To Replace Ginsberg Before the Election, Or Hold Off Until After the Election?

I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?

Here's what you need to understand the leftists and their MSM wing will go after Trump relentlessly anyway. They have been for 4 years. They hate him because he has shown them for the angry, hateful partisan hacks they are. Never ever play nice with the left. NEVER!
Poor Eddie........his epic meltdown has him so confused he has no idea what the topic of the thread is. :itsok:
Because you ran away from the threads about what Trump said. And now you're hiding out here.

And BTW. The election is in 45 days, and the average time to confirm a justice is 70 days. So as they say. Do the math.
Poor Eddie........his epic meltdown has him so confused he has no idea what the topic of the thread is. :itsok:
Because you ran away from the threads about what Trump said. And now you're hiding out here.

And BTW. The election is in 45 days, and the average time to confirm a justice is 70 days. So as they say. Do the math.
I'm hiding out here by posting constantly?????? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I have no idea WTF you are talking about running away from threads, Moron.:itsok:

Ginsberg was confirmed in 46 days, Idiot.
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?

Trump being a milquetoast Republican and giving the Democrats their way would be the worst possible think he could do for his base of support.

It's a given at this point that Democrats would not confirm a Republican nominee for SCOTUS ever much less in an election year. And they would 100% do it if they had the Senate and Presidency themselves.

How does it help us to agree to live by rules they don't live by? And this is totally the Constitutional process.

As I pointed out,

- Democrats invented the court nominee filibuster under W and eliminated it under Obama

- Democrats invented the administration nominee filibuster under W and eliminated it under Obama

- Democrats changed the voting rules to get Obamacare when Scott Brown was elected removing their filibuster proof majority

- Democrats have already said they will change the rules and start nominating more left judges than the current limit of 9 to get control of the court when they can

- Democrats have already said the filibuster is gone so they can get the green new deal and Marxist government enacted

We're fighting for our lives at this point, and you're still worried about fighting barbarians with Marcus of Queensbury rules. You're a good guy, but you're not being realistic about what it takes to fight back
Trump needs to act immediately. To see the Democrats come unhinged like they did with Kavanaugh, just weeks before the election, will remind people of who they really are. This is a no brainer for Trump.

Lyin, cheatin, Moscow Mitch:


"Elections have consequences"-Barry Hussein Obama.
But he can easily say that, because the majority of voters, chose him to be President.

President Trump doesn't have that luxury of support...

The people in this country, by majority, chose someone else to be President....the electoral college got him there....

Obama won both.


That's a good story. Enjoy Trumps 3rd and most likely 4th SC picks.
Eddie your story on Apple is very similar to my Netflix experience.
Got in at the beginning when they were just mail DVDs and rode it. Only really ever had one bad stock out of the 16 I manage for myself plus Iras, mutual funds and annuities.
What is your screen name at the weather site you know me from?
Trump needs to act immediately. To see the Democrats come unhinged like they did with Kavanaugh, just weeks before the election, will remind people of who they really are. This is a no brainer for Trump.

Lyin, cheatin, Moscow Mitch:


"Elections have consequences"-Barry Hussein Obama.
But he can easily say that, because the majority of voters, chose him to be President.

President Trump doesn't have that luxury of support...

The people in this country, by majority, chose someone else to be President....the electoral college got him there....

Obama won both.


That is such a phony argument. It's like us playing bridge and I claim to be a better card player than you because I had a good poker hand. It's moot since that wasn't the game we were playing.

There are probably a lot of Republican voters in these big lib cities and states that just stay home on election day knowing their vote really has no chance at winning anything. If we chose Presidents by popular vote, those Republicans in NY, California, and NJ may come out in droves. Trump would have campaigned in those states more often, and Hillary in states she was likely to lose.

