To The Children Marching Today Across the USA...

Such a beautiful, wondrous sight today. DC streets filled, marches across the U.S., protesters in Toyko, Madrid, Paris, London, Sydney. You violence-supporting hoodlums will not prevail against the tide of humanity.
and yet your definition of right and wrong leaves a lot to desired.... basically it is "if you dont like what i like and dont agree with me....FUCK YOU!"....

No. I don't define Right and Wrong. Those were defined millenna ago. Whst I don't do is waste my time on peoole who don't agree with me.
because of what i said above...."if you dont like what i like and dont agree with me....FUCK YOU!"......
they are kids-----you are expecting too much

No, I'm not. At their age I was more thsn capable of understanding these things. I'd been taught Right and Wrong by my parents and my family.

very non specific--------I was a teen ---young adult in the 60s. I did take
part in a few demonstrations--------nothing violent, nothing obstructing
traffic. At that time I developed the viewpoint----that there are people
---my age at that time who would march in ANYTHING----In order to
gather a crowd------just make signs with pointing arrows that read
DEMONSTRATION. It was a kind of way to FRATERNIZE
------------------------------------- my experience also , i hitch hiked all over the USA . Hitch hiked to DC for some of the biggest anti war marches in the mid 60s . I was looking for 'hippie chicks' is what i was about and as far as the War . I wanted to use nukes on the enemy first and then blanket the enemy with NAPALM and and then Artillery and small arms fire . To me and my hitch hiking buddy the marches and protests were nothing but parties and a way to check out the Smithsonian Rosie .
So being an idiot isn`t something new to you. You`ve been there for decades and you`re proud of it.
These children are doing just what they are being told to do. The fault for this lands squarely on the parents.

The next time you parents get a note from school about parading your children around to push a political agenda, ask what teacher is teaching math that day, because that is where you prefer your child to be. Saturday? Homework.
Shame on you for allowing your children to be used.
Such a beautiful, wondrous sight today. DC streets filled, marches across the U.S., protesters in Toyko, Madrid, Paris, London, Sydney. You violence-supporting hoodlums will not prevail against the tide of humanity.
------------------------------------------------ and ALL are disarmed subjects with NO RIGHTS at all Lysis !!
they are kids-----you are expecting too much

No, I'm not. At their age I was more thsn capable of understanding these things. I'd been taught Right and Wrong by my parents and my family.

very non specific--------I was a teen ---young adult in the 60s. I did take
part in a few demonstrations--------nothing violent, nothing obstructing
traffic. At that time I developed the viewpoint----that there are people
---my age at that time who would march in ANYTHING----In order to
gather a crowd------just make signs with pointing arrows that read
DEMONSTRATION. It was a kind of way to FRATERNIZE
------------------------------------- my experience also , i hitch hiked all over the USA . Hitch hiked to DC for some of the biggest anti war marches in the mid 60s . I was looking for 'hippie chicks' is what i was about and as far as the War . I wanted to use nukes on the enemy first and then blanket the enemy with NAPALM and and then Artillery and small arms fire . To me and my hitch hiking buddy the marches and protests were nothing but parties and a way to check out the Smithsonian Rosie .
So being an idiot isn`t something new to you. You`ve been there for decades and you`re proud of it.
------------------------------------------ and then the lefties just start calling names and making abusive comments , happens all the time and seems to be Augusts mode of operation . You should be ashamed August .
These children are doing they are being told to do. The fault for this lands squarely on the parents.

The next time you parents get a note from school about parading your children around to push a political agenda, ask what teacher is teaching math that day, because that is where you prefer your child to be. Saturday? Homework.
Shame on you for allowing your children to be used.

Please develop your theory that these kids are "doing [what] they are being told to do," as opposed to seeing the situation for themselves?
Perhaps you are unaware that right-wingers attempt to indoctrinate kids all the time, kids of the same age as these teenagers or even elementary school. Right-wingers use their kids all of the time.
Such a beautiful, wondrous sight today. DC streets filled, marches across the U.S., protesters in Toyko, Madrid, Paris, London, Sydney. You violence-supporting hoodlums will not prevail against the tide of humanity.
------------------------------------------------ and ALL are disarmed subjects with NO RIGHTS at all Lysis !!

