To the Canadian truckers

Strawmen seem to be a popular tool for those who are hopelessly losing an argument.

I most certainly do not believe either of these things attributed to me.

And it's really creepy how obsessed Faggot Joe is with other men's underwear.

Sorry, Incel; I don't “swing that way”.
You're just like the other Q NUTS.

January 7 2022
A leading QAnon promoter who urged both her followers and strangers she passed on the street not to take the COVID vaccine died Thursday of the coronavirus, making her just the latest vaccine opponent killed by the disease.

Cirsten Weldon had amassed tens of thousands of followers across right-wing social media networks by promoting the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy under the screenname “CirstenW.” She was prominent enough to become a sort of QAnon interpreter for comedian conspiracy theorist Roseanne Barr and started recording videos about QAnon with her.

“The vaccines kill, don’t get it!” Weldon warned the waiting vaccine recipients in an undated video posted to one of her online accounts. “This is how gullible these idiots are. They’re all getting vaccine!”

In late December, however, Weldon started showing symptoms of coronavirus infection. In her last video, posted on Dec. 28, Weldon struggled through her remarks about the coming overthrow of the United States government, coughing and complaining that she was exhausted.

I blame you for being FauChis bitch

Yep, Fauci killed everyone.
Everyone vaccinated killed everyone that wasn't.


I blame you for being FauChis bitch

Tell JFK Jr. everyone is glad he is back.

After JFK Jr. failed to materialize in Dallas on Tuesday, Nov. 2, per the abstruse predictions of a numerology-obsessed QAnon sect, some of the followers of the theory have surmised that Keith Richards is, in fact, JFK Jr. in disguise.

This latest twist in the labyrinthian belief system comes after dozens of JFK Jr. truthers — who waited for hours at Dealey Plaza for the Camelot scion to appear — went on to attend that night’s Rolling Stones concert at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas. Handfuls of JFK Jr. truthers wearing Tiffany Blue bandanas were spread throughout the audience.
Do you understand that this dangerous, experimental mRNA shit, is something totally different from genuine, legitimate vaccines, such as for flu?
Absolutely retarded.
You are the one living in fear. Fear that your own ignorance and intellectual incompetence keeps you mired in. Fear of “the poisons” that fully half of the world have taken. Lunacy. :cuckoo:
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Actually, Creepy was Joseph Smith fucking 14 year old girls because he convinced their deluded parents he could get them into the Celestial Heaven.

But I hit a nice soft spot with the Magic Underwear, didn't I?

Next stop! …. Zolob and the Celestial Temple. :th_dontgosmiley-1:
Remove the mandates and the problem is solved.
Drivers should be vaccinated. Massive increase in accidents by drivers who had covid.

My friend was killed after he flipped a USPS mail delivery truck on his delivery route his first day back after being sidelined with covid.

My family & I were crashed into & seriously injured by a unvaccinated covid infected zombi driver. We could not get into any overcrowded Tampa, FL hospitals after the crash.
Drivers should be vaccinated. Massive increase in accidents by drivers who had covid.

My friend was killed after he flipped a USPS mail delivery truck on his delivery route his first day back after being sidelined with covid.

My family & I were crashed into & seriously injured by a unvaccinated covid infected zombi driver. We could not get into any overcrowded Tampa, FL hospitals after the crash.
Cool story, bro. Just keep telling it until somebody believes it.
Drivers should be vaccinated. Massive increase in accidents by drivers who had covid.

My friend was killed after he flipped a USPS mail delivery truck on his delivery route his first day back after being sidelined with covid.

My family & I were crashed into & seriously injured by a unvaccinated covid infected zombi driver. We could not get into any overcrowded Tampa, FL hospitals after the crash.
Aka you blame the jab for the wreck That is Nonsense
How is the "covid game" played?
Ask them. That is what they were saying. Doctirvat UAB said he coild play golf and make as much money as surgery. Nurses talked about going to New York making tons of money as Everyone had covid whether they had it or not.

Some said they were killing people with the ventillators.

These are what they said as we tried for a year to get my wifes surgery.

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