, 70% out of wedlock rates...

This is how they control people, and destroy children's lives.
I find the onslaught of school shootings to be a bit far fetched.
Seems they're designed to maximize the tug at the American heartstring.
Still have not heard why Parkland deputies sat outside while kids were being gunned down.
I say they were ordered to stand down. I'd like to know how they found the kid cruz? he left with the students. it was the old lee harvey oswald arrest in a movie theater arrest. out of nowhere.
And the MSM remains silent with so many major questions.
There is no "MSM", bro... for one, there is NOTHING "main stream" about it. It's as RADICAL LEFT as RADICAL LEFT can get, and it's not "media" either, it's pure PROPAGANDA, propaganda from the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING... that's what it is.

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