To Kill a Mockingbird becomes an Obama Re election commercial

You bet, mud. You ignored the fact that our GOP has been divisive, obstructionist, and gives up governance in its search for power.
You bet, mud. You ignored the fact that our GOP has been divisive, obstructionist, and gives up governance in its search for power.

Well, somebody had to stop the decline....or at least slow it down.

But to you that's a bad thing.

I think you need to take a different tack because this one is failing miserably.
well, I guess he decided against his slogan "hope and change" ha ha....Now he has to come up with new words to fool the public into voting for him. I don't understand why there are people still out there unable to see through this Obama decietful con artist. shame on those that haven't gotten the picture by now of Obama's decietfulness. He's a fraud and liar and will do anything to decieve the people. Be ware
Governance, mud, is not a decline. The lack of governance is a decline. That is what the far right extremists in our Party are doing, have been doing, and will cost the GOP the house this fall, giving Obama another chance at all. Want to bet if he gets that, he will blow it again. I doubt it.
Republicans were sent to Washington specifically to be obstructionist. When the fire department comes to put out a fire, they are obstructing its spread. If there had not been obstructions to the madman, it would be ten times worse today.
The far right wacks sent to Congress were to be obstructionist. Many of them will be removed in the primaries and will lose in the national elections. If Boehner has the majority, which may not happen, he will govern with the Senate and the president. That is what this country needs.
Really? How do you understand how the present comes to be without a clear look at the past? Incidentally, if you're viewing 25-50 years ago as ancient history, you must be quite young or a dishonest person. You pick.

Well first of all I have a feeling I understand history very well and the university where I teach history generally agrees. Second, I never said anything about "ancient history", you did. I pointed out that the statement you were attempting to refute was talking about the present, where you are arguing the past. You might as well be arguing that the Arizona Cardinals can't compete in the NFL because the city of St. Louis won't build them a new stadium.

In generational terms, a person who grows up poor is most likely to remain poor, and the lessons passed on through the elders take a generation or two to wash for a reason - just because laws are made that prohibit certain actions or codify others doesn't mean those laws are followed. Segregation, for instance, was a little something Nixon worked against in order to gain support from the states that made up his southern strategy. The ERA has yet to be ratified, union labor was kneecapped by the gipper, and public employees are the new welfare queens.

BTW, and FYI, I specified workers, women,and minorities, not just black people.

In other words you are attempting to deflect from the point and change the terms of the argument. Sorry, I am not going to let you do that. The issues that you are discussing have nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not the original statement that you argued against is accurate. That statement was that race has no bearing on taxes and rights. It has nothing to do with workers, women, the Nixon years, cycles of poverty, or any of the other bullshit you have come up with.

And you still haven't answered the question.
Are there any more tea pots in which you rightwingers can attempt to insert a tempest? First it was the open mic (fail), Obama attending March Madness (fail), his contention that overturning the Affordable Healthcare Act would be unprecedented (fail), now his announcing of a movie that is and was an American treasure written by Harper Lee (epic fail).

Look, your guy is Romney. Why not start talking him up instead of trying to introduce all of the ephemera into the argument. It obviously ain't working folks.

Oh, by the way, if you have a chance to listen to The Writer's Almanac and hear the story about Harper Lee and the book; it is fascinating. I'm sure you can find something that will upset you so you can play the victim yet again but for the non-neanderthals among us; it is a fascinating story.
They said it was their number one goal. (ensuring the President's failure)

I didn't ask what they said. I asked what they did. Sigh...three liberals in a row giving nothing but rhetoric and their useless opinions and refusing to answer the questions directly or providing any evidence to support their position. Unfuckingbelievable. Shall I list them again?

Are the Republican's really trying to "make Obama fail" or do they simply have different viewpoints about how to go about things? Explain how the Republicans in office today have "tried to make Obama fail". Explain how the Republicans in office today are any different than the Democrats under a modern Republican president. Explain how during the first two years of Obama's presidency, the Democrats attempted unity with the Republicans. Explain what Obama has done to try and bring the parties together.

You mean like the unprecedented number of clotures? You mean like the unprecedented number of unconfirmed appointments?

