To The Children Marching Today Across the USA...

and yet your definition of right and wrong leaves a lot to desired.... basically it is "if you dont like what i like and dont agree with me....FUCK YOU!"....

No. I don't define Right and Wrong. Those were defined millenna ago. Whst I don't do is waste my time on peoole who don't agree with me.

"I don't waste my time on people who don't agree with me"

That's hilarious - You should probably move into the woods and join a militia.

A political chat board is no place for you.
Don't encourage him, dude. He's a step away from being another unabomber.

Excellent point - thanks, someone needs to look after that one .. he's about one step away from going all Kaczynski.
Such a beautiful, wondrous sight today. DC streets filled, marches across the U.S., protesters in Toyko, Madrid, Paris, London, Sydney. You violence-supporting hoodlums will not prevail against the tide of humanity.

Why would protesters in Toyko, Madrid, Paris, London and Sydney matter to our discussion?
don't you know anything about history . See Rwanda , 'pol pot' in cambodia , 'mao' in china , and the more recent chinese protests in china in around 1989 Lysis . See 'venezuela' today for a disarmed country of starving 'venzies' as 'maduro' and his Armed Militia eats and lives like Kings Lysis .
----------------------------------- did you see the starving 'venzies' getting ready for a 'steak dinner in 'venezuela ?? --- Starving Venezuelas beat cattle to death with rocks | Daily Mail Online --- they were disarmed , they are staving . They killed the cow with rocks and sticks while 'maduro' eats the best of everything in his Palace Pogo .
blah... blah ..... blah.

#4. Who's gonna be 5?

del ends up being #5 for liking Pogo's post.

May I please be #6?

Get help dude

Oh no, that won't be enough. Everyone who even READ my post calling out the Dystopian Butthurt has to go on Ignore too. Even as we speak the OP is demanding that info from USMB.

Then the server that hosted it must be taken out to a field and sprayed with automatic rifle fire, then burned at the stake, its ashes buried, and those ashes loaded on a rocket which will then be fired into the sun --- yea, that any alternative view may be obliterated and the Dystopic Diarrhea may prevail, world without end, Amen.

More blankie! More blankie! :lalala:

You really have to wonder about an idiot who joins a DISCUSSION board only to then spend all his time ignore-listing everybody who challenges his view just so that he can live in Pointland.
Since 2013, there have been 35 kids killed in school shootings.
In that same span of time, there have been many hundreds of kids killed by heroin. But there won't be any marches on Washington, no Women's March involvement, no organized Democrat party protests.
Mass murder is okay because a lot more kids die from heroin. Idiot!
Mass murder is only bad to you if a gun was used.

Now I'm still waiting for you to tell us all how banning an AR-15 will do anything since there all all kinds of other similar rifles with just as much or more fire power. We are waiting....
----------------------------------- WELL , i think they will ban them also . Who needs an M1A or even an SKS , or Garand or an AK or a 'ruger mini 14 or a Ruger mini 30 for deer hunting Mike ??
Rights have nothing to do with needs.

By the way Dystopo-freak ----- you can't edit other people's posts just because you couldn't handle what it said.
Fucking Dumbass.
-------------------------------------------- cut him some slack eh , i have found my self ALMOST editing some boneheads post because i was in a hurry to teach him something or just make a comment POGO .

I don't give a fuck what hole you 'almost found yourself in' --- YOU CAN'T EDIT OTHER PEOPLE'S WORDS just because you can't handle what the words were. And it's MORE WORK to edit them than to just quote them, so get your dishonest wangly ass the hell out of here.
"Andrew Pollack -- whose daughter Meadow was killed at #MSD, tells me his son -- Meadow's brother -- is NOT allowed to speak at #MarchForOurLives
This is NOT about making our schools safe. This is about far-leftwing, progressive policies.. not safety. Disgusting"

As always ---- no link to no point.
------------------------------------------- i think that its a very good bit of info . I will have to check out this ANDREW POLLACK Gentleman and i suggest that other posters do the same checkout Pogo .
Such a beautiful, wondrous sight today. DC streets filled, marches across the U.S., protesters in Toyko, Madrid, Paris, London, Sydney. You violence-supporting hoodlums will not prevail against the tide of humanity.

really? Tokyo, Madrid, Paris, London, and Sydney ??? what are the kids
"protesting" ?? are they chanting? What violence supporting hoodlums?

Um.... the one in Florida.
And the one in Connecticut.
And the one in Pennsylvania.
And the one in Virginia.
And the ones in Colorado.
And the one in Oregon.
Etc, etc, etc....

yes----the American holiday----on the cusp of april fools day. What about

We'll build a wall for that flood. And Mexico will pay for it.
... **** You!!!!!

You are a bunch of snot-nosed, whiny, diaper wearing babies who have no clue about pretty much anything in this world. You've been sheltered your entire lives by helicopter parents, schools that refuse to teach you the realities of the world and a society that has refused to force you to accept that things don't always go your way. This started with the generation before you, and even in their mid to late twenties they're just as oblivious and worthless as you folks are.