This amount of common sense is like kryptonite to the left.
Eddie your story on Apple is very similar to my Netflix experience.
Got in at the beginning when they were just mail DVDs and rode it. Only really ever had one bad stock out of the 16 I manage for myself plus Iras, mutual funds and annuities.
What is your screen name at the weather site you know me from?
There was a guy called weather at the 2000 presidential board that is no more, Maybe it wasn't you A few of the posters there came here Dale Bendog Kinetta and a mod here
I'm torn over the replacing of Ms Ginsberg before the end of the year. On one hand, it would insure a conservative justice replacing her.
On the other hand, it would give the left a lot of negative ammunition to go after Trump for trying to replace her after what McConnell did in 2016.
Trump doesn't need the extra distraction during the campaigning, along with the msm going after him relentlessly for trying.
If he was upfront and saying that he's going to hold off, it could give him some positive momentum in the eyes of the voters in the swing states.
What say you?
Over a dozen Supreme Court Justices have been replaced during election years. This election year should be no different.
With only 45 days to go ???
The number of days before a presidential election is irrelevant. There is no restriction on when a Supreme Court can be nominated. Throughout the past, as I said, over a dozen Supreme Court Justices have been appointed in a presidential election year. When those nominations were presented during those election years, the nation didn't go bonkers! Both sides have always had their differences with the individuals nominated (not the presidents), but they NEVER went berserk over any of the nominations, until.....Trump. The (former) Democratic party, prior to the 2016 election, has completely gone off the rails, using Stalinist tactics and pushing for a one-party authoritarian Marxist political system, aimed at destroying our very Bill of Rights that give us our freedoms.
Even if Trump were to say, "I'll hold off on a nomination to see what happens in November." You and I know damn well, that if Trump clearly won the election fairly, the Marxist left former Democratic party would not only not accept the results, but also, still try to undermine any nominations he might put forward to the vacant Supreme Court seat.
The decent Democratic party of JFK exists no longer and hasn't existed for some time now. It condoned all the mob mayhem and destruction, UNTIL they saw it was affecting their numbers by the overall populace. It's followers in the streets use the very tactics that the Brown Shirts in Nazi Germany and Black Shirts in Mussolini's Fascist party used, while accusing those that believe in the Constitution and law and order, of being the Nazis and Fascists. It clings to "identity politics," calling everyone that disagrees with their Marxist agenda as racist.
I had to shake my head at the latest claim, that Harris wasn't popular with the Hispanics in southern Florida, because of Trump. No. The new Democratic Marxist/Socialist party isn't popular with Hispanics in southern Florida because that population is comprised of Cubans and Venezuelans that lived under Socialism's oppressive thumb and fled their countries with their children, despite the dangers and they definitely Don't want to be under that type of government again.
Any type of government that has a policy of trying to stop people from leaving, arresting them and tossing them into re-education camps or gulags, is flat out.....E V I L....and that's the type of government the former Democratic party is becoming.
I keep in mind, Nancy Pelosi's comment: "No civility until we're in power!" That is a clear claim of not accepting any political opposition.
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I'm wondering why ......

........ one right winger here can't see a difference between "10 months before the election" and "47 days before the election" as factors.

I'm also wondering why one right winger here ignores the flagrant flip-flop of Moscow Mitch, pansy Lindsay, and several other Trumplicans from 4 years ago, and instead obsesses on some stance Biden had 30 years ago, ignoring the circumstances of each.

Imagine, the Trumplicans are about to replace a justice that almost single-handedly reshaped America into being a better place for Americans with someone that seeks to shove America back to the 1950's, that in every way will make America a worse place. RBG will never be forgotten. But the current crop of ugly people will be a painful memory that Americans will fight to forget, that it will take generations to repair the damage from.

But to one right winger, it's just a big joke.

