To Confiscate Guns You First Need to Create a Crisis

No the people who join are benefiting from the NRA acting to protect their rights from idiots who want to take them away. And the people who buy guns are benefiting by owning the most effective tool for self defense that idiots want to take away

Yes, they do benefit as well, but every gun bought benefits the company that made it. Surely you can see the connection? Right?

The best marketing the NRA and the gun industry have are the moronic gun grabbing idiots who crawl out of the woodwork after every tragedy.

I do not disagree with that at all.
By that logic, you should be charged with accessory to treason for voting Trump. :banana:

FYI I didn't vote for Trump. I didn't vote for anyone the last election cycle because both candidates made me want to puke

Now I will watch your tiny brain explode

Here is a little known fact....there were more than two I will watch your tiny little brain explode

And why waste my time voting for the 3rd 4th or 5th candidate?

We are a defacto 2 party country

only because people have been brainwashed into thinking a 3rd party vote is a waste of a vote.

It is a waste since 3rd parties never even get a fraction of a percent of the votes

That is because nobody will vote for them because they never get enough votes, and they never get enough votes because nobody will vote for you see the circular reasoning in play here?
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No the people who join are benefiting from the NRA acting to protect their rights from idiots who want to take them away. And the people who buy guns are benefiting by owning the most effective tool for self defense that idiots want to take away

Yes, they do benefit as well, but every gun bought benefits the company that made it. Surely you can see the connection? Right?

The best marketing the NRA and the gun industry have are the moronic gun grabbing idiots who crawl out of the woodwork after every tragedy.

I do not disagree with that at all.

You implied that the shootings drive the surge in NRA memberships and gun sales

It is not the shootings it is the reactionary knee jerk wannabe gun grabbers that drive the increases

If there was no call to ban guns etc there would be no increases

The removal of names from the list happened in April of 2017 at the direction of one Jeff Sessions. Who was the president in 2017? Who appointed Jeff Sessions?

Liar. Read the link and if you want more references to it google it further. It was under Obama
FYI I didn't vote for Trump. I didn't vote for anyone the last election cycle because both candidates made me want to puke

Now I will watch your tiny brain explode

Here is a little known fact....there were more than two I will watch your tiny little brain explode

And why waste my time voting for the 3rd 4th or 5th candidate?

We are a defacto 2 party country

only because people have been brainwashed into thinking a 3rd party vote is a waste of a vote.

It is a waste since 3rd parties never even get a fraction of a percent of the votes

That is because nobody will vote for them because they never get enough votes, and they never get enough votes because nobody will vote for you see the circular reasoning in play here?

What I finally realized was that while Republicans and Democrats say radically different things, they don't actually do anything different. Notice how the Republican congress is the one slow walking Trump on immigration, tax cuts, ... It's not just the Democrats. The Democrats are as militaristic as the Republicans and the Republicans spend like Democrats.

Until people realize it just doesn't matter between them, they won't vote third party and nothing will change. For me that was almost 30 years ago. I left the Republican party circa 1990 and stopped voting for them. And nothing has changed
FYI I didn't vote for Trump. I didn't vote for anyone the last election cycle because both candidates made me want to puke

Now I will watch your tiny brain explode

Here is a little known fact....there were more than two I will watch your tiny little brain explode

And why waste my time voting for the 3rd 4th or 5th candidate?

We are a defacto 2 party country

only because people have been brainwashed into thinking a 3rd party vote is a waste of a vote.

It is a waste since 3rd parties never even get a fraction of a percent of the votes

That is because nobody will vote for them because they never get enough votes, and they never get enough votes because nobody will vote for you see the circular reasoning in play here?

It's not circular reasoning at all.

If I lived in a state that showed strong support for a third party I would vote if the candidate was a good choice. I don't live in such a state and my vote means nothing because I live in a Democratic stronghold so I don't waste my time voting in any national elections or even state elections I will vote in local elections because that is where my vote has the most effect

But I refuse to vote simply for the sake of voting
To Sell Guns You First Need to Create a Crisis

The most effective crisis that sold the most guns was Obama talking about gun legislation. That triggered an eight year wave of gun purchases.

Good job
Here is a little known fact....there were more than two I will watch your tiny little brain explode

And why waste my time voting for the 3rd 4th or 5th candidate?

We are a defacto 2 party country

only because people have been brainwashed into thinking a 3rd party vote is a waste of a vote.

It is a waste since 3rd parties never even get a fraction of a percent of the votes

That is because nobody will vote for them because they never get enough votes, and they never get enough votes because nobody will vote for you see the circular reasoning in play here?

What I finally realized was that while Republicans and Democrats say radically different things, they don't actually do anything different. Notice how the Republican congress is the one slow walking Trump on immigration, tax cuts, ... It's not just the Democrats. The Democrats are as militaristic as the Republicans and the Republicans spend like Democrats.

Until people realize it just doesn't matter between them, they won't vote third party and nothing will change. For me that was almost 30 years ago. I left the Republican party circa 1990 and stopped voting for them. And nothing has changed

Congress doesn't give a flying fuck what the people want

Study: Congress literally doesn't care what you think
Here is a little known fact....there were more than two I will watch your tiny little brain explode

And why waste my time voting for the 3rd 4th or 5th candidate?

