To Kill a Mockingbird becomes an Obama Re election commercial

The thread is abput out of date race baiting, but it is also good to see the Conservatives have there information
Worse thing for the Libs is a informed public

BTW the deficit GWb had included 9-11 as well as Iraq
The housing bubble did some harm to the amount of revenue we collected, but the rest is all BHO
and this BS poll ABC is coming out with cannot be true
how do you have 41% approval and be that far ahead of any-one there to replace Obama?
Are there any more tea pots in which you rightwingers can attempt to insert a tempest? First it was the open mic (fail), Obama attending March Madness (fail), his contention that overturning the Affordable Healthcare Act would be unprecedented (fail), now his announcing of a movie that is and was an American treasure written by Harper Lee (epic fail).

Look, your guy is Romney. Why not start talking him up instead of trying to introduce all of the ephemera into the argument. It obviously ain't working folks.

Oh, by the way, if you have a chance to listen to The Writer's Almanac and hear the story about Harper Lee and the book; it is fascinating. I'm sure you can find something that will upset you so you can play the victim yet again but for the non-neanderthals among us; it is a fascinating story.
So you want us to focus on Romney and ignore what a fuck-up Obama is??

Makes sense if you want to lose.

Nah......I'm gonna keep focusing on the shit-for-brains fuckup in the White House.

Feel free to talk about Obama's policies that matter. Your focus on the ephemra of his part in this movie is a non-issue among other non-issues.

As for people having shit for brains, you'd be the authority given the content of the space between your ears--remember when OBL was killed by Obama; you called it a "mistake". Another failure.

This issue makes you look petty, silly, impotent, and above all else, these are accurate representations if this is all you've got. Your lack of enthusiasm for Mittens speaks volumes about how you've picked the wrong dog out of the pack.
Are there any more tea pots in which you rightwingers can attempt to insert a tempest? First it was the open mic (fail), Obama attending March Madness (fail), his contention that overturning the Affordable Healthcare Act would be unprecedented (fail), now his announcing of a movie that is and was an American treasure written by Harper Lee (epic fail).

Look, your guy is Romney. Why not start talking him up instead of trying to introduce all of the ephemera into the argument. It obviously ain't working folks.

Oh, by the way, if you have a chance to listen to The Writer's Almanac and hear the story about Harper Lee and the book; it is fascinating. I'm sure you can find something that will upset you so you can play the victim yet again but for the non-neanderthals among us; it is a fascinating story.
So you want us to focus on Romney and ignore what a fuck-up Obama is??

Makes sense if you want to lose.

Nah......I'm gonna keep focusing on the shit-for-brains fuckup in the White House.

I would prefer to focus on Romney's strengths and talk about what a fuck up Obama is. Sound like a plan?

As soon as you find some of his may be a plan. His healthcare plan for Mass. was a winner. LOL
I'm not getting the "outrage".

Why is it bad that the President will be introducing the movie?

It is obvious you did not waTch the event
The movie is a classic
Chanting "I will not stand for racisim" after Obama gave is his 2 cents, Look why is it Obama has the USA donating millions in campaign re-election time and not one penny for the GOP?
Racisim has both sides to blame when it occurs, yet the movie shows the White southern male as the villian
I happen to be a white southern male who has no issues with one race, in addition the movie speaks of a false event that took place 50 years ago
And why is it that in 8 years as president GWB was never treated the same?

There is no room in this country to treat any-one better than others, espicially when the presidential election is being influenced
The civil rights legeslation has been in place for all most as long as Obama has been alive, according to the event as it was protrayed and the Chanting that "I will not stand for racisim" was pure 100% political
So you want us to focus on Romney and ignore what a fuck-up Obama is??

Makes sense if you want to lose.

Nah......I'm gonna keep focusing on the shit-for-brains fuckup in the White House.

I would prefer to focus on Romney's strengths and talk about what a fuck up Obama is. Sound like a plan?