So now the Trumplicans are on the verge of getting what they want to please the Bible pounders, an abortion ban, unless at least two conservative justices surprise us. The Trumplicans will pay for their pandering to the religious fanatics. In the meantime, many women will die as a result of this sheer idiocy.
Eddie your story on Apple is very similar to my Netflix experience.
Got in at the beginning when they were just mail DVDs and rode it. Only really ever had one bad stock out of the 16 I manage for myself plus Iras, mutual funds and annuities.
What is your screen name at the weather site you know me from?
There was a guy called weather at the 2000 presidential board that is no more, Maybe it wasn't you A few of the posters there came here Dale Bendog Kinetta and a mod here
And I hope your IRA was a ROTH Mine isn't And I'm paying a price now
So now the Trumplicans are on the verge of getting what they want to please the Bible pounders, an abortion ban, unless at least two conservative justices surprise us. The Trumplicans will pay for their pandering to the religious fanatics. In the meantime, many women will die as a result of this sheer idiocy.

And millions of people will lose their healthcare due to "pre-existing conditions" A protection the Trump administration is seeking to have the supreme court overturn, as the last legacy of Obmacare.
So now the Trumplicans are on the verge of getting what they want to please the Bible pounders, an abortion ban, unless at least two conservative justices surprise us. The Trumplicans will pay for their pandering to the religious fanatics. In the meantime, many women will die as a result of this sheer idiocy.

And millions of people will lose their healthcare due to "pre-existing conditions" A protection the Trump administration is seeking to have the supreme court overturn, as the last legacy of Obmacare.
SS will tank too if these morons have their way
I'm wondering why ......

........ one right winger here can't see a difference between "10 months before the election" and "47 days before the election" as factors.

I'm also wondering why one right winger here ignores the flagrant flip-flop of Moscow Mitch, pansy Lindsay, and several other Trumplicans from 4 years ago, and instead obsesses on some stance Biden had 30 years ago, ignoring the circumstances of each.

Imagine, the Trumplicans are about to replace a justice that almost single-handedly reshaped America into being a better place for Americans with someone that seeks to shove America back to the 1950's, that in every way will make America a worse place. RBG will never be forgotten. But the current crop of ugly people will be a painful memory that Americans will fight to forget, that it will take generations to repair the damage from.

But to one right winger, it's just a big joke.

So now the Trumplicans are on the verge of getting what they want to please the Bible pounders, an abortion ban, unless at least two conservative justices surprise us. The Trumplicans will pay for their pandering to the religious fanatics. In the meantime, many women will die as a result of this sheer idiocy.
What was done in 2016, and what will be done now, has been done several times in our past.

Deal with it, Moron.
So now the Trumplicans are on the verge of getting what they want to please the Bible pounders, an abortion ban, unless at least two conservative justices surprise us. The Trumplicans will pay for their pandering to the religious fanatics. In the meantime, many women will die as a result of this sheer idiocy.

And millions of people will lose their healthcare due to "pre-existing conditions" A protection the Trump administration is seeking to have the supreme court overturn, as the last legacy of Obmacare.
So now the Trumplicans are on the verge of getting what they want to please the Bible pounders, an abortion ban, unless at least two conservative justices surprise us. The Trumplicans will pay for their pandering to the religious fanatics. In the meantime, many women will die as a result of this sheer idiocy.

And millions of people will lose their healthcare due to "pre-existing conditions" A protection the Trump administration is seeking to have the supreme court overturn, as the last legacy of Obmacare.
SS will tank too if these morons have their way
Yeah, and we are gonna throw Granny off a cliff. Good Lord Moron, try thinking for yourself for once in your life and don't just blindly buy what your handlers feed you.
So now the Trumplicans are on the verge of getting what they want to please the Bible pounders, an abortion ban, unless at least two conservative justices surprise us. The Trumplicans will pay for their pandering to the religious fanatics. In the meantime, many women will die as a result of this sheer idiocy.

And millions of people will lose their healthcare due to "pre-existing conditions" A protection the Trump administration is seeking to have the supreme court overturn, as the last legacy of Obmacare.
DO you know what your pos is recing for the SC ?? Know her fn record?

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