To Kill a Mockingbird becomes an Obama Re election commercial

It's funny how the left likes living in the past.

Maybe they should call themselves "Regressives".

Yeahsure keep on pretending that racism don't exist in our culture anymore, espcially in the south!

Oh nice.... sorry bub, some of the biggest bigots I ever met were in my time living in NYC. I heard racial slurs I never knew existed.

Nice try though.

Say chum, I never said it existed exclusively in the south did I?
yeah...cause you know....everyone listens to every little word out of Speaker Boehner's mouth. I can't go a eight hours without hearing Boehner speak. :doubt:

Regardless, what you are arguing then is that since the Obama administration isn't the most divisive (at least according to this guy's opinion and research) but only the second or third most divisive , and that even though his third year is the most divisive (though we should assume it's fault of media and Republicans), that we should give Obama a pass and start to buy into the bullshit that he is a uniter and not a divider? Is that what you are suggesting? :cuckoo:

Boehner was just one example. There is no doubt that Barack took over the WH after the most divisive presidencies in modern history. Faux (Not)News and the Republicans propagandist have continued to foster that atmosphere, for example, this post.

Oh so it is the Republicans' fault that Obama is at least the second or third most divisive president ever. I mean it wouldn't have anything to do with statements about bitter people in Pennsylvania clinging to religion and guns, or that Republicans have to sit in the back seat, or anything like that. It's Fox news and the Republicans that are to blame for Obama's divisiveness. :cuckoo:

Nice try, however incorrect. Republicans are to blame for their divisiveness as well as their efforts to make this presidency a failure. President Obama is to blame for his gaffs as well as his reaction to the Prof. Gates rub and things.
Racism is alive and will be for several hundred years out.

Human nature is a bitch.

So why doesnt government get out of the business? My color has zero bearing on my taxes or in utilizing my rights.


Oh so race does have a bearing on taxes and rights? Sheesh....and Republicans are the racists? My God.

Utilizing your rights has historically been a privilege afforded to rich white men. Workers, women, and minorities have had to wage bloody battles to have them applied, in ANY small sense, to THEM.
Nice try, however incorrect. Republicans are to blame for their divisiveness as well as their efforts to make this presidency a failure. President Obama is to blame for his gaffs as well as his reaction to the Prof. Gates rub and things.

Are the Republican's really trying to "make Obama fail" or do they simply have different viewpoints about how to go about things? Explain how the Republicans in office today have "tried to make Obama fail". Explain how the Republicans in office today are any different than the Democrats under a modern Republican president. Explain how during the first two years of Obama's presidency, the Democrats attempted unity with the Republicans. Explain what Obama has done to try and bring the parties together.

This I long to ought to be good.

Oh so race does have a bearing on taxes and rights? Sheesh....and Republicans are the racists? My God.

Utilizing your rights has historically been a privilege afforded to rich white men. Workers, women, and minorities have had to wage bloody battles to have them applied, in ANY small sense, to THEM.

Who is talking about history? The statement was about today not what happened 25, 50, 100 years ago. Will a black man who makes $100,000 a year pay a different tax rate than a white man who makes $100,000 a year and lives in the same place? No. Go find me one law in practice today that says white people have a different set of rights than black people...and good fucking luck.
That is not the argument, BluePhantom.

Have the GOP been overtly obstructionist, maliciously divisive, and refuse to govern in cooperation with the majority?

Yes or no?
That is not the argument, BluePhantom.

Have the GOP been overtly obstructionist, maliciously divisive, and refuse to govern in cooperation with the majority?

Yes or no?

Not in my opinion. From my view they have a different belief about how the nation should be governed. Why on Earth would they vote in favor of something that they feel is bad policy? Again I ask: Explain how the Republicans in office today have "tried to make Obama fail". Explain how the Republicans in office today are any different than the Democrats under a modern Republican president. Explain how during the first two years of Obama's presidency, the Democrats attempted unity with the Republicans. Explain what Obama has done to try and bring the parties together.
Then you believe in a false America of either or. That leads to a failed America. We are better always when we work together. Shame on the far left that held up the health care bill because of their nonsense and shame on the far right that refuse to govern jointly with the majority. I truly believe the American people will punish the GOP for that this fall in the national elections.
Nice try, however incorrect. Republicans are to blame for their divisiveness as well as their efforts to make this presidency a failure. President Obama is to blame for his gaffs as well as his reaction to the Prof. Gates rub and things.

Are the Republican's really trying to "make Obama fail" or do they simply have different viewpoints about how to go about things? Explain how the Republicans in office today have "tried to make Obama fail". Explain how the Republicans in office today are any different than the Democrats under a modern Republican president. Explain how during the first two years of Obama's presidency, the Democrats attempted unity with the Republicans. Explain what Obama has done to try and bring the parties together.