As soon as you find some of his may be a plan. His healthcare plan for Mass. was a winner. LOL

his biggest strength is he is not Obama. If policies dictate this election, as I think it will, Obama is done
trillions in deficts
No real job growth, you know why as the size of the labor force shrinks faster than anytime in history, thats not real job growth and now even the Libs are admitting it
a very un popular health-care law that no matter the Supreme court vote, its far from over as that being the end
And dont waste your time on the Mass law, thats what the liberals of Mass wanted, that is what they got and according to the laws of the state

Obama has failed
no real job growth
being dis honest with the people who elected him
JRK and the neo-cons have repeatedly proven they are not what America needs. We don't need more failed former leftist big government neo-cons bankrupting the economy.
JRK and the neo-cons have repeatedly proven they are not what America needs. We don't need more failed former leftist big government neo-cons bankrupting the economy.

Jake I agree with you
in 2007 the deficit for the year was 163 billion, the ast real GOP budget
By 2009 it was 1.4 trillion
truer words have never been spoken
U.S. 2007 Budget Deficit Falls to $163 Billion (Update3) - Bloomberg
U.S. Budget Deficit Hit Record $1.4 Trillion In 2009 | Fox News
Now these facts are for all to see
I'm not getting the "outrage".

Why is it bad that the President will be introducing the movie?

It is obvious you did not waTch the event
The movie is a classic
Chanting "I will not stand for racisim" after Obama gave is his 2 cents, Look why is it Obama has the USA donating millions in campaign re-election time and not one penny for the GOP?
Racisim has both sides to blame when it occurs, yet the movie shows the White southern male as the villian
I happen to be a white southern male who has no issues with one race, in addition the movie speaks of a false event that took place 50 years ago
And why is it that in 8 years as president GWB was never treated the same?

There is no room in this country to treat any-one better than others, espicially when the presidential election is being influenced
The civil rights legeslation has been in place for all most as long as Obama has been alive, according to the event as it was protrayed and the Chanting that "I will not stand for racisim" was pure 100% political

Actually what is clear is that you have no understanding of US History.
JRK and the neo-cons have repeatedly proven they are not what America needs. We don't need more failed former leftist big government neo-cons bankrupting the economy.

Jake I agree with you
in 2007 the deficit for the year was 163 billion, the ast real GOP budget
By 2009 it was 1.4 trillion
truer words have never been spoken
U.S. 2007 Budget Deficit Falls to $163 Billion (Update3) - Bloomberg
U.S. Budget Deficit Hit Record $1.4 Trillion In 2009 | Fox News
Now these facts are for all to see

We have been through your lies before. Bush and the neo-cons kept the wars off the books, which would have run the budget into more than an extra $700 billion in debt each year.

You can't escape from history, son, no matter how you lie.
I'm not getting the "outrage".

Why is it bad that the President will be introducing the movie?

It is obvious you did not waTch the event
The movie is a classic
Chanting "I will not stand for racisim" after Obama gave is his 2 cents, Look why is it Obama has the USA donating millions in campaign re-election time and not one penny for the GOP?
Racisim has both sides to blame when it occurs, yet the movie shows the White southern male as the villian
I happen to be a white southern male who has no issues with one race, in addition the movie speaks of a false event that took place 50 years ago
And why is it that in 8 years as president GWB was never treated the same?

There is no room in this country to treat any-one better than others, espicially when the presidential election is being influenced
The civil rights legeslation has been in place for all most as long as Obama has been alive, according to the event as it was protrayed and the Chanting that "I will not stand for racisim" was pure 100% political

Actually what is clear is that you have no understanding of US History.

What does US history have to do with the status quo?
Does this mean we should have BHO intro Tora-Tora and chant were not going to stand for sneak attacks?
Should we have him intro private ryan and chant were not going to stand for Fascisim?
You want me to go on?
Whats the difference?

Is there some reason GWB was never allowed to do this?
Its pure race baiting political and has NOTHING to do with US history
Injustice is pure and simple, injustice
and the event as it was protrayed in the movie has nothing to do with Obama, Race issues in 2012 and a history that has not been learned from.
JRK continues to make himself look even more stupid than Warrior102 and bigreb combined, and that is very hard to do.

