To the "Anti-vaxxers"

What experimental vaccines?..the vaccines that are out now all went through trials and testing, they just decided not to wait around for the months long routine FDA stamp of approval.

The preliminary trial only involved 3,000 patients for 2 months.
That is vastly too insufficient.
Drugs and vaccines normally do get years of trial, but still Thalidomide was approved by the FDA, and look how badly that turned out.
These are way too experimental yet.
They do not even contain dead viruses, but only simulated spike proteins.
And that has lots of danagers.
The spike proteins are so small they can migrate and where ever they end up will get attacked.
Another is they could cause the immune system to attack legitimate spike proteins, like in exosomes.
That would be fatal.
I spend about 2 hours a day listening to experts in microbiology, immunology, chemical biology, and pathology so it is hard to recall who said what.

it was really a single statement within a group of doctors that never refuted it. I think it had to do with the spike proteins.

the NIH gave it glowing reviews.

NVX-CoV2373 is a subunit vaccine made from a stabilized form of the coronavirus spike protein using the company’s recombinant protein nanoparticle technology. The purified protein antigens in the vaccine cannot replicate or cause COVID-19

The deaths already are all from when an immune system goes whacko and starts attacking the wrong things.
Sensitizing the immune system even more with fake spike proteins is then extremely dangerous.
And our own exosomes use the same spike protein, so what if the immune system starts to attack them?
Walmart is being told to require masks again or be shut down.
Then go to a grocery store that doesn't require them, use e-shopping, have your groceries delivered to you, or go to the McDonald's drive-through. I don't care.
oh christ.

Kremlin stooge "Dr. Rigby" is posting bullshit again. No links of course

Again you lie.

Mask mandates make a return — along with controversy A growing number of experts call for a resumption of measures, citing hyper-transmissable delta variant A transit passenger wears a mask while awaiting a light rail train in Los Angeles, which has reimposed mask mandates for people — vaccinated or not — inside public establishments.


The Return of the Mask Wars​



The Return Of Mask Mandates | Vince & Jason Save The Nation​


I just watched the gov saying masks are returning.
Then go to a grocery store that doesn't require them, use e-shopping, have your groceries delivered to you, or go to the McDonald's drive-through. I don't care.

The gov is going to start requiring them at all stores.
You can't eshop for food, and it costs too much.
You can't eshop for food, and it costs too much.

Sure you can. They can also deliver groceries at certain chains. Or just have a pizza delivered.

And the cost isn’t my problem. You have choices and you need to deal with the consequences of those choices.

I don’t have a problem with their mask requirements either. If you don’t like it then you can walk. I don’t care.
Just educating the ignorant..............once again.

But at least you admit you are in favor of mask mandates from the Federal Government.
Again you lie.

Mask mandates make a return — along with controversy A growing number of experts call for a resumption of measures, citing hyper-transmissable delta variant A transit passenger wears a mask while awaiting a light rail train in Los Angeles, which has reimposed mask mandates for people — vaccinated or not — inside public establishments.


The Return of the Mask Wars​



The Return Of Mask Mandates | Vince & Jason Save The Nation​


I just watched the gov saying masks are returning.
Your claim was that Walmart was threatened with being shutdown.

Congrats. You finally posted a link. Too bad it didn't support any of your bullshit. Vlad
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Running a red light means you are likely to hit and kill someone.
And refusing the vaccine safety protocols means you threaten to kill your fellow citizens. It's not just the vaccine that antivaxxers renounce. Essentially all of them renounce masks, social distancing and lockdowns.

Since vaccines do not prevent infection or spread, but only reduce symptoms to the individual, they benefit no one else at all, in any way.
No. Vaccinated people can still get a mild case of COVID, but they get it at lower rates than the unvaccinated.

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