To Kill a Mockingbird becomes an Obama Re election commercial

As soon as you find some of his may be a plan. His healthcare plan for Mass. was a winner. LOL

his biggest strength is he is not Obama. If policies dictate this election, as I think it will, Obama is done
trillions in deficts
No real job growth, you know why as the size of the labor force shrinks faster than anytime in history, thats not real job growth and now even the Libs are admitting it
a very un popular health-care law that no matter the Supreme court vote, its far from over as that being the end
And dont waste your time on the Mass law, thats what the liberals of Mass wanted, that is what they got and according to the laws of the state

Obama has failed
no real job growth
being dis honest with the people who elected him

Wow...and Mitt is behind in the polls to him?

You know the ABC/post poll is amazing to me
you have a 5% Un decided?
You have 51% for Obama with his approval rating in the low 40s?
It is fine with me, come November the polls will not matter

I think rasmussens is close, they had it as a toss up (BHO up by one) with Newt as well as Santorum still in it at the time the poll was taken
As I recall the undecided was a fairly large number also (17%)
Any-way it is what it is, and that I will not debate
Obama Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™
So you want us to focus on Romney and ignore what a fuck-up Obama is??

Makes sense if you want to lose.

Nah......I'm gonna keep focusing on the shit-for-brains fuckup in the White House.

I would prefer to focus on Romney's strengths and talk about what a fuck up Obama is. Sound like a plan?

As soon as you find some of his may be a plan. His healthcare plan for Mass. was a winner. LOL

I see no problem with that. First of all it wasn't his plan exclusively. Second he had a state legislature that was 80% liberal and intent on passing a health care law. He could either be a prick and watch an ultra-liberal plan get passed over his veto, or he could get involved and minimize the damage the left was about to do. he chose correctly. Third, any state can pass their own plan if they choose to do so. The justices were very clear during oral arguments that the individual mandate was fine at the state level but not at the federal level. I was pleased to hear them say that as I had been arguing that point for some time. I have no issue with what Romney did in MA at all.
Stop the Far Right talking points, BP: they don't work.

Blah, blah, blah.....when I see you post a single link to something other than an Op-Ed piece to support any of your inane arguments I will start to take you slightly more seriously. Until then....just more typical propagandist rhetoric and deflection tactics. (YAWN)
I would prefer to focus on Romney's strengths and talk about what a fuck up Obama is. Sound like a plan?

As soon as you find some of his may be a plan. His healthcare plan for Mass. was a winner. LOL

I see no problem with that. First of all it wasn't his plan exclusively. Second he had a state legislature that was 80% liberal and intent on passing a health care law. He could either be a prick and watch an ultra-liberal plan get passed over his veto, or he could get involved and minimize the damage the left was about to do. he chose correctly. Third, any state can pass their own plan if they choose to do so. The justices were very clear during oral arguments that the individual mandate was fine at the state level but not at the federal level. I was pleased to hear them say that as I had been arguing that point for some time. I have no issue with what Romney did in MA at all.

He is starting to use that as an advantage
As he said, we could have played partisan poitics for those years and gotten nothing done, or met in the middle and got things done for the state as they mandated

Thats what Libs cannot grasp, state politics by law and by make-up or completly different than the federal make up
and law
What Texas wants does not mean Mass wants it
He is starting to use that as an advantage
As he said, we could have played partisan poitics for those years and gotten nothing done, or met in the middle and got things done for the state as they mandated

Thats what Libs cannot grasp, state politics by law and by make-up or completly different than the federal make up
and law
What Texas wants does not mean Mass wants it

And you hit on something major there. This is why our system is set up the way it is. What works for Florida may not be so great for Oregon. What is in New York's best interests may totally screw Rhode Island. That's why the idea of "state's rights" was adopted in the first place and why the Constitution is a document that limits the power of the federal government.
Stop the Far Right talking points, BP: they don't work.