We are a defacto 2 party country

only because people have been brainwashed into thinking a 3rd party vote is a waste of a vote.

It is a waste since 3rd parties never even get a fraction of a percent of the votes

That is because nobody will vote for them because they never get enough votes, and they never get enough votes because nobody will vote for you see the circular reasoning in play here?

It's not circular reasoning at all.

If I lived in a state that showed strong support for a third party I would vote if the candidate was a good choice. I don't live in such a state and my vote means nothing because I live in a Democratic stronghold so I don't waste my time voting in any national elections or even state elections I will vote in local elections because that is where my vote has the most effect

But I refuse to vote simply for the sake of voting

Fair point. However, I view when I vote for bad third party candidates that I am not voting for the candidate, I am voting for the third party. That's why I voted for Nadar in 2008. I shared one view with him. When he was criticized for helping McCain, he asked what difference does it make?

You see my point? People have to believe in third party candidates to get people to vote third party and to get people to vote for them. Look at Perot in 1992, they can rock the two party system's world.

If you vote third party, you are saying you vote and you aren't happy with the two choices. If you don't vote, your message is you just don't give a shit. Whatever you meant, that's the message you sent. You aren't going to be bothered voting. It's too much like work
And why waste my time voting for the 3rd 4th or 5th candidate?

We are a defacto 2 party country

only because people have been brainwashed into thinking a 3rd party vote is a waste of a vote.

It is a waste since 3rd parties never even get a fraction of a percent of the votes

That is because nobody will vote for them because they never get enough votes, and they never get enough votes because nobody will vote for you see the circular reasoning in play here?

What I finally realized was that while Republicans and Democrats say radically different things, they don't actually do anything different. Notice how the Republican congress is the one slow walking Trump on immigration, tax cuts, ... It's not just the Democrats. The Democrats are as militaristic as the Republicans and the Republicans spend like Democrats.

Until people realize it just doesn't matter between them, they won't vote third party and nothing will change. For me that was almost 30 years ago. I left the Republican party circa 1990 and stopped voting for them. And nothing has changed

Congress doesn't give a flying fuck what the people want

Study: Congress literally doesn't care what you think

That's why you have to vote third party. Until enough of us get their attention, they will continue to not care

The removal of names from the list happened in April of 2017 at the direction of one Jeff Sessions. Who was the president in 2017? Who appointed Jeff Sessions?

Liar. Read the link and if you want more references to it google it further. It was under Obama

Poor little Kaz, you try so hard but you lack the basic intelligence to look beyond what the alt right feeds you.

The article in the OP lied to you...this took place in April 2017...who was the president in April 2017?

Thousands of wanted fugitives were removed from the US gun control database

Trump Administration Gave 500,000 Fugitives the Right to Buy Guns

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And why waste my time voting for the 3rd 4th or 5th candidate?

We are a defacto 2 party country

only because people have been brainwashed into thinking a 3rd party vote is a waste of a vote.

It is a waste since 3rd parties never even get a fraction of a percent of the votes

That is because nobody will vote for them because they never get enough votes, and they never get enough votes because nobody will vote for you see the circular reasoning in play here?

It's not circular reasoning at all.

If I lived in a state that showed strong support for a third party I would vote if the candidate was a good choice. I don't live in such a state and my vote means nothing because I live in a Democratic stronghold so I don't waste my time voting in any national elections or even state elections I will vote in local elections because that is where my vote has the most effect

But I refuse to vote simply for the sake of voting

Fair point. However, I view when I vote for bad third party candidates that I am not voting for the candidate, I am voting for the third party. That's why I voted for Nadar in 2008. I shared one view with him. When he was criticized for helping McCain, he asked what difference does it make?

You see my point? People have to believe in third party candidates to get people to vote third party and to get people to vote for them. Look at Perot in 1992, they can rock the two party system's world.

If you vote third party, you are saying you vote and you aren't happy with the two choices. If you don't vote, your message is you just don't give a shit. Whatever you meant, that's the message you sent. You aren't going to be bothered voting. It's too much like work

Voting is not like work at all.

I see tangible results form my work.
Here is a little known fact....there were more than two I will watch your tiny little brain explode

And why waste my time voting for the 3rd 4th or 5th candidate?

We are a defacto 2 party country

only because people have been brainwashed into thinking a 3rd party vote is a waste of a vote.

It is a waste since 3rd parties never even get a fraction of a percent of the votes

That is because nobody will vote for them because they never get enough votes, and they never get enough votes because nobody will vote for you see the circular reasoning in play here?

What I finally realized was that while Republicans and Democrats say radically different things, they don't actually do anything different. Notice how the Republican congress is the one slow walking Trump on immigration, tax cuts, ... It's not just the Democrats. The Democrats are as militaristic as the Republicans and the Republicans spend like Democrats.

