To Kill a Mockingbird becomes an Obama Re election commercial

Your questions mean nothing, BP. You have no answers. Thus your place in America passes into the past and will be soon forgotten.

In other words "I can't answer those questions"

In other words, you have no questions of worth to answer.

If my questions have no value then your position has no value since my questions are designed very clearly for you to support your opinion...which, as usual, you flat out refuse to do. So at the end of the day we're left with the same old liberal bullshit. Take an arbitrary stance, refuse to support it with any documentation whatsoever, and insist it's true because "you say so". Pfffft....useless. There three of you are completely useless.
In other words "I can't answer those questions"

In other words, you have no questions of worth to answer.

If my questions have no value then your position has no value since my questions are designed very clearly for you to support your opinion...which, as usual, you flat out refuse to do. So at the end of the day we're left with the same old liberal bullshit. Take an arbitrary stance, refuse to support it with any documentation whatsoever, and insist it's true because "you say so". Pfffft....useless. There three of you are completely useless.

You have no questions of worth is the point.

I would ask a Nazi about the worth of the Jewish nation?

I would ask a far right extremist as to what America is truly about and who it is for?

You, like bigreb and others (Dr. House comes to mind, daveman is another), have had nothing to offer to the American narrative of any worth.

When you do, we can talk.
In other words "I can't answer those questions"

In other words, you have no questions of worth to answer.

If my questions have no value then your position has no value since my questions are designed very clearly for you to support your opinion...which, as usual, you flat out refuse to do. So at the end of the day we're left with the same old liberal bullshit. Take an arbitrary stance, refuse to support it with any documentation whatsoever, and insist it's true because "you say so". Pfffft....useless. There three of you are completely useless.

the libs hated/blamed W for 8 years with so many lies thru the press
they got power and failed
now thru the press there using events such as this
Equal rights is a way of life, not a mandate I need
its also the law and has been for over 30 years
Using the movie as USA and BHO has along with the lies CNN, NBC, as well as ABC did is SOP with the event in Florida is just making it worse for all of them
JRK, the liberal big government neo-cons caused a major economic meltdown, caused us to lose great standing in the world, and you want to blame the liberals for your own failings? You folks failed on your own, and you have nothing to do with the narrative in Florida.

That is not a left or right thing, kid, it is a matter of one individual stalking another, and then when righteously attacked by the person he stalked, he kills the victim.

Let's make sure we get this narrative correct.
And now Romney has countered with his own movie to feature as a campaign commercial:

And now Romney has countered with his own movie to feature as a campaign commercial:

And that is as terrible?

Whatever you think of Mitt, you hit him, NYcarbineer, and he will hit you back twice as hard. He is not a weakling like so many of our far righty extremists in our party that we see posing here.

Remember that when you hit Mitt, he is going to hit you back harder.

Every time.

Count on it.
In other words "I can't answer those questions"

In other words, you have no questions of worth to answer.

If my questions have no value then your position has no value since my questions are designed very clearly for you to support your opinion...which, as usual, you flat out refuse to do. So at the end of the day we're left with the same old liberal bullshit. Take an arbitrary stance, refuse to support it with any documentation whatsoever, and insist it's true because "you say so". Pfffft....useless. There three of you are completely useless.

the libs hated/blamed W for 8 years with so many lies thru the press
they got power and failed
now thru the press there using events such as this
Equal rights is a way of life, not a mandate I need
its also the law and has been for over 30 years
Using the movie as USA and BHO has along with the lies CNN, NBC, as well as ABC did is SOP with the event in Florida is just making it worse for all of them
This is among the most idiotic threads started by a conservative, and that’s saying something.

You hate everything about Obama…we get it.

Your only appropriate recourse with regard to the president introducing an historic film is to simply not watch it.

This is not an issue.

This is not a conspiracy

The president is not making the film ‘an Obama Re election commercial.’

The OP has succeeded in only making himself and other conservatives look more ridiculous, however impossible that may seem.
And now Romney has countered with his own movie to feature as a campaign commercial:

And that is as terrible?