Blah, blah, blah.....when I see you post a single link to something other than an Op-Ed piece to support any of your inane arguments I will start to take you slightly more seriously. Until then....just more typical propagandist rhetoric and deflection tactics. (YAWN)

In other words, you got nothing. Far right extremists never do politically. :lol:
Jake I took you off of my ignore list for 2 threads and look at you.
Thats the best you can do with this thread? That some-how I am the stupid one here?
And what do you mean when am I going to sacrifice for America? you think someones race is a sacrifice?
Are you kidding me?
Jake this is sad. The events that spit this country from the 1600s have not one thing to do with you nor me Jake
Hitler killed 6 million jews Jake, does that mean that tragic event should been seen as a scarfice jake?
Stupid peope have done stupid things scince the dawn of time
Thank god we have corrected so many of those mistakes

Okay, you about ready to go back on ignore Jake? dont be stupid Jake, be thank-ful for what we all have today no matter what race we are

Whether you ignore me does not make you any less wrong that you already have shown yourself to be here today.

You see, when I am on your ignore, I don't have to see your stupidity and correct it.

Once again, the neo-cons of the last twenty years have badly, badly damaged this country, and you still lie and deny and cry and sigh.

You are a pitiful little sack who has sacrificed not at all for our great country, but yet will continue to lie and mystify.

And you get mad when you are publicly corrected.

Jake corrected? Jake the Dems have had control scince the wheels came off, no-one else Name one lie jake from me, just one If you cannot Jake, whats that make you Mad? jake I have nothing here to be mad about on this message board. You cannot handle the truth Jake You rely on events you had nothing to do with to make it instead of getting up everyday of your life and being part of the solution Now lets see who the liar is Jake

You are always the liar, bud. The GOP set the scenario, the wheels came off, and the GOP far righties have done nothing, absolutely nothing, to jointly govern and get out of the mess. I have told my brother that his Tea Party extremism hurts the country, and surely have had no issue in correcting his children when they pop off stupidly. Just like I do you.

Neo-cons like you and your philosophy have no business governing anything. :lol:
He is starting to use that as an advantage
As he said, we could have played partisan poitics for those years and gotten nothing done, or met in the middle and got things done for the state as they mandated

Thats what Libs cannot grasp, state politics by law and by make-up or completly different than the federal make up
and law
What Texas wants does not mean Mass wants it

And you hit on something major there. This is why our system is set up the way it is. What works for Florida may not be so great for Oregon. What is in New York's best interests may totally screw Rhode Island. That's why the idea of "state's rights" was adopted in the first place and why the Constitution is a document that limits the power of the federal government.

It is the very problem that has us where we are today. Obama stivking his nose in GMs business cost the south 1000s of jobs
Toyota, Honda with others have created 1000s of non union jobs in the south because there okay with 40k a year and beneifits with a chance for growth
they understand that with-out profit, GM does not survive
Others do not, including BHO
an event that federal tax payers wealth decided millions in who got what jobs, a choice made by one person with OPM (other peoples money)

There are so many things Obama has stuck his nose where it does not belong, legally
This is the biggest issue I have with him
JRK continues to fib. The GOP and Dem working together saved the auto industry, which when extended to indirect affects, has great effects on millions of jobs. In this case, BHO and the smart GOP members understand the auto industry far better than the right wingnut extremists on this board. :lol:
Stop the Far Right talking points, BP: they don't work.

Blah, blah, blah.....when I see you post a single link to something other than an Op-Ed piece to support any of your inane arguments I will start to take you slightly more seriously. Until then....just more typical propagandist rhetoric and deflection tactics. (YAWN)

In other words, you got nothing. Far right extremists never do politically. :lol:

First of all I am hardly "far right". Earlier on this very thread I was defending Obama for God's sake. I am pro-choice, support gay rights, and think religious extremists are a disaster for the GOP. That doesn't sound very "far right" to me. Additionally, I have been the one posting link after link to support my arguments and positions. All I have gotten from you is "I am right because....well....uh.....because I fucking say so". Yippie skippy.
Blah, blah, blah.....when I see you post a single link to something other than an Op-Ed piece to support any of your inane arguments I will start to take you slightly more seriously. Until then....just more typical propagandist rhetoric and deflection tactics. (YAWN)