Gaming American Democracy: Recent, Unprecedented Republican Obstructionism and Abuse of the Senate’s Rules

Wow someone finally posts a link. Holy shit let me get my nitro pills. Unfortunately it's a worthless editorial (read: opinion piece) written by John Dean (a vicious propagandist) and published on a website run by Tim Stanley (a wealthy liberal and ardent Obama apologist). But least it's a link.

I find it amusing that Dean believes that actions like Senator Coburn exercising his right to have bills actually read before voting on them constitutes "abuse". Or that he blames Republicans for abusing "the hold" although he points out that that abuse has been going on for 30 years. Dean's supporting evidence for his article seems to be the opinion of Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) and, former counsel to Jimmy Carter, James Fallows. Well shit would the hell would you expect them to say?

Frankly the attempt at documentation is laughable and it only addresses a minor part of the overall question. Nice try though
Governance, mud, is not a decline. The lack of governance is a decline. That is what the far right extremists in our Party are doing, have been doing, and will cost the GOP the house this fall, giving Obama another chance at all. Want to bet if he gets that, he will blow it again. I doubt it.

Growing government is not signs of prosperity.

Decline is based on a lowering standard of living.

Decline is based on more people with less desposable-income.

Decline is based on more and more people below the poverty-line.

Decline is based on a rapidly shrinking dollar.

Decline is based on a lack of standing in the world. A lack of trust by other world leaders.
CNN Fact Check: Senate cloture votes

Bottom Line: President Obama is correct. There were 39 cloture votes last year, nine more than the combined total for 1949-1970.

That article in in reference to 2009 when the Democrats held a super-majority in the Senate (or damned close to it at least). The Democrats were introducing radical bills that the Republicans did not agree with. Because of the imbalance and the Democrats flat out refusal to work with the GOP, cloture votes were the only way the GOP could make their opinions known. They were literally backed into a corner. It was within Senate rules....the Democrats did the exact same thing during the Bush administration and you overlook that when a minority party is opposed to a piece of legislation they have the right and the responsibility to try and stop it.
Are there any more tea pots in which you rightwingers can attempt to insert a tempest? First it was the open mic (fail), Obama attending March Madness (fail), his contention that overturning the Affordable Healthcare Act would be unprecedented (fail), now his announcing of a movie that is and was an American treasure written by Harper Lee (epic fail).

Look, your guy is Romney. Why not start talking him up instead of trying to introduce all of the ephemera into the argument. It obviously ain't working folks.

Oh, by the way, if you have a chance to listen to The Writer's Almanac and hear the story about Harper Lee and the book; it is fascinating. I'm sure you can find something that will upset you so you can play the victim yet again but for the non-neanderthals among us; it is a fascinating story.
So you want us to focus on Romney and ignore what a fuck-up Obama is??

Makes sense if you want to lose.

Nah......I'm gonna keep focusing on the shit-for-brains fuckup in the White House.
Are there any more tea pots in which you rightwingers can attempt to insert a tempest? First it was the open mic (fail), Obama attending March Madness (fail), his contention that overturning the Affordable Healthcare Act would be unprecedented (fail), now his announcing of a movie that is and was an American treasure written by Harper Lee (epic fail).

Look, your guy is Romney. Why not start talking him up instead of trying to introduce all of the ephemera into the argument. It obviously ain't working folks.

Oh, by the way, if you have a chance to listen to The Writer's Almanac and hear the story about Harper Lee and the book; it is fascinating. I'm sure you can find something that will upset you so you can play the victim yet again but for the non-neanderthals among us; it is a fascinating story.
So you want us to focus on Romney and ignore what a fuck-up Obama is??

Makes sense if you want to lose.

Nah......I'm gonna keep focusing on the shit-for-brains fuckup in the White House.

I would prefer to focus on Romney's strengths and talk about what a fuck up Obama is. Sound like a plan?
Governance, mud, is not a decline. The lack of governance is a decline. That is what the far right extremists in our Party are doing, have been doing, and will cost the GOP the house this fall, giving Obama another chance at all. Want to bet if he gets that, he will blow it again. I doubt it.

Growing government is not signs of prosperity.

Decline is based on a lowering standard of living.

Decline is based on more people with less desposable-income.

Decline is based on more and more people below the poverty-line.

Decline is based on a rapidly shrinking dollar.

Decline is based on a lack of standing in the world. A lack of trust by other world leaders.

