To the Canadian truckers

Great. Then stop being a pussy and comply with the regulations or get lost. No one gives a shit what a handful of malcontents are bitching about. They do give a shit about commerce being halted. The truckers aren’t gaining friends.
Why yes they are..........Many who aren't leftist losers like you LOVE THEM.


No, it isn't.
There are rules and regulations implemented all the time by companies.
If that were the case, 90% of the companies that republicans love to give tax cuts to, are tyrannical.
Going overseas for your employer?
Better make sure you get your tyrannical shots.
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Typhoid
  • Rabies
  • Yellow fever
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Cholera
  • Meningococcal diseases
  • Malaria

Now you point to jabs and pills that actually work........lmao

Why do we have the worst stats on planet earth..............because of gov't is my bitches like you.
The cops are breaking them up. They are not going to ruin the economy any longer.
Your getting hungry and the shelves are bare.................poor thing.

Prove it. Name a trucker's name, a trucking company, a specific cargo that was rendered unusable because of the protest. Otherwise, you are telling fictional stories.
That is commerce that didn’t happen. How much does it cost to shut down operations at assembly plants? How much will it cost to catch up? Use your brain for once.
Like a good Democrap, you keep stubbornly trying to cast the blame at the Republicans, and Trump in particular, for fuckups that are entirely the doing of your own party.

It was not Trump, nor any other Republicans, who cooked up a routine cold/flu outbreak into a huge “Pandemic” hoax. That was your side that did that.

No, it was Republicans who fought tooth and nail against any containment measures when we MIGHT have been able to contain this thing, like the Japanese or Germans did. Instead, Trump disbanded the Pandemic Response team, put his idiot son-in-law in charge of PPE distribution, lied about how serious the disease was to protect the stock market, withdrew us from the WHO, hawked quack cures, put up quack doctors as "experts" while undermining the actual experts, got upset that Dr. Fauci was getting better press than he was, Held Mass Spreader Events (Poor Herman Cain, he died as he lived, sucking up to white people who had nothing but contempt for him).

And it was not Republicans who exploited this hoax, to seize unjustifiable powers, and to abuse these powers to sabotage the economy, to destroy essential freedoms, and even to compel citizens to be injected with dangerous experimental drugs against their will. That was your side that did this.

You know, Mormon Bob, I could just imagine you during World War II. "What, the government wants to ration commodities for the war effort? What an imposition over a fake war! And now they want to do a draft? They're taking our freedoms!!!!"

A guy who wants to execute women for practicing choice over their own bodies whining about 'Freedom" because someone asked him to wear a mask is kind of a flaming hypocrite.
How is insisting on the right to spread a deadly disease promoting anyone's freedom?

Nobody is seeking any right to spread any deadly disease.

That's just bullshit.

What we are demanding is a rights to live our lives, and not have our essential freedoms and well being sacrificed to pander to the irrational fears of worthless cowardly piece of shit such as yourself who are so stupid that you allowed lying politicians and media to make you deathly afraid of a routine flu/cold.

Your stupidity, your ignorance, your gullibility, and your cowardice are your own problems, and no sane person should be considered to be obligated to sacrifice anything to pander thereto.

If you want to cower in your basement, isolating yourself from humanity, wearing a stupid mask over your face, and allowing them to inject all sorts of poisons into you, then go ahead. I will not try to deny you that right. But you sure as Hell have no right to demand that others do likewise.
Nobody is seeking any right to spread any deadly disease.

That's just bullshit.

What we are demanding is a rights to live our lives, and not have our essential freedoms and well being sacrificed to pander to the irrational fears of worthless cowardly piece of shit such as yourself who are so stupid that you allowed lying politicians and media to make you deathly afraid of a routine flu/cold.

Again, if you are such an inconsiderate lout that you think that having to wear a mask when you are in a crowd is a great imposition, that's kind of on you.

Your stupidity, your ignorance, your gullibility, and your cowardice are your own problems, and no sane person should be considered to be obligated to sacrifice anything to pander thereto.

Again you firmly believe a bullshit story about golden plates from a con artist 150 years ago, but you don't believe scientists, doctors, epidemiologists, and health policy experts. It's all a plot!

If you want to cower in your basement, isolating yourself from humanity, wearing a stupid mask over your face, and allowing them to inject all sorts of poisons into you, then go ahead. I will not try to deny you that right. But you sure as Hell have no right to demand that others do likewise.

Okay, but then you shouldn't have access to places where you can potentially infect others.

Yesterday, I actually got carded for the first time, ever. Luckily, I had my card on me, but then for fun, I asked the clerk at the Panera bread, "What would you have done if I didn't have my card?" Dumb look. He really didn't have a plan if I didn't have a card or refused to show it to him. He didn't bother to ask until after he took my money and order.
Again, if you are such an inconsiderate lout that you think that having to wear a mask when you are in a crowd is a great imposition, that's kind of on you.

As I said, your cowardice, your ignorance, your gullibility, and your stupidity are your own problems, not mine.

It is you who is being inconsiderate by demanding that I sacrifice any measure of my own comfort, safety, or freedom, to pander to these traits on your part.

Okay, but then you shouldn't have access to places where you can potentially infect others.

I am no more a threat of infecting anyone else with any disease, than any cretin who is wearing a stupid mask and has been injected with all these dangerous mRNA-based poisons.

If you're so afraid, then you feel free to stay away from anywhere that people are allowed to be who you irrationally think might infect you with something.
As I said, your cowardice, your ignorance, your gullibility, and your stupidity are your own problems, not mine.

It is you who is being inconsiderate by demanding that I sacrifice any measure of my own comfort, safety, or freedom, to pander to these traits on your part.

Yes, we get it, you would happily risk infecting other people for your own mild comfort...


I am no more a threat of infecting anyone else with any disease, than any cretin who is wearing a stupid mask and has been injected with all these dangerous mRNA-based poisons.

If you're so afraid, then you feel free to stay away from anywhere that people are allowed to be who you irrationally think might infect you with something.

Actually, it's been proven that masking and vaccines slow the transmission of the disease... The rest of the world has figured this out.

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