In other words, you got nothing. Far right extremists never do politically. :lol:

First of all I am hardly "far right". Earlier on this very thread I was defending Obama for God's sake. I am pro-choice, support gay rights, and think religious extremists are a disaster for the GOP. That doesn't sound very "far right" to me. Additionally, I have been the one posting link after link to support my arguments and positions. All I have gotten from you is "I am right because....well....uh.....because I fucking say so". Yippie skippy.

Nah, I am telling you that your wrong economic libertarianism (if that is what it is) is not good economics or constitutionalism.
It is the very problem that has us where we are today. Obama stivking his nose in GMs business cost the south 1000s of jobs
Toyota, Honda with others have created 1000s of non union jobs in the south because there okay with 40k a year and beneifits with a chance for growth
they understand that with-out profit, GM does not survive
Others do not, including BHO
an event that federal tax payers wealth decided millions in who got what jobs, a choice made by one person with OPM (other peoples money)

You are preaching to the choir. I started a thread some 4-5 months ago that broke all that down in excruciating detail. Analyzed taxes, regulations, profit margins, blah, blah, blah complete with economic statements and mathematical formulas. Know what I got from the left? One of two things:

a) "Well that's not true...the math is correct, the procedures are correct, the effects are correct...but it's not true because.....uh.....because we insist it's not."


b) "Ok well you are right...but it's not fair so let's throw everything aside that actually works and do what doesn't work to make sure everyone is equally as bankrupt." gotta love 'em. They provide a baseline through which we can appreciate our own intelligence.
It is the very problem that has us where we are today. Obama stivking his nose in GMs business cost the south 1000s of jobs
Toyota, Honda with others have created 1000s of non union jobs in the south because there okay with 40k a year and beneifits with a chance for growth
they understand that with-out profit, GM does not survive
Others do not, including BHO
an event that federal tax payers wealth decided millions in who got what jobs, a choice made by one person with OPM (other peoples money)

You are preaching to the choir. I started a thread some 4-5 months ago that broke all that down in excruciating detail. Analyzed taxes, regulations, profit margins, blah, blah, blah complete with economic statements and mathematical formulas. Know what I got from the left? One of two things:

a) "Well that's not true...the math is correct, the procedures are correct, the effects are correct...but it's not true because.....uh.....because we insist it's not."


b) "Ok well you are right...but it's not fair so let's throw everything aside that actually works and do what doesn't work to make sure everyone is equally as bankrupt." gotta love 'em. They provide a baseline through which we can appreciate our own intelligence.

Libs are what have this country so divided. There is no debate, there is just victims, lies and deciet
Jake is on my ignore list, he has nothing to offer, he is just pissed baout being Jake the best I can tell

Wanting to become another european country
Socialisim is an item to debate, not to lie about to get his/her way
Any-way, dont waste your time with some of these guys, there in this just to insult others
JRK, unable to defend his nonsense, once again has put me on ignore!

Woot Woot!
Libs are what have this country so divided. There is no debate, there is just victims, lies and deciet

You are correct, but unfortunately I wish I could say that was exclusively a liberal trait. It's not. We, in the GOP, do our part too. In my opinion not nearly as much or to the same degree as liberals do, but we're not exactly innocent. We divide too.
Libs are what have this country so divided. There is no debate, there is just victims, lies and deciet

You are correct, but unfortunately I wish I could say that was exclusively a liberal trait. It's not. We, in the GOP, do our part too. In my opinion not nearly as much or to the same degree as liberals do, but we're not exactly innocent. We divide too.