You are describing the result of our governance from 1994 to 2006 by our congress with compliant presidents? And you want all of this to continue? Then re-elect those folks for a majority from those years.
Governance, mud, is not a decline. The lack of governance is a decline. That is what the far right extremists in our Party are doing, have been doing, and will cost the GOP the house this fall, giving Obama another chance at all. Want to bet if he gets that, he will blow it again. I doubt it.

Growing government is not signs of prosperity.

Decline is based on a lowering standard of living.

Decline is based on more people with less desposable-income.

Decline is based on more and more people below the poverty-line.

Decline is based on a rapidly shrinking dollar.

Decline is based on a lack of standing in the world. A lack of trust by other world leaders.

You are describing the result of our governance from 1994 to 2006 by our congress with compliant presidents? And you want all of this to continue? Then re-elect those folks for a majority from those years.

No.....this is just in the last year.
this in the last year is still the affect from the years 1994 to 2006.

We are not going back.
this in the last year is still the affect from the years 1994 to 2006.

We are not going back.

Oh....yeah....right.....uhuh!!! Lol

It's Boooooooooooosh. LMAO!!!!

Bush didn't print money the last 3 years shrinking the dollar. The price of gas was less than half what it is now. Bush didn't do that. Bush didn't raise taxes on smokes, booze, tanning-beds, etc.

If he did why can't Obama do anything about it? When will you libtards ever take responsibility for your own beliefs?

Fact is socialism requires less money in your pocket and more money to pay entitlements.
this in the last year is still the affect from the years 1994 to 2006.

:lmao: It's all the Republicans' fault. Ok...well if the Democrats in Congress (who in reality were the ones who presided over the collapse) and in the White House couldn't fix it in six years what the hell makes anyone thing they will fix it in 10? If I recall correctly things were rocking and rolling until the Democrats took over Congress and then immediately there started a slow decline followed by a total collapse. Let's have a look. At the time of the 2006 elections unemployment was 4.5% and the unemployment rate had shown a steady year to year decrease under Republican control. Within two years the rate had risen to 6.8%. The next year it was at 9.9%. How very interesting.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

If I recall correctly it was the Republicans begging the House Financial Services Committee and the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs to take action while Chris Dodd lined his pockets with bribes and Barney Frank was overcome with denial. Let's have a look:

''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

Representative Melvin L. Watt, Democrat of North Carolina, agreed.

''I don't see much other than a shell game going on here, moving something from one agency to another and in the process weakening the bargaining power of poorer families and their ability to get affordable housing,'' Mr. Watt said.

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae - Page 3 - New York Times

"I do think I do not want the same kind of focus on safety and soundness that we have in OCC [Office of the Comptroller of the Currency] and OTS [Office of Thrift Supervision]. I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing."

Fannie and Freddie Waste Taxpayer Money -

"Give Senator Christopher Dodd credit for nerve. On Tuesday, the very day he finally admitted knowing that Countrywide Financial regarded him as a "special" customer, the Connecticut Democrat also announced that he was bringing to the Senate floor a housing bailout sure to help lenders like Countrywide.

How much will Countrywide benefit from Mr. Dodd's rescue? The Senator's plan allows mortgage lenders to dump up to $300 billion of their worst loans on to taxpayers via a new Federal Housing Administration refinancing program, provided the lenders are willing to accept 87% of current market value."

"Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have also strategically given more contributions to lawmakers currently sitting on committees that primarily regulate their industry. Fifteen of the 25 lawmakers who have received the most from the two companies combined since the 1990 election sit on either the House Financial Services Committee; the Senate Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs Committee; or the Senate Finance Committee. The others have seats on the powerful Appropriations or Ways & Means committees, are members of the congressional leadership or have run for president. Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), chairman of the Senate banking committee, has received the most from Fannie and Freddie's PACs and employees"

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Invest in Democrats - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

yeah it's all the Republicans' fault. uh huh. :cuckoo:
Stop the Far Right talking points, BP: they don't work.

We had the chance for twelve years to fix health care and we did not.

We had a real chance to fix Afghanistan and we did not.

We had a real chance to rein in the bozos spending us wildly in a mortage debt, and we did not.

Nah, you don't get any pass for those years, BP, and you never will.

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