To Kill a Mockingbird (youtube)

Love the keys in winter.
Ya, me too. My youngest is pregnant and due about the time I normally go down so this year is unlikely. Wanna be there for that birth. My favorite cousin retired on Friday. She and her husband are now spending the entire winter down there. Likely would have been best year yet. I might go late stay through April. I would have to miss jigging season up here for that. Jigging is a big chunk of my yearly income . Decisions, decisions.
It looks like it was set in the 20s. It probably said as much about class as it did about race.
Eductated middle class people like Finch and working class shit kickers like pretty much everyone else.
Racism in USA was an enormous problem in 1920s, and it is still an acute problem in 2020s. African Americans and Native Americans in USA were and are treated much worse then Jews in Russia.

Another important issue raised by the movie is Presumption of Guilt for men accused of Sexual Misconduct. It is worse in 2020s then ever before. Progressives support Presumption of Guilt.
Racism in USA was an enormous problem in 1920s, and it is still an acute problem in 2020s. African Americans and Native Americans in USA were and are treated much worse then Jews in Russia.

Another important issue raised by the movie is Presumption of Guilt for men accused of Sexual Misconduct. It is worse in 2020s then ever before. Progressives support Presumption of Guilt.
Presumption of Guilt for men accused of Sexual Misconduct -Don't remember that.
The problem with any civil rights movie of that era is that guilt-ridden white libs think it happened yesterday
Who is Guilt Ridden?
Only the accuser. ^^^^^^^ Mac-7
Pathetic White Guilt book and movie.
You LOVE you some Mayella and Robert Ewell.
Fucking White Trash Old Man Angry Racist. @ Flash

Flash does think it is today, from his couch, watching Hannity, Carlson, and Guttfeld. And Watters, and ingramhamshitstain, etc.
LOL Flash.
Presumption of Guilt for men accused of Sexual Misconduct -Don't remember that.
Not in our Legal System yet.

In most University Tribunals, men accused of Sexual Misconduct are presumed guilty. Most companies presume men accused of Sexual Harassment guilty.
I'm sure some people see it as just another civil rights story but it is about a lot more than that. It is about right and wrong, about kindness and meanness.
Isnt that also the basis of civil rights?

Treating everyone equally because its the right thing to do?
Who is Guilt Ridden?
Only the accuser. ^^^^^^^ Mac-7

You LOVE you some Mayella and Robert Ewell.
Fucking White Trash Old Man Angry Racist. @ Flash

Flash does think it is today, from his couch, watching Hannity, Carlson, and Guttfeld. And Watters, and ingramhamshitstain, etc.
LOL Flash.
Libs like Winco cant smell their own shit

No one is bashing black people but he is venting his hate toward whites anyway
Who is Guilt Ridden?
Only the accuser. ^^^^^^^ Mac-7

You LOVE you some Mayella and Robert Ewell.
Fucking White Trash Old Man Angry Racist. @ Flash

Flash does think it is today, from his couch, watching Hannity, Carlson, and Guttfeld. And Watters, and ingramhamshitstain, etc.
LOL Flash.
Flash recognized stupid hate filled White Guilt literature when he sees it.

If Tom Robinson hadn't raped Mayella he would committed other crimes. The jury did the right thing.
Presumption of Guilt for men accused of Sexual Misconduct -Don't remember that.
I suspect that few people in the North or South, Black or White thought of racisms as a problem in 1920. It was seen as "just the way it is". Racism was common but it was accepted. It took the rise of Klu Clux Klan in late 20's and the depression and the civil rights movement in the 50's and 60's to wake people up to the realization that it doesn't have to be that way.
I suspect that few people in the North or South, Black or White thought of racisms as a problem in 1920. It was seen as "just the way it is". Racism was common but it was accepted. It took the rise of Klu Clux Klan in late 20's and the depression and the civil rights movement in the 50's and 60's to wake people up to the realization that it doesn't have to be that way.
Sad but true.
Flash recognized stupid hate filled White Guilt literature when he sees it.

If Tom Robinson hadn't raped Mayella he would committed other crimes. The jury did the right thing.
That's an interesting theory of justice. If they ain't guilt one thing, then they must be guilty something else.
Flash recognized stupid hate filled White Guilt literature when he sees it.

If Tom Robinson hadn't raped Mayella he would committed other crimes. The jury did the right thing.

But you believe the STORY that TR raped M.
This ^^^^ Is exactly why your OLD WHITE trash mind is being discounted.

No worries OLD MAN, you will be dead soon.
It looks like it was set in the 20s. It probably said as much about class as it did about race.
Eductated middle class people like Finch and working class shit kickers like pretty much everyone else.
A mixture of class and race. There was a really good series called I’ll Fly Away in the early 90’s that dealt with race, class and the Civil Rights movement “I’llFly Away”.
That's an interesting theory of justice. If they ain't guilt one thing, then they must be guilty something else.
It is just a book. Fiction.

Harper Lee could have written a rich story of the two kids and their loving father living a small Southern town during the Depression without the filthy ass White Guilt woke bullshit.
There are a lot of people alive who lived It.
What are white people who were not alive in 1920, never whipped or lynched a black person, and never killed a mockingbird supposed to do?

I sometimes think blacks miss being downtrodden and love reliving the bad old days
What are white people who were not alive in 1920, never whipped or lynched a black person, and never killed a mockingbird supposed to do?

I sometimes think blacks miss being downtrodden and love reliving the bad old days
It didn’t change until the 60’s.

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