When was the last time any president wentonto national TV and stated that a victim in a crime he knew nothing about that had yet to be presented to the proper authorities stuck his nose in a place it did not belong?
When is the last time the GOP brought a 30 year old women to the halls of congress to tell us that no matter your beliefs, yor choice in birth control did not exist?
When is the last lie John B gave us?
That we had created millions of jobs scince 09? or that he had inherited a 1.7 trillion dollar defict in 09?
What about the last time a GOP represenative stated that because you make money you should be punished? and that capital gains are the same as income, and those people who invest there own wealth to establish those gains should be punished?
What was the last piece of legeslation that was forced on the American people? that-that legeslation would have no tax increases within it, yet when the supreme court ask about those "fines" that same group called it a tax?
That to intimidate people at a place we vote was ok, just because those doing the intimidating where black?
How many times have we heard that Ryans budget would kill 1000s of old people? while at the same time not produce one your self?
Sarah Palin has been called every-name in the book, her daughter called a tramp, That the reason a Dem senator was shot was because of the tight wing media? yet at the same time nothing is said about the "bounty" on Zimmermans head
Bush lied, people died
the war is lost
American troops, never mind

I could go on and on here

The GOP has had no power scince 2006
Any way, there is a big difference in debate and just plain lying BS, no matter who you think is at fault, it needs to stop

When was the last time any president wentonto national TV and stated that a victim in a crime he knew nothing about that had yet to be presented to the proper authorities stuck his nose in a place it did not belong?
When is the last time the GOP brought a 30 year old women to the halls of congress to tell us that no matter your beliefs, yor choice in birth control did not exist?
When is the last lie John B gave us?
That we had created millions of jobs scince 09? or that he had inherited a 1.7 trillion dollar defict in 09?
What about the last time a GOP represenative stated that because you make money you should be punished? and that capital gains are the same as income, and those people who invest there own wealth to establish those gains should be punished?
What was the last piece of legeslation that was forced on the American people? that-that legeslation would have no tax increases within it, yet when the supreme court ask about those "fines" that same group called it a tax?
That to intimidate people at a place we vote was ok, just because those doing the intimidating where black?
How many times have we heard that Ryans budget would kill 1000s of old people? while at the same time not produce one your self?
Sarah Palin has been called every-name in the book, her daughter called a tramp, That the reason a Dem senator was shot was because of the tight wing media? yet at the same time nothing is said about the "bounty" on Zimmermans head
Bush lied, people died
the war is lost
American troops, never mind

I could go on and on here

The GOP has had no power scince 2006
Any way, there is a big difference in debate and just plain lying BS, no matter who you think is at fault, it needs to stop

Now now....don't get pissy. Everything you say is correct. Obama is a total piece of shit. The Democrats are divisive hate mongers. They lie, they twist, they refuse to support their positions with facts or documentation (yeah I mean you Jake ;) ). Damn right they are the scum of the Earth.


Do we have moral high ground? The siege on homosexuals by the religious right (that like it or not is a part of the GOP) is the very same thing. We twist the gospels to further a political agenda. We alienate a segment of society and attempt to deny them constitutional rights based upon a principle that has no place in government and in violation of the very constitution we profess to defend. We divide where homosexuality is concerned and the denial of civil rights has never been something that the GOP stood for.

Our party was founded to ensure civil rights, not deny them. It was the GOP who fought to end slavery, to ensure the civil rights of blacks in the 60s (not the Democrats who were too busy hanging people from trees at the time). My party's treatment of homosexuals is a violation of everything our party stands for, everything we have fought for, and everything we claim to represent. We cannot, at the same time, claim to be "defenders of the constitution" while attempting to deny homosexuals their constitutional rights.

