To Kill a Mockingbird becomes an Obama Re election commercial

ignore jake
you have nothing to offer but personal attacks on your fellow americans
good luck with that
Feel free to talk about Obama's policies that matter. Your focus on the ephemra of his part in this movie is a non-issue among other non-issues.

As for people having shit for brains, you'd be the authority given the content of the space between your ears--remember when OBL was killed by Obama; you called it a "mistake". Another failure.

This issue makes you look petty, silly, impotent, and above all else, these are accurate representations if this is all you've got. Your lack of enthusiasm for Mittens speaks volumes about how you've picked the wrong dog out of the pack.

I've been talking about them for years. I've said what he was going to do and he's done it.....and then some.
Currently, you're doing it on a thread about a movie. High standards for debate there sonny.

Lets see, cash for clunkers, wall street reform, appointment of Kagan and Sotomayor, ensured the payroll tax holiday over stringent GOP opposition since it wouldn't benefit the millionaires...

All you can do is talk about what he wants to do. All you do is repeat his nonsense like it's real.

Give him 4 more years. He'll eventually get it right.

I say he's had his chance. It's time to let somebody else have a chance to fix this mess.

The guy just doesn't do his job. He doesn't give a damn about the debt, the unemployment, the terrible housing market.

He hasn't lifted a finger on immigration.

He hasn't done anything right when it comes to foreign affairs. His only claim to fame is killing Bin Laden. Assassination is not a foreign policy.
You're right about immigration except he's deported more persons than Bush did.

As for foreign affairs, we're not fighting in Iraq any more. We're on a time table to leave Afghanistan, we have more drone strikes going on keeping Soldiers further out of harm's way. We backed the insurgents in Lybia (right or wrong), tacitlly supported the uprising in Egypt.

The economy seems to be turning the corner as well.

Most of his strongest supporters on this site hate America. Many of them aren't even Americans. What does that tell you about the man?

Now you're just being stupid (again).

Candycorn calling people stupid without doing your DD is, well, stupid
The GOP was not against the payroll tax cuts, there version would have extended them for 1 year
House GOP rejects 2-month payroll tax cut
more liberal Bias

The House passed a separate plan last week that would have extended the payroll tax cut for one year. But that version also contained spending cuts opposed by Democrats and tighter rules for jobless benefits.
I had snacks
and my fluffy people waiting on this movie to caome on not knowing BHO was going to do the intro
I assumed he followed the same path the commercials following did
not afraid to stand up to racisim commercial USA today - Bing Videos
You know my issue here is the use of the film, not so much the message
Black innocent victim
hung by white southern radicals
Thats race of a White Male doing a very un ethical thing to a innocent black male when we have today as much racial in justices from blacks to white

The message was about the event in Sanford, to stir the base. I love the film, not because of the racial overtones
The acting
and the part of the old south I was raised in, kids playing, etc...
I was about there age at the time of the movie

any-way there you are, I am sure BHO did the same, you can google it

So you didn't hear President Obama say what you claim he stated. His intro was not followed by commercials. So I ask once again(not that expect an answer from you) Where did you get the idea that either of those happened?

The film was going to air regardless of what happened in Stanford Fla.

I think they were going to ask the President to introduce it regardless of what happened at Stanford Fla.

Dude, you'll never get the last word in. The GOP is the "yeah but" party of right now. When they get the White House back, the Democrats will be the "yeah but" people. JRK is the best practicioner of "yeah but" arguing.

Bears repeating.
The far right tea party wing of the GOP does not represent the Republican Party or the will of the American people.

The ryanistas are for the wealthy and screw the rest of America.
So you didn't hear President Obama say what you claim he stated. His intro was not followed by commercials. So I ask once again(not that expect an answer from you) Where did you get the idea that either of those happened?

The film was going to air regardless of what happened in Stanford Fla.

I think they were going to ask the President to introduce it regardless of what happened at Stanford Fla.

