To the "Anti-vaxxers"

I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.

It doesn't prevent prevent

Quit your bitching

Sorry the minority women have an appropriate amount of cynycism? It's almost like they know something you don't....
I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a huge gamble, to gamble the entire future of this nation on one experimental vaccine. So pardon me if I think it’s irresponsible to push it onto 90%+ of the population. I think it would be smarter to have different types of vaccines, and even a portion of unvaccinated. Personally I was holding out for the J&J vaccine, but then the early reports were even worse than the mRNA ones and it was pulled, so I scratched that one off the list.
Gambleing the future of the nation is not getting as many people vaxxed as possible. All indications are that the risk of not doing so far out weigh the risk of the vaxx
It is pol;itical/ ideological and just plain stupid

We are listening to doctors who work with patients who all too often have long term dibilitating effects of Covid or just die. Doctors who hear these people lamenting the fact that they did not get vaxxed while others cling to stupid reasons who they di not get the shot

Di I have that right?
Here’s what’s right 99% survival rate. Quit your bed wetting pussy.
Scott Apley, 45, was a city councilman from Dickinson, Texas. He thought COVID was a hoax, that the pandemic was overblown, and masks and vaccines were just a means for government intrusion and control. He regularly posted all sorts of hateful memes downplaying the severity of the pandemic. In May, he sent out invitations to a mask burning. He posted that mask mandates were akin to Nazism. A week before his death, he reposted a meme on Facebook: “In 6 months, we’ve gone from the vax ending the pandemic—to you can still get covid even if vaxxed—to you can pass covid onto others even if vaxxed—to you can still die of covid even if vaxxed—to the unvaxxed are killing the vaxxed.”

On Sunday, he was rushed to the hospital and put on a ventilator almost immediately. He was in bad shape and apparently had already waited too long to go to hospital. Yesterday, he succumbed to what he was sure was a hoax.
Did you know that in DC and Chicago, more people die from being shot by blacks than the Kung Flu? Buy a bullet proof vest....
It turns out that the vaccination gestapo might be the tip of the racist left since more than half of Black and Hispanic Americans decline to take the cool-aid.
I am not “anti-vax”. Trust me, I would take a safe and effective vaccine against that CCP/Fauci spawned poison from Wuhan. I don’t want to catch that shit. But at this point I would rather get the virus and build up natural immunity to the future variants. Scientific studies so far have proven that natural immunity is more effective than vaccines.
Scientific studies so far have proven that natural immunity is more effective than vaccines.? That is horseshit The best protection is natural immunity and the vaxx but neither will gauranttee protection against future varients, But the vax will tamp down the development of those varients. Where the hell do you get your information from?
I am not “anti-vax”. Trust me, I would take a safe and effective vaccine against that CCP/Fauci spawned poison from Wuhan. I don’t want to catch that shit. But at this point I would rather get the virus and build up natural immunity to the future variants. Scientific studies so far have proven that natural immunity is more effective than vaccines.
Fauchi spawned? That right there tell me that you are not in touch with reality
I’m not “anti-science”. I read scientific papers on the virus and the vaccines. I watch videos about them, I try to educate myself in every way on the subject. Whenever I talk to my relatives about it, they are all clueless on the actual science, and they are all Vaxxed. Science is about doubting. Science is questioning. Science is about observation and testing. That’s all we are doing, is asking questions. What are the long term effects? No one has an answer. So I will wait until the science shows us the answers, then I will get vaccinated.
Apparently you are watching the wrong vidios
Scientific studies so far have proven that natural immunity is more effective than vaccines.? That is horseshit The best protection is natural immunity and the vaxx but neither will gauranttee protection against future varients, But the vax will tamp down the development of those varients. Where the hell do you get your information from?
The elites are now pushing that the oceans are changing and the North American continent will have pure freezing environments.
Scientific studies so far have proven that natural immunity is more effective than vaccines.? That is horseshit The best protection is natural immunity and the vaxx but neither will gauranttee protection against future varients, But the vax will tamp down the development of those varients. Where the hell do you get your information from?
Facebook, Youtube, Kook blogs, and right wing radio
Scientific studies so far have proven that natural immunity is more effective than vaccines.? That is horseshit The best protection is natural immunity and the vaxx but neither will gauranttee protection against future varients, But the vax will tamp down the development of those varients. Where the hell do you get your information from?
I beg to differ, some of us, like me, back in the 1990's got the real Flu bug, spent 3 days in bed , drinking electrolytes , sleeping, pissing, and repeating. I lost 10 lbs over that 3 day period, since then, i havent gotten a flu shot, or the flu, or a common cold. Natural immunities kick the shit out of a dead organism injected into your body.

Sorry, but that it ignorant.
What is keeping the epidemic around is "flattening the curve", and it is that we should immediately stop.
The experimental vaccines that are not even FDA approved are no solution at all, sine we could later discover they kill far more than the current epidemic.
The better, faster, and safer way is to just isolate the elderly, and then accelerate infection as quickly as possible, to get it over with, once and for all.
These vaccines are extremely badly made and untested.

Trump's policies approved and accelerated their development. He took the vaccine. As have all the people you watch on your news.

Will you take the vaccine if it's approved by the FDA?
The elites are now pushing that the oceans are changing and the North American continent will have pure freezing environments.
The reason why they are saying this bullshit? Did you notice that the days are getting shorter? That the northern hemisphere is going to cool down, and become winter, again....Any intelligent person(leaves out prog slaves) knows that they are bullshitting the people, and only the slaves will believe it. As usual...

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