To the "Anti-vaxxers"

Or maybe the majority just want to be vaccinated, like the majority of adults.

Crazy idea.

People wanting to be vaccinated don't need to be forced into it. And if the vaccine actually worked, said people shouldn't care that anyone else chooses not to get jabbed.
Im not sticking experimental technology(that isnt even approved by the FDA) into my body.
I have taken every vaccine I was supposed to my entire laugh... but this wont be one of them.
Nor while i be shamed for not doing it.
Those who are angry or even fearful because of this virus and its potential implications can take the vaccine. Beyond that, they should save their condemnations of those who are rejecting the messaging from government and media. ESPECIALLY MEDIA. They chose to so thoroughly destroy their credibility in an endless attempt to remove Trump that now no one listens to them any longer. This is what chaos and lawlessness do to a people. My guess is that Covid will be the least of our worries before much longer.
You go brother! Don't let them inject you with that DNA that will turn you into a goverment zombi bott and allow them to control you. Don't do it!
Damn, bruh... get up off your knees and wipe your chin. That's a bad look for ya...
Actually, the Lambda variant, currently in Central and South America, is the most vaccine resistant of all the variants out there.
Good thing Pedo Joe is importing tens of thousands of China Flu infested illegals from that region, huh?
Or maybe the majority just want to be vaccinated, like the majority of adults.

Crazy idea.
All of you non progs. In your work, make sure the quality sucks when you can. But not against other non progs. It is already happening with government projects and monopoly jobs. The costs keep on rising. But we have equity. The space station is near 200 billion dollars in costs now. Understand that.

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