Congrats, my man. When are you going to sacrifice for America?
JRK continues to make himself look even more stupid than Warrior102 and bigreb combined, and that is very hard to do.

Congrats, my man. When are you going to sacrifice for America?

Jake I took you off of my ignore list for 2 threads and look at you.
Thats the best you can do with this thread? That some-how I am the stupid one here?
And what do you mean when am I going to sacrifice for America? you think someones race is a sacrifice?
Are you kidding me?
Jake this is sad. The events that spit this country from the 1600s have not one thing to do with you nor me Jake
Hitler killed 6 million jews Jake, does that mean that tragic event should been seen as a scarfice jake?
Stupid peope have done stupid things scince the dawn of time
Thank god we have corrected so many of those mistakes

Okay, you about ready to go back on ignore Jake? dont be stupid Jake, be thank-ful for what we all have today no matter what race we are
obama is trying so hard to wear the mantle of slave descendant. Think of him as the sympathtic and unjustly accused black man. He IS the defendant and Trayvon Martin looks like his son. He's black and don't you forget it for a second.
JRK continues to make himself look even more stupid than Warrior102 and bigreb combined, and that is very hard to do.

Congrats, my man. When are you going to sacrifice for America?

Jake I took you off of my ignore list for 2 threads and look at you.
Thats the best you can do with this thread? That some-how I am the stupid one here?
And what do you mean when am I going to sacrifice for America? you think someones race is a sacrifice?
Are you kidding me?
Jake this is sad. The events that spit this country from the 1600s have not one thing to do with you nor me Jake
Hitler killed 6 million jews Jake, does that mean that tragic event should been seen as a scarfice jake?
Stupid peope have done stupid things scince the dawn of time
Thank god we have corrected so many of those mistakes

Okay, you about ready to go back on ignore Jake? dont be stupid Jake, be thank-ful for what we all have today no matter what race we are

Whether you ignore me does not make you any less wrong that you already have shown yourself to be here today.

You see, when I am on your ignore, I don't have to see your stupidity and correct it.

Once again, the neo-cons of the last twenty years have badly, badly damaged this country, and you still lie and deny and cry and sigh.

You are a pitiful little sack who has sacrificed not at all for our great country, but yet will continue to lie and mystify.

And you get mad when you are publicly corrected.
If GWB had introduced Gone With The Wind the screams would be heard to this day.

katzndogz, why the blatant racism by you?

What does that get you?

Accept the fact our GOP does not want your type of hatred in the party.
JRK continues to make himself look even more stupid than Warrior102 and bigreb combined, and that is very hard to do.

Congrats, my man. When are you going to sacrifice for America?

Jake I took you off of my ignore list for 2 threads and look at you.
Thats the best you can do with this thread? That some-how I am the stupid one here?
And what do you mean when am I going to sacrifice for America? you think someones race is a sacrifice?
Are you kidding me?
Jake this is sad. The events that spit this country from the 1600s have not one thing to do with you nor me Jake
Hitler killed 6 million jews Jake, does that mean that tragic event should been seen as a scarfice jake?
Stupid peope have done stupid things scince the dawn of time
Thank god we have corrected so many of those mistakes

Okay, you about ready to go back on ignore Jake? dont be stupid Jake, be thank-ful for what we all have today no matter what race we are

Whether you ignore me does not make you any less wrong that you already have shown yourself to be here today.

You see, when I am on your ignore, I don't have to see your stupidity and correct it.

Once again, the neo-cons of the last twenty years have badly, badly damaged this country, and you still lie and deny and cry and sigh.

You are a pitiful little sack who has sacrificed not at all for our great country, but yet will continue to lie and mystify.

And you get mad when you are publicly corrected.