Until we work that out, we can correctly condemn the actions of Obama and the Democrats...but we must do so with shame and hypocrisy and the knowledge that we lack the moral ground upon which to pass judgement.
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When was the last time any president wentonto national TV and stated that a victim in a crime he knew nothing about that had yet to be presented to the proper authorities stuck his nose in a place it did not belong?
When is the last time the GOP brought a 30 year old women to the halls of congress to tell us that no matter your beliefs, yor choice in birth control did not exist?
When is the last lie John B gave us?
That we had created millions of jobs scince 09? or that he had inherited a 1.7 trillion dollar defict in 09?
What about the last time a GOP represenative stated that because you make money you should be punished? and that capital gains are the same as income, and those people who invest there own wealth to establish those gains should be punished?
What was the last piece of legeslation that was forced on the American people? that-that legeslation would have no tax increases within it, yet when the supreme court ask about those "fines" that same group called it a tax?
That to intimidate people at a place we vote was ok, just because those doing the intimidating where black?
How many times have we heard that Ryans budget would kill 1000s of old people? while at the same time not produce one your self?
Sarah Palin has been called every-name in the book, her daughter called a tramp, That the reason a Dem senator was shot was because of the tight wing media? yet at the same time nothing is said about the "bounty" on Zimmermans head
Bush lied, people died
the war is lost
American troops, never mind

I could go on and on here

The GOP has had no power scince 2006
Any way, there is a big difference in debate and just plain lying BS, no matter who you think is at fault, it needs to stop

Now now....don't get pissy. Everything you say is correct. Obama is a total piece of shit. The Democrats are divisive hate mongers. They lie, they twist, they refuse to support their positions with facts or documentation (yeah I mean you Jake ;) ). Damn right they are the scum of the Earth.


Do we have moral high ground? The siege on homosexuals by the religious right (that like it or not is a part of the GOP) is the very same thing. We twist the gospels to further a political agenda. We alienate a segment of society and attempt to deny them constitutional rights based upon a principle that has no place in government and in violation of the very constitution we profess to defend. We divide where homosexuality is concerned and the denial of civil rights has never been something that the GOP stood for.

Our party was founded to ensure civil rights, not deny them. It was the GOP who fought to end slavery, to ensure the civil rights of blacks in the 60s (not the Democrats who were too busy hanging people from trees at the time). My party's treatment of homosexuals is a violation of everything our party stands for, everything we have fought for, and everything we claim to represent. We cannot, at the same time, claim to be "defenders of the constitution" while attempting to deny homosexuals their constitutional rights.

Until we work that out, we can correctly condemn the actions of Obama and the Democrats...but we must do so with shame and hypocrisy and the knowledge that we lack the moral ground upon which to pass judgement.

With respect, i was not getting pissy. Let me share with you my issue with Homosexuals. Its not the choice, even though I am a christian, a very hard to keep straight and narrow christian, but ibe none the less

My issue and what I think the issue the conservatives in Washington, (Not Limbaugh, the politicians) have with the homo sexuals is we do not need another protected group. One that has rights that are above those who are not homosexuals
That issue has run its course. Have you ever had to deal with HR issues? Making sure by genger and by race all are equal is law, but that law fully supports the rainbow coalition, that was not the intent

We can dis agree to agree, or agree to dis agree I should say, but as I asses it we have that moral hi ground for the most part
At the end of the day I have no issue with one not believing the same as I do, it makes this system we call a republic ( not a democracy) work
I am just waiting for the real debate to start

Higher taxes on the "rich" is a belief, but what happenes when all the rich leave?
Bottom line is we have a budget base-line that went from a 163 billion dollar deficit in 2007 to 1.4 trillion today. Thats an agenda, thats the things we should be discussing

If two men want to be married, I have an issue with that, I think the term "married? should mean 1 woman and 1 man, but allow the people decide that as they did in California, not the courts unless it is an issue that has a path, such as Obamacare

You understand my point(s)

I have not heard an honest debate from the left in years, not one
key word is honest

as an exampe
Obama likes to brag that he actually cut taxes. But I recall when the Health Care bill was bouncing around Capital Hill Obama declared that it wasn’t a new tax, but rather a fine.

Now that the law has passed he has the nerve to argue that his “Individual Mandate” isn’t a fine, but rather a tax.