NO, your right to "feel" safe does NOT override my Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It never has and hopefully never will. In fact you don' actually have s Right to ACTUAL Safety, never mind "feeling" safe.

Maybe some day you'll learn what real Safety and Security are. I doubt it, but it's possible. Probsbly after you get mugged or your basement apartment at grandma's house gets broken into and looted.

I truly believe thst your generation WILL see armed insurection on a National level in your lifetime. Just remember there's a difference between Concealment and Cover, and it's generally best to throw out the soiled underwear rather thsn trying to wash it.

The day we let kids DICTATE our RIGHTs and FREEDOMS is the day we are in serious trouble. It is pathetic how so many arrested development parents have allowed a bunch of kids spear head taking this Country down. Little do these little a.h ' realize it there are way, way to many gun owners and they ain't gonna give up their guns.

These are the same pos idiots parents and all who preach " SACE THE CHILDREN" but support having one ABORTION after another those Children they don't care about now do they.

These are your biggest HYPOCRITES in society , I wouldn't trust nor be associated with anybody that is an ANTI AMERICAN POS they will turn their backs on you in a heart beat and they would be the same losers who would call CPS on their alleged friends.

These are sickening group of American haters and if anybody is PARANOID these LOONS are the PARANOID scums......

Since 2013, there have been 35 kids killed in school shootings.
In that same span of time, there have been many hundreds of kids killed by heroin. But there won't be any marches on Washington, no Women's March involvement, no organized Democrat party protests.
Mass murder is okay because a lot more kids die from heroin. Idiot!
Mass murder is only bad to you if a gun was used.

Now I'm still waiting for you to tell us all how banning an AR-15 will do anything since there all all kinds of other similar rifles with just as much or more fire power. We are waiting....
----------------------------------- WELL , i think they will ban them also . Who needs an M1A or even an SKS , or Garand or an AK or a 'ruger mini 14 or a Ruger mini 30 for deer hunting Mike ??
Rights have nothing to do with needs.
------------------------------------------- AGREE Mike , my point is that the lefties argument will be . Hey , you don't NEED an M1A or a 70 year old SKS or a yada , yada , yada as already mentioned for hunting or self defense . If its a semi auto as ALL that i mention [plus more] are then it needs to be banned just like they want the the AR semi auto banned Mike .
Since 2013, there have been 35 kids killed in school shootings.
In that same span of time, there have been many hundreds of kids killed by heroin. But there won't be any marches on Washington, no Women's March involvement, no organized Democrat party protests.

I agree. Mass shootings are acceptable risk to be American

Not anymore.

Nothing has changed... But please, have at it


By the way Dystopo-freak ----- you can't edit other people's posts just because you couldn't handle what it said.
Fucking Dumbass.
-------------------------------------------- cut him some slack eh , i have found my self ALMOST editing some boneheads post because i was in a hurry to teach him something or just make a comment POGO .

I don't give a fuck what hole you 'almost found yourself in' --- YOU CAN'T EDIT OTHER PEOPLE'S WORDS just because you can't handle what the words were. And it's MORE WORK to edit them than to just quote them, so get your dishonest wangly ass the hell out of here.
I think you can edit other peoples words. It's really pretty simple.
Since 2013, there have been 35 kids killed in school shootings.
In that same span of time, there have been many hundreds of kids killed by heroin. But there won't be any marches on Washington, no Women's March involvement, no organized Democrat party protests.

I agree. Mass shootings are acceptable risk to be American

Fine. Why don't you sign up your kids for the next one?

No worries. These knuckleheads in the streets today are coming to a town near you and confiscating AR-15's right? That way they'll be no more school shootings... right?

The best part about these loons too is , they are doing exactly what Hitler created right before they took the guns. They're that stupid.
Since 2013, there have been 35 kids killed in school shootings.
In that same span of time, there have been many hundreds of kids killed by heroin. But there won't be any marches on Washington, no Women's March involvement, no organized Democrat party protests.

I agree. Mass shootings are acceptable risk to be American

Fine. Why don't you sign up your kids for the next one?

No worries. These knuckleheads in the streets today are coming to a town near you and confiscating AR-15's right? That way they'll be no more school shootings... right?


And they'll be marching up wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin --- right?

By the way Dystopo-freak ----- you can't edit other people's posts just because you couldn't handle what it said.
Fucking Dumbass.
-------------------------------------------- cut him some slack eh , i have found my self ALMOST editing some boneheads post because i was in a hurry to teach him something or just make a comment POGO .

I don't give a fuck what hole you 'almost found yourself in' --- YOU CAN'T EDIT OTHER PEOPLE'S WORDS just because you can't handle what the words were. And it's MORE WORK to edit them than to just quote them, so get your dishonest wangly ass the hell out of here.
----------------------------------------------- as i said , i think that the guy made a mistake is all it was POGO !!

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