Jake corrected?
Jake the Dems have had control scince the wheels came off, no-one else
Name one lie jake from me, just one
If you cannot Jake, whats that make you
jake I have nothing here to be mad about on this message board. You cannot handle the truth Jake
You rely on events you had nothing to do with to make it instead of getting up everyday of your life and being part of the solution

Now lets see who the liar is Jake
It is obvious you did not waTch the event
The movie is a classic
Chanting "I will not stand for racisim" after Obama gave is his 2 cents, Look why is it Obama has the USA donating millions in campaign re-election time and not one penny for the GOP?
Racisim has both sides to blame when it occurs, yet the movie shows the White southern male as the villian
I happen to be a white southern male who has no issues with one race, in addition the movie speaks of a false event that took place 50 years ago
And why is it that in 8 years as president GWB was never treated the same?

There is no room in this country to treat any-one better than others, espicially when the presidential election is being influenced
The civil rights legeslation has been in place for all most as long as Obama has been alive, according to the event as it was protrayed and the Chanting that "I will not stand for racisim" was pure 100% political

Actually what is clear is that you have no understanding of US History.

What does US history have to do with the status quo?
Does this mean we should have BHO intro Tora-Tora and chant were not going to stand for sneak attacks?
Should we have him intro private ryan and chant were not going to stand for Fascisim?
You want me to go on?
Whats the difference?

Is there some reason GWB was never allowed to do this?
Its pure race baiting political and has NOTHING to do with US history
Injustice is pure and simple, injustice
and the event as it was protrayed in the movie has nothing to do with Obama, Race issues in 2012 and a history that has not been learned from.

History has everything to do with the current status quo. Neither of the movies you mentioned deals with the problem of racism in our country.

Allowed? You mean asked to introduce a movie? Perhaps "Gone With the Wind"?

Nothing baiting about having our first bi-racial President introduce a culturally significant movie. If you think racism is a thing of the past you are sadly mistaken.
Actually what is clear is that you have no understanding of US History.

What does US history have to do with the status quo?
Does this mean we should have BHO intro Tora-Tora and chant were not going to stand for sneak attacks?
Should we have him intro private ryan and chant were not going to stand for Fascisim?
You want me to go on?
Whats the difference?

Is there some reason GWB was never allowed to do this?
Its pure race baiting political and has NOTHING to do with US history
Injustice is pure and simple, injustice
and the event as it was protrayed in the movie has nothing to do with Obama, Race issues in 2012 and a history that has not been learned from.

History has everything to do with the current status quo. Neither of the movies you mentioned deals with the problem of racism in our country.

Allowed? You mean asked to introduce a movie? Perhaps "Gone With the Wind"?

Nothing baiting about having our first bi-racial President introduce a culturally significant movie. If you think racism is a thing of the past you are sadly mistaken.

Well I can say this about these events
Race issue have no place in my life, yet they fill yours
I dont need to have the president state "I am not going to stand for racisim" followed by commercials stating the same for me to know what the right thing to do is every day of my life
Can you say the same?

And yes race issues exist today
so does fascisim
and the freedom to choose to have nothing to do with that crap as millions of us do, or the freedom to take part in being a dickhead
Nazis and black panthers included
Yet there is no movies about Black Panthers murdering whites being introduced by Obama is there, or being intimidated at the voting booth

When it comes to a job, racisim is dead Boo
The only race and gender that is not protected is me, the white male

What else you want Boo?
I would prefer to focus on Romney's strengths and talk about what a fuck up Obama is. Sound like a plan?

As soon as you find some of his may be a plan. His healthcare plan for Mass. was a winner. LOL

his biggest strength is he is not Obama. If policies dictate this election, as I think it will, Obama is done
trillions in deficts
No real job growth, you know why as the size of the labor force shrinks faster than anytime in history, thats not real job growth and now even the Libs are admitting it
a very un popular health-care law that no matter the Supreme court vote, its far from over as that being the end
And dont waste your time on the Mass law, thats what the liberals of Mass wanted, that is what they got and according to the laws of the state

Obama has failed
no real job growth
being dis honest with the people who elected him

Wow...and Mitt is behind in the polls to him?

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