Until people realize it just doesn't matter between them, they won't vote third party and nothing will change. For me that was almost 30 years ago. I left the Republican party circa 1990 and stopped voting for them. And nothing has changed

You type this and yet almost ever post you make is in defense of Trump and the Repubs.

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The most effective crisis that sold the most guns was Obama talking about gun legislation. That triggered an eight year wave of gun purchases.

Good job
No, what caused the surge was scared white people hoarding guns and ammo because a black man was president.

So, how’s long do you think the surge will last after Trump’s comments about taking guns without due process?

The removal of names from the list happened in April of 2017 at the direction of one Jeff Sessions. Who was the president in 2017? Who appointed Jeff Sessions?

Liar. Read the link and if you want more references to it google it further. It was under Obama

Poor little Kaz, you try so hard but you lack the basic intelligence to look beyond what the alt right feeds you.

The article in the OP lied to you...this took place in April 2017...who was the president in April 2017?

Thousands of wanted fugitives were removed from the US gun control database

Trump Administration Gave 500,000 Fugitives the Right to Buy Guns

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That's hilarious. The original post said 500K, and you provided articles that said tens of K and it never occurred to you to look any deeper.

You crack me up. I'll esplain it to you.

The Justice department and ATF disagreed on the definition of a "fugitive."

- The Justice department said a "fugitive" is someone who had an outstanding arrest warrant

- ATF said a "fugitive" is someone who has an outstanding arrest warrant AND has crossed a State line.

Under Obama, they decided on the ATF definition and removed 500K people from the database, the ones who had not crossed State lines.

What you did is point to that they continued to use that definition from the Obama administration in 2017 when Trump took over and of the new arrest warrants, the ones who had not crossed State lines were not added per the Obama definition of fugitive.

In your articles, they made it sound like a Trump policy. But re-read your articles more carefully and you'll see they are all spin consistent with what I just told you. You're gulping fake news, compadre.

BTW, it doesn't mean those people aren't in the database, it just means they aren't being put in the database as a Federal definition of "fugitive"
only because people have been brainwashed into thinking a 3rd party vote is a waste of a vote.

It is a waste since 3rd parties never even get a fraction of a percent of the votes

That is because nobody will vote for them because they never get enough votes, and they never get enough votes because nobody will vote for you see the circular reasoning in play here?

It's not circular reasoning at all.

If I lived in a state that showed strong support for a third party I would vote if the candidate was a good choice. I don't live in such a state and my vote means nothing because I live in a Democratic stronghold so I don't waste my time voting in any national elections or even state elections I will vote in local elections because that is where my vote has the most effect

But I refuse to vote simply for the sake of voting

Fair point. However, I view when I vote for bad third party candidates that I am not voting for the candidate, I am voting for the third party. That's why I voted for Nadar in 2008. I shared one view with him. When he was criticized for helping McCain, he asked what difference does it make?

You see my point? People have to believe in third party candidates to get people to vote third party and to get people to vote for them. Look at Perot in 1992, they can rock the two party system's world.

If you vote third party, you are saying you vote and you aren't happy with the two choices. If you don't vote, your message is you just don't give a shit. Whatever you meant, that's the message you sent. You aren't going to be bothered voting. It's too much like work

Voting is not like work at all.

I see tangible results form my work.

Really? Like what? By not voting, no one thinks you give a shit. How is that a tangible result?
The real confiscation began years ago, and continues to this day. With the adoption of life sentences, of revoked constitutional protections, for felony offenders who've served their time; and the ever lowering standard, of what constitutes a felony, and the decreasing age at which offenders are being charged as adults...
It's the frog in the pot. And it's been in full swing for years. Most usually don't care though... Until they realize that they are in the pot...
And why waste my time voting for the 3rd 4th or 5th candidate?

We are a defacto 2 party country

only because people have been brainwashed into thinking a 3rd party vote is a waste of a vote.

It is a waste since 3rd parties never even get a fraction of a percent of the votes

That is because nobody will vote for them because they never get enough votes, and they never get enough votes because nobody will vote for you see the circular reasoning in play here?

What I finally realized was that while Republicans and Democrats say radically different things, they don't actually do anything different. Notice how the Republican congress is the one slow walking Trump on immigration, tax cuts, ... It's not just the Democrats. The Democrats are as militaristic as the Republicans and the Republicans spend like Democrats.

Until people realize it just doesn't matter between them, they won't vote third party and nothing will change. For me that was almost 30 years ago. I left the Republican party circa 1990 and stopped voting for them. And nothing has changed

You type this and yet almost ever post you make is in defense of Trump and the Repubs.

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Liar. In the last month I've been in endless debates with Republicans because I'm against tariffs and restrictions on trade. I've also argued against the wars and our military being in the middle east, I'm pro-choice and Republicans who think there is a social security trust fund (there isn't). Over time I've argued with them on the war on drugs and other fiscal, social and military issues, but I was restricting it to the last month.

Did you think being third party means that we're discussing an entirely different set of political issues?

and leftards have the balls to try and say the NRA wants to put firearms in the hands of criminals

between this and fast n furious it seems obama was the one pretty dedicated to insuring

that felons had access to firearms

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