Ironically, back in 2008 he argued that HillaryCare was unworkable because the “Individual Mandate” was unconstitutional.
Obama Stooge: Health Care Tax Is Just Fine - Waznmentobe
obama care, tax vs fine
My issue and what I think the issue the conservatives in Washington, (Not Limbaugh, the politicians) have with the homo sexuals is we do not need another protected group. One that has rights that are above those who are not homosexuals
That issue has run its course.

No we don't need protected groups. This is precisely why I think Democrats are a bunch of fucking hypocrites. They scream about racism yet from what I can tell it's the Republicans who have enough faith in people of color to believe that they can find success according to their own merits. It's the Democrats who seem to believe that people of color require help to achieve success.

Have you ever had to deal with HR issues? Making sure by genger and by race all are equal is law, but that law fully supports the rainbow coalition, that was not the intent

I own a business. I think I am pretty well versed.

If two men want to be married, I have an issue with that, I think the term "married? should mean 1 woman and 1 man, but allow the people decide that as they did in California, not the courts unless it is an issue that has a path, such as Obamacare

There is a path. It's called civil rights. Sometimes the majority holds an opinion that is contrary to the constitution. That means we have a choice between respecting the ideals our nation is born from and defending the rights of people with whom we disagree or rejecting those ideals and through that action rejecting the very freedoms we hold dear. If we can deny civil rights based upon a religious principle (and let's be honest...there is no argument against homosexuality that is not based in religious dogma) then we have rejected our constitution. We are already lost and from there it' just a matter of time until other demographics have their civil rights revoked based on a completely arbitrary justification.

You understand my point(s)

I have not heard an honest debate from the left in years, not one
key word is honest

I agree 100%. Obama is a lying sack of shit. So is Pelosi, Reid, all the way down to brother Jake Starkey and Joe B. And God damn it let's hammer them for their bullshit and never let them get away with it. But in the process let's not get holier than thou. We are far from squeaky clean and have sins of our own and hypocrisies of our own to deal with.
Are there any more tea pots in which you rightwingers can attempt to insert a tempest? First it was the open mic (fail), Obama attending March Madness (fail), his contention that overturning the Affordable Healthcare Act would be unprecedented (fail), now his announcing of a movie that is and was an American treasure written by Harper Lee (epic fail).

Look, your guy is Romney. Why not start talking him up instead of trying to introduce all of the ephemera into the argument. It obviously ain't working folks.

Oh, by the way, if you have a chance to listen to The Writer's Almanac and hear the story about Harper Lee and the book; it is fascinating. I'm sure you can find something that will upset you so you can play the victim yet again but for the non-neanderthals among us; it is a fascinating story.
So you want us to focus on Romney and ignore what a fuck-up Obama is??

Makes sense if you want to lose.

Nah......I'm gonna keep focusing on the shit-for-brains fuckup in the White House.

Feel free to talk about Obama's policies that matter. Your focus on the ephemra of his part in this movie is a non-issue among other non-issues.

As for people having shit for brains, you'd be the authority given the content of the space between your ears--remember when OBL was killed by Obama; you called it a "mistake". Another failure.

This issue makes you look petty, silly, impotent, and above all else, these are accurate representations if this is all you've got. Your lack of enthusiasm for Mittens speaks volumes about how you've picked the wrong dog out of the pack.

I've been talking about them for years. I've said what he was going to do and he's done it.....and then some.

What has he accomplished since he passed Health Care in 09'?

Can you name anything he's done since then?

All you can do is talk about what he wants to do. All you do is repeat his nonsense like it's real.

Give him 4 more years. He'll eventually get it right.

I say he's had his chance. It's time to let somebody else have a chance to fix this mess.

The guy just doesn't do his job. He doesn't give a damn about the debt, the unemployment, the terrible housing market.

He hasn't lifted a finger on immigration.

He hasn't done anything right when it comes to foreign affairs. His only claim to fame is killing Bin Laden. Assassination is not a foreign policy.

Most of his strongest supporters on this site hate America. Many of them aren't even Americans. What does that tell you about the man?
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