Whatever you think of Mitt, you hit him, NYcarbineer, and he will hit you back twice as hard. He is not a weakling like so many of our far righty extremists in our party that we see posing here.

Remember that when you hit Mitt, he is going to hit you back harder.

Every time.

Count on it.

I don't care what he does,

as long as he's running on an economic plan that cuts his own taxes as much or more than anyone else's,

he's fucked, barring an extraordinary turn of events.
This is among the most idiotic threads started by a conservative, and that’s saying something.

You hate everything about Obama…we get it.

Your only appropriate recourse with regard to the president introducing an historic film is to simply not watch it.

This is not an issue.

This is not a conspiracy

The president is not making the film ‘an Obama Re election commercial.’

The OP has succeeded in only making himself and other conservatives look more ridiculous, however impossible that may seem.

Obama sees this country different than I do, why is that hate to you?
I watched it, It has no place in 2012 for Obama and USA today to have used it they way the did, if so then why was this not used 7 months before Ws re-election in 04?
What is riduculous?
Name one that was?

We have more than equal chances for the minorities in this country today, all he oe she has to do is get out of bed and put forth the effort
Violence is an event that effects all souls.
If race is a reaon for violence, then it wears all races, it is nothing but drug deals gone bad or stealing for the same most of the time

I was raised in the deep south and until I was told in scholl we were different, I never knew. Long before forced segregation we had segregated buses and schools

again explain to us your issues with the Conservatives on this thread and why an obvious event for Obama's re-election being called out offend you?
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Because JRK lies as easily as a fish swims. Notice that JRK tries to swim among the cons, when in fact JRK is a failed statist big government neo-con. No, JRK, your failed folks are not coming back to power in the party.
In other words, you have no questions of worth to answer.

If my questions have no value then your position has no value since my questions are designed very clearly for you to support your opinion...which, as usual, you flat out refuse to do. So at the end of the day we're left with the same old liberal bullshit. Take an arbitrary stance, refuse to support it with any documentation whatsoever, and insist it's true because "you say so". Pfffft....useless. There three of you are completely useless.

You have no questions of worth is the point.

I would ask a Nazi about the worth of the Jewish nation?

I would ask a far right extremist as to what America is truly about and who it is for?

You, like bigreb and others (Dr. House comes to mind, daveman is another), have had nothing to offer to the American narrative of any worth.

When you do, we can talk.

Well goodie, goodie gum drops. My heart goes pit-a-pat with the mere thought of someday attaining your definition of worth. I suppose my first step toward that goal will be to make baseless accusations and refuse to offer any supporting evidence.
Oh so race does have a bearing on taxes and rights? Sheesh....and Republicans are the racists? My God.

Utilizing your rights has historically been a privilege afforded to rich white men. Workers, women, and minorities have had to wage bloody battles to have them applied, in ANY small sense, to THEM.

Who is talking about history? The statement was about today not what happened 25, 50, 100 years ago. Will a black man who makes $100,000 a year pay a different tax rate than a white man who makes $100,000 a year and lives in the same place? No. Go find me one law in practice today that says white people have a different set of rights than black people...and good fucking luck.

Really? How do you understand how the present comes to be without a clear look at the past? Incidentally, if you're viewing 25-50 years ago as ancient history, you must be quite young or a dishonest person. You pick.

In generational terms, a person who grows up poor is most likely to remain poor, and the lessons passed on through the elders take a generation or two to wash for a reason - just because laws are made that prohibit certain actions or codify others doesn't mean those laws are followed. Desegregation, for instance, was a little something Nixon worked against in order to gain support from the states that made up his southern strategy. The ERA has yet to be ratified, union labor was kneecapped by the gipper, and public employees are the new welfare queens.

BTW, and FYI, I specified workers, women,and minorities, not just black people.

buy a clue, junior.
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Wisconsin State Senator Says Money Is Less Important To Women

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) quietly repealed his state’s equal pay law last week, a decision that will make it harder for victims of wage discrimination to sue for lost earnings and back wages. The law was enacted primarily to address the massive pay gap that exists between male and female worke...