This I long to ought to be good.

No they want him to fail and they don't care how much of the country goes down too.
Nice try, however incorrect. Republicans are to blame for their divisiveness as well as their efforts to make this presidency a failure. President Obama is to blame for his gaffs as well as his reaction to the Prof. Gates rub and things.

Are the Republican's really trying to "make Obama fail" or do they simply have different viewpoints about how to go about things? Explain how the Republicans in office today have "tried to make Obama fail". Explain how the Republicans in office today are any different than the Democrats under a modern Republican president. Explain how during the first two years of Obama's presidency, the Democrats attempted unity with the Republicans. Explain what Obama has done to try and bring the parties together.

This I long to ought to be good.

No they want him to fail and they don't care how much of the country goes down too.

They said it was their number one goal. (ensuring the President's failure)
I posted this thread a few days ago and could not believe my eyes

One of the greatest movies made, and yes beofre much of the civil rights we know today occured shortly after the movie, thats been 30 years ago
Today race baiting is only a tool used for desperate as well as those such as the "rainbow clalition", who make million on the backs of those very laws
Then you believe in a false America of either or. That leads to a failed America. We are better always when we work together. Shame on the far left that held up the health care bill because of their nonsense and shame on the far right that refuse to govern jointly with the majority. I truly believe the American people will punish the GOP for that this fall in the national elections.

Believe whatever you want; just answer my questions. if you can't answer them don't divert, give opinionated arguments, refer to "false America", etc. Just say "I can't answer those questions".
Nice try, however incorrect. Republicans are to blame for their divisiveness as well as their efforts to make this presidency a failure. President Obama is to blame for his gaffs as well as his reaction to the Prof. Gates rub and things.

Are the Republican's really trying to "make Obama fail" or do they simply have different viewpoints about how to go about things? Explain how the Republicans in office today have "tried to make Obama fail". Explain how the Republicans in office today are any different than the Democrats under a modern Republican president. Explain how during the first two years of Obama's presidency, the Democrats attempted unity with the Republicans. Explain what Obama has done to try and bring the parties together.

This I long to ought to be good.

No they want him to fail and they don't care how much of the country goes down too.

So you can't answer the questions either. Ok.
Then you believe in a false America of either or. That leads to a failed America. We are better always when we work together. Shame on the far left that held up the health care bill because of their nonsense and shame on the far right that refuse to govern jointly with the majority. I truly believe the American people will punish the GOP for that this fall in the national elections.

Believe whatever you want; just answer my questions. if you can't answer them don't divert, give opinionated arguments, refer to "false America", etc. Just say "I can't answer those questions".

Your questions mean nothing, BP. You have no answers. Thus your place in America passes into the past and will be soon forgotten.
Are the Republican's really trying to "make Obama fail" or do they simply have different viewpoints about how to go about things? Explain how the Republicans in office today have "tried to make Obama fail". Explain how the Republicans in office today are any different than the Democrats under a modern Republican president. Explain how during the first two years of Obama's presidency, the Democrats attempted unity with the Republicans. Explain what Obama has done to try and bring the parties together.

This I long to ought to be good.

No they want him to fail and they don't care how much of the country goes down too.

They said it was their number one goal. (ensuring the President's failure)

I didn't ask what they said. I asked what they did. Sigh...three liberals in a row giving nothing but rhetoric and their useless opinions and refusing to answer the questions directly or providing any evidence to support their position. Unfuckingbelievable. Shall I list them again?

Are the Republican's really trying to "make Obama fail" or do they simply have different viewpoints about how to go about things? Explain how the Republicans in office today have "tried to make Obama fail". Explain how the Republicans in office today are any different than the Democrats under a modern Republican president. Explain how during the first two years of Obama's presidency, the Democrats attempted unity with the Republicans. Explain what Obama has done to try and bring the parties together.
Then you believe in a false America of either or. That leads to a failed America. We are better always when we work together. Shame on the far left that held up the health care bill because of their nonsense and shame on the far right that refuse to govern jointly with the majority. I truly believe the American people will punish the GOP for that this fall in the national elections.

Believe whatever you want; just answer my questions. if you can't answer them don't divert, give opinionated arguments, refer to "false America", etc. Just say "I can't answer those questions".

Your questions mean nothing, BP. You have no answers. Thus your place in America passes into the past and will be soon forgotten.

In other words "I can't answer those questions"
Believe whatever you want; just answer my questions. if you can't answer them don't divert, give opinionated arguments, refer to "false America", etc. Just say "I can't answer those questions".

Your questions mean nothing, BP. You have no answers. Thus your place in America passes into the past and will be soon forgotten.

In other words "I can't answer those questions"

In other words, you have no questions of worth to answer.

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