How stupid. The marchers want a decent society, not one overrun by hoodlums and scumbags. We all have a right to live in a civilized and peaceful society. The cheap, threatening scum from the NRA will not prevail.
and while i hope that these anti American march's are unsuccessful i never say never and i also don't count my chickens before they hatch . Stated simply for the record Ladies and Gents . [already 'jeff sessions' has decided to criminalize mere possession of Bump Stocks ] . And we have a legless republican politician / veteran that wants to ban the AR15 and semi autos as weapons of war . --- Republican, veteran and gun rights supporter Brian Mast says assault weapons should be banned --- yeah , he is an well paid taxpayer paid expert ready to ban the AR15 and probably other guns for Americans !!
Since 2013, there have been 35 kids killed in school shootings.
In that same span of time, there have been many hundreds of kids killed by heroin. But there won't be any marches on Washington, no Women's March involvement, no organized Democrat party protests.

I agree. Mass shootings are acceptable risk to be American

Such a beautiful, wondrous sight today. DC streets filled, marches across the U.S., protesters in Toyko, Madrid, Paris, London, Sydney. You violence-supporting hoodlums will not prevail against the tide of humanity.
------------------------------------------------ and ALL are disarmed subjects with NO RIGHTS at all Lysis !!
--------------- The marchers want a decent society, not one overrun by hoodlums and scumbags. We all have a right to live in a civilized and peaceful society. The cheap, threatening scum from the NRA will not prevail.
-------------------------------------- The societies you highlight are all inhabited by disarmed subjects / peasants with no RIGHTS and they are Herded about by heavily armed 'kings' queens , militaries [kings men] , politicians and other taxpayer funded Rulers Lysis !!
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Since 2013, there have been 35 kids killed in school shootings.
In that same span of time, there have been many hundreds of kids killed by heroin. But there won't be any marches on Washington, no Women's March involvement, no organized Democrat party protests.

I agree. Mass shootings are acceptable risk to be American


In the same way posting a Klan march on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin and calling it a "political convention" is an 'acceptable risk' to one's credibility....
Sorry, this dystopian puke-world where you just go around killing people willy nilly, does not exist outside your own fucked-up head.

You moronic, brain dead jackwad dictator boot licking imbecile excuse of a human.

In your supreme ignorance you totally FAIL to learn from HISTORY and understand how government tyranny and Communism has killed hundred of millions and instead, BEG for your rights (and everyone else's right) to defend themselves to be revoked because of a VERY RARE occurrence committed by only a HANDFUL of mentally ill lunatics a FEW times in history.

Your IQ has GOT to be so low that 1000 zeros behind it and it would STILL be negative.

When free morons beg to be slaves, those willing to give them their wish will line up, shackles in hand.

It is not at all surprising you continue to live on the Democrat Plantation.

Very nice comic book dialogue, Homer. However the point was that the OP is all about his own butthurt.
There's nothing you can do to change that.

I don't live on a "plantation", numb nuts. I simply call out Capital Butthurt when I see it.
So sue me.
don't you know anything about history . See Rwanda , 'pol pot' in cambodia , 'mao' in china , and the more recent chinese protests in china in around 1989 Lysis . See 'venezuela' today for a disarmed country of starving 'venzies' as 'maduro' and his Armed Militia eats and lives like Kings Lysis .
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Such a beautiful, wondrous sight today. DC streets filled, marches across the U.S., protesters in Toyko, Madrid, Paris, London, Sydney. You violence-supporting hoodlums will not prevail against the tide of humanity.

really? Tokyo, Madrid, Paris, London, and Sydney ??? what are the kids
"protesting" ?? are they chanting? What violence supporting hoodlums?
Anathema must have accidentally flipped it to the coverage on MSNBC.

Became massively triggered - Good! :)

Actually let's Begin the Butthurt here, right at the literal start of the OP:

You are a bunch of snot-nosed,

Butthurt will incite some weird emanations Where, one might inquie, does the OP keep his snot? In his ass?

It's instructive that the Bombastically Butthurt descend immediately into ad hominem without even articulating what the argument IS, let alone actually making one.

Ergo ---- 100% USDA prime unadulterated, Butthurt. :itsok:

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