To: EPA Head Scott Pruitt, Heckuva Job Pruzie


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

No, not the job you’re doing as head of the EPA, in that position you suck, just like every other appointee, adviser, cabinet member, and everyone else associated with the idiot trump.

What you do best is, expose the Republican Party for the corrupt swindlers they are.

Your efforts cannot change the minds of the devoted GOP voting base. But your self-serving actions and gross overspending as EPA head should be another lesson (the current administration gives such lessons daily) to young voters of the crooks and criminals they can expect from their party as candidates, if they decide to become registered Republican voters.

Pruitt’s unethical behavior is becoming too much for even the most seasoned congressional Republicans to take. The headlines from Pruitt’s criminal activities are making the public notice the other scams the GOP have completed and are planning to perpetrate on average Americans.

Some Republican lawmakers, who had planned to ride out the mid-term elections, are beginning to consider joining those who have already announced their upcoming retirements.

Unending Pruitt controversies leave Republicans frustrated

"I've never seen such nit-picking," added Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.). "Look, Scott Pruitt is a target because he's keeping President Trump's campaign promises."

Unreal. What is that they say "Birds of a feather...…"

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