Dude, you'll never get the last word in. The GOP is the "yeah but" party of right now. When they get the White House back, the Democrats will be the "yeah but" people. JRK is the best practicioner of "yeah but" arguing.

Bears repeating.

Candy Corn there is a huge difference in correcting information that is not true and yea but.
You keep putting out information that is not true and every single time I catch it, I am going to correct it
Now if your not man enough to face that, I cannot help that
Your lack of rebuttle does your reputation no good. That would bother most

Why would you support anything in life you have to spin the truth, 1/2 truth or flat out lies to make them look good?

I do not blame you, but the biased media is flat out of control and you should be smart enough to do your own DD on these issues

In 2008 there was no-one there to correct all the lies that was told about GWB, now BHO has a record that will be corrected every-time all the time

Bears repeating

Correcting, not yea but
JRK is merely projecting what we, better informed and better read and have a better plan for America than he and his ilk do, correct him on.

He is pretending he is pro-active rather than reactive, when in fact he and Jroc are among the most regressive and reactive posters on the board.
Correcting information Jake
I know what you said is just a re peat of candy corn
Lies no matter the source will not elect Obama this time
JRK is an e-thug for the failed neo-con leftists hiding in our GOP.

We are rooting them out like the weeds they are.
correcting a lie will be every-time all the time
It is not 2008
GWB had a budget in 2007 163 billion dollars from breaking even for the year
In 2009 it was 1.4 trillion and BHO stated he inherited it
GM still owes us billions, they have not paid us back, in fact they used tarp funds to pay part of what they did pay us back

"The next day we learned that GM, with the permission of Treasury, withdrew billions from the TARP escrow fund and accelerated the repayment of the entire GM TARP loan. Immediately, GM and the administration launched a public relations campaign touting “repayment.”

Regardless of the motive, this situation is a perfect example of the shenanigans caused by excessive government intervention in the economy. Being honest with the American people is not optional. The sooner these extraordinary entanglements between taxpayers and the private sector are over, the better."

Read more: Did General Motors Really Repay Its Taxpayer Bailout? | Fox News

They still owe us billions
This link also proves that the in herites defict of 2009 is a lie, the failed stimulus as well as million of jobs lost in 09 also added to the defict
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JRK's tired assertions have been rebuked and corrected on the thread dozens of times.

His failed-left neo-con influence in the GOP is coming to an end.

Perhaps he can find a place in the Democratic Party.
JRK is mumbling and stumbling with silly comments. Go away, JRK, from the GOP. You make it harder for real GOP candidates to win.
:lol: The fool who began with making it personal gets mad because he can dish it but not take it.

JRK's problem.
And the banks and the auto companies are doing better and well, the government has made some money on all of it, the economy is recovering, manufacturing is growing, and JRK is bitching. Nada new.
Dude, you'll never get the last word in. The GOP is the "yeah but" party of right now. When they get the White House back, the Democrats will be the "yeah but" people. JRK is the best practicioner of "yeah but" arguing.

Bears repeating.

Candy Corn there is a huge difference in correcting information that is not true and yea but.
You keep putting out information that is not true and every single time I catch it, I am going to correct it
Now if your not man enough to face that, I cannot help that
Your lack of rebuttle does your reputation no good. That would bother most

Why would you support anything in life you have to spin the truth, 1/2 truth or flat out lies to make them look good?

I do not blame you, but the biased media is flat out of control and you should be smart enough to do your own DD on these issues

In 2008 there was no-one there to correct all the lies that was told about GWB, now BHO has a record that will be corrected every-time all the time

Bears repeating

Correcting, not yea but

Yeah, nobody corrected Bush's lies that lead us into war in Iraq. Somehow when the white guy was running things, you're truth-filter was not so acute. Now--wow; 24/7/365.

There were no WMD's, Colin Powell refused to parrot the cooked intel to the UN.
Those are the facts.

Spin away little one! GO!

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