to reduce gun violence, we must reduce stress. you do that by enacting Bernie's proposal to reduce the workweek from 40hours to 32hours, with full pay

I should at least make the connection between the suggested fix and reality.l

The main benefit of a 32 hour work week could only be realized if the 40 hour pay package remained the same.

However, in a time when America is already struggling to remain viable, the drop in productivity would bring on the approaching disaster much more quickly.

Bernie at least understands that social change must be accepted, but he's missing the fact that the initial steps can be anything like this!

Even France with much fewer social problems than America, can't allow this sort of initiative even when it's related to retirement age!

What IS becoming realistic is that China is headed on a course with their capitalism that maybe soon can make this dream real!
Given we have had a 40 hour work week for a very long time without a dramatic rise in gun violence so I don’t see this as the answer.
Gun violence is related to racism

Is related to anger and displeasure of the working class

is related to social upheaval and mass murder

Is related to attempted revolution

and so on.
Bernie is right. If we want increased productivity to benefit the working class, we need to take political action to make that happen.

I married very young. In our early years of marriage, Hombre and I were working 40 hour weeks plus overtime and held part time jobs on the side as well to make ends meet. It took us awhile to gain the skill sets, experience, value to our employers to earn a good living without putting in so many hours. We didn't feel stressed at all, enjoyed our work, didn't think our situation unusual as most people we knew were in the same boat and we all accepted that it was our responsibility as citizens to take responsibility for ourselves and support ourselves as well as pay our taxes, our debts, help others when we were able.

We all knew there were many people who lived in fine houses, drove expensive cars, had money we could only dream about. But dream we could because we knew if we managed well and were willing to work for it, we could be one of them someday.

We felt 100% safe in our homes, safe walking the streets even at midnight, our kids were able to pretty much run the neighborhood without worry, there were no school shootings or other mass shootings, crime, especially violent crime, was rare.

We need to be instilling people with that kind of work ethic, integrity, sense of personal responsibility, and establish that kind of culture again instead of giving people more and more sense of entitlement and making them think they're victims of the rich or whatever and excusing bad/violent/destructive behavior with silly psychobabble.
This nation hasn't risen to where it is by reducing the hours we work.....
Its as if the lazy kids have taken over and are running the great thing built by dad and mom right into the ground....
America the great is going to now be America the mediocre.....
While I was running my business I worked 70 hours a week.... I don't get it.... stress comes from being stuck in the mud unable to get ahead... not from hard work....
I already pay far more than my fair share of taxes carrying you lazy lard asses on the left. I say get a 2nd job, pay your own damn bills you losers.

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