To the "Anti-vaxxers"

Yet you can’t back up that claim either.

Are you noticing a pattern here? Because I sure am. :)

Yes, there is a clear pattern. You won't man up to admitting you are wrong, you've proven that repeatedly. You get links, you see you are wrong, you respond with silence. It's happened over and over and over.

I keep telling you that, are you finally starting to pick up on it?

This is your fault. Fool me once, shame on you, but you do the same thing ALL the time. And you still whine and bitch that you want me to find information for you despite that you won't acknowledge it with I did. You aren't even pretending you would acknowledge it. The path to being a man starts now. Step one, you have to chose to do it
So…nobody is forcing you to wear a mask then. You’re just being dramatic.

Got it.

Yes, it's all about you. That's all you care about. You don't care about your kids (you're telling me I don't care about mine) or anyone else, it's all about you.

You've mentioned that. And mentioned it. And mentioned it ...

What does affect me:

1) Telling me my kids at school don't personally affect me is you again being a total dick. It's what you are

2) Everyone affects me. Who said this? No man is free unless all men are free. You probably don't know since you're a racist and he's not white
Yes, there is a clear pattern. You won't man up to admitting you are wrong, you've proven that repeatedly. You get links, you see you are wrong, you respond with silence. It's happened over and over and over.

I keep telling you that, are you finally starting to pick up on it?

This is your fault. Fool me once, shame on you, but you do the same thing ALL the time. And you still whine and bitch that you want me to find information for you despite that you won't acknowledge it with I did. You aren't even pretending you would acknowledge it. The path to being a man starts now. Step one, you have to chose to do it

You type a lot without actually saying anything.

You can back up your claim any time. But you won’t. And we both know why. :)
Yes, it's all about you. That's all you care about. You don't care about your kids (you're telling me I don't care about mine) or anyone else, it's all about you.

You've mentioned that. And mentioned it. And mentioned it ...

What does affect me:

1) Telling me my kids at school don't personally affect me is you again being a total dick. It's what you are

2) Everyone affects me. Who said this? No man is free unless all men are free. You probably don't know since you're a racist and he's not white

So you were just being a drama queen about being forced to wear a mask.

Noted. Thanks.
My kids affect me, the raw emotion of that irrationality is just dumbfounding you, huh? What, kaz, but you are thinking about someone besides yourself? WTF? What is that like?

No, clearly you don't know, she man

You’re so dramatic about your kids wearing a fucking mask lol.

It’s a minor inconvenience at worst.

If it’s sooooo upsetting to you, then home-school them.

Don’t expect any empathy from me. You’re being a drama queen.
You’re so dramatic about your kids wearing a fucking mask lol.

It’s a minor inconvenience at worst.

If it’s sooooo upsetting to you, then home-school them.

Don’t expect any empathy from me. You’re being a drama queen.

XponentialChaos: Just do what we are telling you to do, kaz. It's not a big deal, we decided that it isn't your job to parent your own kids. Oh, except you take the blame if anything goes wrong. But the decisions are up to us. Just do it and stop objecting to government telling you what to do.

Did any pro-vax tards watch the video?

The CDC, the NIH, all the government quackery agencies need to be shut down and the frauds in charge of such agencies need to be arrested. Long story short if you were dumb enough to get the Fraudi Jab(s), you are a threat to those of us who are not stooges.

if anyone ever tells a "progressive" they are incorrect, they simply discredit the source and find their own.
The deaths already are all from when an immune system goes whacko and starts attacking the wrong things.
Sensitizing the immune system even more with fake spike proteins is then extremely dangerous.
And our own exosomes use the same spike protein, so what if the immune system starts to attack them?

The deaths already are all from when an immune system goes whacko and starts attacking the wrong things.
Sensitizing the immune system even more with fake spike proteins is then extremely dangerous.
And our own exosomes use the same spike protein, so what if the immune system starts to attack them?
Judy mikovits never mentions exosomes per say, but she explains the damage perfectly.
something new to the discussion here will be all the waste by products in the vaccines. start at 17:00.

Judy mikovits never mentions exosomes per say, but she explains the damage perfectly.
something new to the discussion here will be all the waste by products in the vaccines. start at 17:00.

Judy Mikovich is a fucking nutjob.

Are you seriously listening to "the Plandemic Lady"?

I bet you believe the QAnon bullshit too
XponentialChaos: Just do what we are telling you to do, kaz. It's not a big deal, we decided that it isn't your job to parent your own kids. Oh, except you take the blame if anything goes wrong. But the decisions are up to us. Just do it and stop objecting to government telling you what to do.


So passionate about a minor inconvenience of your kids wearing a mask in school.

If you don’t like it, then homeschool them. I don’t care. Looks like you’re throwing a hissy fit to me.
So passionate about a minor inconvenience of your kids wearing a mask in school.

If you don’t like it, then homeschool them. I don’t care. Looks like you’re throwing a hissy fit to me.

Yes, just do what you told me to do, don't argue about it. You mentioned that particular double standard you have among the many, many double standards you have.

No, you don't have the right to tell me what to do and that is a bit deal. Go fuck yourself

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