I enjoyed To Kill A Mockingbird for one reason -- superb performance by Gregory Peck. I can't think of another actor who could have brought off such a poorly contrived tale and its awkward script.

The book was written during the 1950s. The movie was made in the early 1960s, a time when the era of Jim Crow was an active part of the American consciousness -- a time when the idea of a Black President was unthinkable. Its relevance during that period accounts for the book's phenomenal success. But today the theme of that story is redundant and may be thought of as unnecessarily and provocatively reminiscent of the ugly underbelly of a bygone era.

So I think Obama's promotion of that movie was somewhat out of time and out of line. It appears he didn't learn anything from his faux pas over the Professor Gates/Cambridge cop incident.
No they want him to fail and they don't care how much of the country goes down too.

They said it was their number one goal. (ensuring the President's failure)

I didn't ask what they said. I asked what they did. Sigh...three liberals in a row giving nothing but rhetoric and their useless opinions and refusing to answer the questions directly or providing any evidence to support their position. Unfuckingbelievable. Shall I list them again?

Are the Republican's really trying to "make Obama fail" or do they simply have different viewpoints about how to go about things? Explain how the Republicans in office today have "tried to make Obama fail". Explain how the Republicans in office today are any different than the Democrats under a modern Republican president. Explain how during the first two years of Obama's presidency, the Democrats attempted unity with the Republicans. Explain what Obama has done to try and bring the parties together.

You mean like the unprecedented number of clotures? You mean like the unprecedented number of unconfirmed appointments?

Gaming American Democracy: Recent, Unprecedented Republican Obstructionism and Abuse of the Senate’s Rules
They said it was their number one goal. (ensuring the President's failure)

I didn't ask what they said. I asked what they did. Sigh...three liberals in a row giving nothing but rhetoric and their useless opinions and refusing to answer the questions directly or providing any evidence to support their position. Unfuckingbelievable. Shall I list them again?

Are the Republican's really trying to "make Obama fail" or do they simply have different viewpoints about how to go about things? Explain how the Republicans in office today have "tried to make Obama fail". Explain how the Republicans in office today are any different than the Democrats under a modern Republican president. Explain how during the first two years of Obama's presidency, the Democrats attempted unity with the Republicans. Explain what Obama has done to try and bring the parties together.

You mean like the unprecedented number of clotures? You mean like the unprecedented number of unconfirmed appointments?

Gaming American Democracy: Recent, Unprecedented Republican Obstructionism and Abuse of the Senate’s Rules

Well, finally the economy is improving. Obama is trying to take credit for it, but he can't name one policy he's responsible for that caused the improvement that is being reported in the news. But the only thing one can put a thumb on is that Obama's agenda has been brought to a screeching halt.

So the spinmeisters in Obama's media try to make what the GOP did to stop Obama sound sinister, yet, seems to be getting some good results.

How can that be possible and still be a bad thing???

There is still plenty that needs to be done to get the economy really churning but Obama would rather spend his days race-baiting, rolling wooden Easter Eggs around the White House lawn, and accusing the GOP of trying to poison blacks, children, women, homosexuals, and fuzzy little puppies. He isn't doing his job. He's out golfing again instead.

But haters on the left hate brilliantly and should therefore be ignored. :doubt:

Nah, they are stupid, too, but the extremist right haters are far more dangerous than the 9 members of the NBPP. :lol:

Really? So hate from the right is extreme and dangerous, but hate from the left is simply distasteful? I am sure those who lived under the Khmer Rouge might have a vastly different opinion. And laying a bounty on a man "dead or alive" is less concerning than a Tea Party rally? Hmmmm....I would argue that your definitions might require some adjustment.

If the GOP does not figure out how to dump the extreme right, Obama is going to skip home by ten percentage points.

The extreme right is certainly a pain in the ass and doesn't do a great deal to portray the GOP in a positive light. However, the extreme left is just as problematic. Hate is hate pal and trying to justify or minimize one kind while blasting the hell out of the other is arguably just as problematic as the hate itself.

Who is justifying the left? You? Certainly not me.

Don't drag false statements into the discussion.

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